Staff Changes - 1/3 AM Update

Staff Changes - 1/3 AM Update

Stefan Adams

Comments (515)

LOL. @ cheating. WTF do you think Bama, UGA, **** the entire SEC is doing? I'm not saying we need to drop bags like the SEC but we need to get smarter with our hires. TTaylor has been in the trenches. Hes a war daddy in recruiting.

And as far as him being burnt out...hes probably burnt out from freaking being in some no name town, coaching a no name school that nobody cares about. He wants back in the action! Working at McDonalds at 16 will burn any teenager out until you get that first real gig working in the mall then you get a new energy about yourself! (bad analogy I know) But you get the point.

He didn't reach out to Diaz because hes burnt out from coaching. He wants another shot at the big leagues.

Btw, check is resume before you call him out. Hes coached numerous NFL Wrs including Dez Bryant while he was at Ok St.

Hello Tropper. Thanks for joining CIS. Did I ever say anyone was burnt out? I understand everyone cheats but we are Bama or Georgia. They don’t care if they cheat. NCAA cares if we cheat. He isn’t worth the risk.
Just got whoop's PM...absolutely incredible.
I’m always hesitant on guys who had a good rep 5 years ago but disappeared to obscurity.

Remember all the great plaudits about Jethro Franklin from the bozos on here? USC, bro!! NFL, bro!! Yeah, but why’s he on the scrap heap RIGHT NOW when we are hiring him?

Lets get down the brass tax..he has a horrible rep. Was banished to exile in Arky state and now wants another shot at the big leagues. Maybe hes ready? Maybe he was looking for the perfect job. Maybe he knows Miami is building something special and wants in?

All I know is that if we want to stop losing the big time recruits in South Florida anytime soon, getting guys like Seider and Taylor on staff will help with that. And lets be frank, doesn't look like Manny is gun shy on firing anyone who doesn't pan out. So its high reward-low risk.

Trooper has wanted to be here since the Shannon days when Shannon told him "**** NO! The guy wears his hat backwards!" Smh.
Thanks for the PM.

You have got to be kidding me.

Oh God, this place is gonna blow up!!!

whip's "**** it, we're going deep" offense would be an improvement. actually curious (in more of a morbid way) to see what it could do with a quarterback that can get the ball downfield.
LOL. @ cheating. WTF do you think Bama, UGA, **** the entire SEC is doing? I'm not saying we need to drop bags like the SEC but we need to get smarter with our hires. TTaylor has been in the trenches. Hes a war daddy in recruiting.

And as far as him being burnt out...hes probably burnt out from freaking being in some no name town, coaching a no name school that nobody cares about. He wants back in the action! Working at McDonalds at 16 will burn any teenager out until you get that first real gig working in the mall then you get a new energy about yourself! (bad analogy I know) But you get the point.

He didn't reach out to Diaz because hes burnt out from coaching. He wants another shot at the big leagues.

Btw, check is resume before you call him out. Hes coached numerous NFL Wrs including Dez Bryant while he was at Ok St.

I say we need to drop bags 😂
Hello Tropper. Thanks for joining CIS. Did I ever say anyone was burnt out? I understand everyone cheats but we are Bama or Georgia. They don’t care if they cheat. NCAA cares if we cheat. He isn’t worth the risk.

If you ain’t cheating you ain’t trying