Staff Changes - 1/3 AM Update

Staff Changes - 1/3 AM Update

Stefan Adams

Comments (515)

Too bad we just (supposedly) forked over $4M to Temple. If they tell Fedora next week "you got a $3M budget to hire staff here now" he may be swayed; if they say $1.5M he may say "see ya" (hopefully).

(edit: I'm working on a Suede Fedora pun (swayed...) - stay close to your downvote buttons.)
if we hit on these names we're hearing, we're back in the game, these are street savages
Sorry, but Thomas is a no-go IMO, you don't trash your alma mater like he did at L'ville and then come back.
If he was a stud coach, I would be able to look past it — but he’s not. He’s a dime a dozen.
Too bad we just (supposedly) forked over $4M to Temple. If they tell Fedora next week "you got a $3M budget to hire staff here now" he may be swayed; if they say $1.5M he may say "see ya" (hopefully).
keep in mind Baker is getting paid probably less than half of what Diaz just was as DC (he was only making 140k at LA tech

and there's no way Diaz is making the 4 mil that Richt was making

the program has money and willing to spend it clearly
If Fedora really is shopping for something better, do we really want that? Isn’t it Kinda like how we get played by recruits? If Apples is ready to rock, I’m thinking we pull the trigger. Don’t we deserve somebody who’s gonna put their souls into it instead of surfing the Webb each time a job opens?
He's been at Ark St for 4 years. That's a head scratcher. Why the move there after his rep was super high back in his SEC days?
I’m always hesitant on guys who had a good rep 5 years ago but disappeared to obscurity.

Remember all the great plaudits about Jethro Franklin from the bozos on here? USC, bro!! NFL, bro!! Yeah, but why’s he on the scrap heap RIGHT NOW when we are hiring him?
If Fedora really is shopping for something better, do we really want that? Isn’t it Kinda like how we get played by recruits? If Apples is ready to rock, I’m thinking we pull the trigger. Don’t we deserve somebody who’s gonna put their souls into it instead of surfing the Webb each time a job opens?

he's shopping for a HC job. that's differenet

and it's WAY different than recruits playing games. This is an OC who will have a major impact on our W-L in 2019. Very rarely will the average recruit make a difference in W-L
Fedora is 57, he’s probably got one more shot as a HC

He goes to Temple and ***** up, he’s not gonna get another chance at a big time program

But if he comes here and lights it up like expected, he’s gonna be in demand by much larger programs

Why go to Temple and try to win with ****** recruits when he couldn’t win with UNC ones?

This is good point. Right now Fedora is damaged goods as a head coach. Any job he takes is a reputation reclamation project. If he takes the HC coaching position at Temple, he's going to have to maintain the standard set by the last few guys that the Temple administration and fanbase have come to expect. 8 wins minimum and compete for AAC championships. There is no wiggle room for their next head coach. They have to come in and win big right away. They want to be UCF now, they're no longer interested in being "good for Temple" anymore.

If he takes the UM OC position, he's still going to be under intense scrutiny but let's be honest, he'd be taking over for a guy who finished 105th in offense. If he could make UM's offense even respectable, I'd do back flips. He'd only have to focus on one side of the ball and he wouldn't have to deal with all the promotional garbage that goes along with being a head coach. (one of the many reasons I believe Richt spread himself too thin). If he can make Miami's offense explosive and exciting, he'll have his choice of P5 job openings in two years. (You're kidding yourself if you think Fedora isn't using either of these two jobs as a stepping stone, you're crazy).
I will say this if Temple wants a guy who'll stay a while and be loyal Goldens their guy. He's the only one who'd actually want to stay
If Fedora really is shopping for something better, do we really want that? Isn’t it Kinda like how we get played by recruits? If Apples is ready to rock, I’m thinking we pull the trigger. Don’t we deserve somebody who’s gonna put their souls into it instead of surfing the Webb each time a job opens?

Our offer surely has a time limit. Maybe at the end of today. By tomorrow we’ll have Fedora or Apples.
@Stefan Adams if you got the Trooper Taylor info from my post, I was being facetious.

Lol that would be WILD.

/anybody but turncoat LT