What I’m Hearing on Miami’s Head Coaching Search - Sunday PM

Stefan Adams
2 min read
Miami’s search for their next head coach is officially underway. First off, Miami has no monetary obligation to Mark Richt; he did things the right way and completely cut ties with zero severance payments requested. Therefore, I’m told there is more money available to bring in what Blake James said is “the best guy for the job”. A good source tells me that Mario Cristobal has already confirmed his interest in the job with Miami. Another source tells me Manny Diaz reached out this morning just after the news broke to let UM brass know he was interested in the opening. A source inside Hecht tells me there is a segment of the athletic department that is pushing for Diaz and he has at least some internal support.

Blake James did not have a lot for us at the presser and I don’t think he was playing coy. He seemed really blindsided by Richt’s decision this morning and last night the mutual understanding between the two was that changes were necessary on offense, that was it. Richt made this decision late last night/early this morning. As such, a lot more will become clear in the coming days as things develop, and I’ve been told Miami wants this to be a quick search to hit the ground running for the last month of recruiting.

Comments (669)

Somebody here has to be a pilot or own some kind of plane that can get to Ames, Iowa by tomorrow.
No to Diaz, too soon. Bring me cristobal or Lane Kiffin over him.

You want to stop losing elite recruits and winning those type of recruitments? Go get cristobal who is a pitbull recruiter and one of the best of the business. You want passion? He definitely has it In coaching and recruiting
Miami’s search for their next head coach is officially underway. First off, Miami has no monetary obligation to Mark Richt; he did things the right way and completely cut ties with zero severance payments necessary. Therefore, I’m told there is more money available to bring in what Blake James said is “the best guy for the job”. A good source tells me that Mario Cristobal has already confirmed his interest in the job with Miami. Another source tells me Manny Diaz reached out this morning just after the news broke to let UM brass know he was interested in the opening. A source inside Hecht tells me there is a segment of the athletic department that is pushing for Diaz and he has a lot of internal support.

Blake James did not have a lot for us at the presser and I don’t think he was playing coy. He seemed really blindsided by Richt’s decision this morning and last night the understanding was changes were necessary on offense. A lot more will become clear in the coming days, and I’ve been told Miami wants this to be a quick search to hit the ground running for the last month of recruiting.

Thanks for the update! I know you’re giving us what you’ve heard, are you gonna post your opinion or wishlist?
I LOVE MANNY DIAZ, but enough with this current staff, we need someone outside and with experience as a HC. Please just stop this insanity, obviously people within this program want Manny, do you think Banda and Patke want to lose there Co DC titles
Richt handling his resignation this way was legitimately honorable. Hats off to him.

But holy **** at the apparent likelihood that our decision makers are going to rush this decision. The 2019 class is completely screwed regardless of which hire we make. We need to ensure we're making the best hire for the long-term prosperity of this program.

Rushing this decision is utter lunacy.