Staff Changes - 1/2 AM Update

Staff Changes - 1/2 AM Update

Stefan Adams

Comments (380)

I’ve somehow missed this but has Jonh Richt officially been fired?
Right! Just like he cleaned up the last time he was here? Nah

In his defense no one could sale Al Golden's program. You can be the greatest car salesman in the world but if you got a lot full of 82 pintos your not going to be very successful
Seider to me seems like a pipedream because of the money he is making. But Manny maybe just wants that one guy on the staff who is a recruiting ace who he is willing to pay a lot for.
These mfs some straight drama queens man. God forbid Diaz does his due diligence when picking his first OC as head coach
and god forbid a coach like Fedora does his due dilligence

Miami isn't the only gig in the world. Fedora is in play and everyone knows Miami wants him. He would be a fool not to see what he can leverage.
man if we get Fedora and Seider holy ****tt
Everyone is so down on Golden. While he wasn’t perfect, You have to give him credit. At least when he got fired he took Coley down with him.
Agreed 100%

You are naive if you think Banda will be as good as Manny is. Manny is a CEO now. He should seek to hire someone better than he that he can hold them to a even higher standard. Hiring one of your flunkies who has never called Defensive plays is settling. A major mistake.

A defensive coordinator with only 3 years of Collegiate coaching experience is bad for recruiting Optics. Can you imagine the negative recruiting? "Well, their defensive coordinator has never called plays. The defensive coordinator has only been coaching for three years."

So Manny is just gonna sit around and let his D underperform to his standard?
This D will continue to have his fingerprints all over it, albeit indirectly.
Seider to me seems like a pipedream because of the money he is making. But Manny maybe just wants that one guy on the staff who is a recruiting ace who he is willing to pay a lot for.

I doubt money will be an object if this is the guy Manny really wants.
Coley seems like the perfect slime ball for Manny to deploy into the dark underworld of south Florida recruiting.

I’d take him back, but he shouldn’t be the OC. There are better options there.

I guess I had my head in the clouds back then, but I just don't recall Coley being an ace recruiter when he was here.
Perhaps the underperformance of his offense overshadowed it.
Assuming for the sake of my post that Rumph stays on staff, that gives us 5 spots left for on-field coaches, correct? Our defensive staff is Banda, Patke, Simpson, and Rumph. Diaz CEO.

We need to have someone @ OC, QB, RB, WR, TE, OL, and Special Teams.

Let's say Fedora agrees to come as OC. I'm assuming he won't coach a position group.

Only way I'm OK with bringing Coley back is as QB coach - I feel like he did a decent job at developing QB's and his recruiting ability has been discussed on this forum like crazy. Say he comes as QB coach / Passing Game Coordinator. I'm OK with that - are you? If no, I'm assuming Ponce or Ken Dorsey would pick up the phone. At this point Dorsey isn't just a former Cane to throw on the sidelines, he's a seasoned coaching professional. I think it would be wise to at least have a chat with him. It just makes a lot of sense.

I love the idea of bringing Seider in to coach running backs. That's a home run, even if only for recruiting benefit. But his RB's produce as well, and he was groomed by Holgerson (muahahaha).

So that leaves us two coaches to lead the WR, TE, OL, and Special Teams groups. Plus there was talk of a dedicated DC which IMO would be a VERY wise move. Unless Diaz really feels Banda is ready...but can he take that chance?

Perhaps you have a WR/TE and OL/TE coach combo, and bring in a guy solely dedicated to special teams?

Or you bring in a DC, have WR/TE and/or OL/TE, and Special Teams is assigned to one of our existing staff guys?

What are your thoughts on piecing together this puzzle? Who should we be going after for WR coach? Is Fedora tied to his own guys in these capacities?

I'm assuming we're not going to be limited by money, so Manny may as well go after the best of the best.

Or you do what the big programs do. Have your OC/QB's coach, WR's, TE's coach, OL, RB and ST coach on the field on game day, but at practice you have "analysts" coaching each position individually. Same thing on defense, you have a DB's coach, LBs, DL, and D coordinator. And at practice you have a coach for CB's, Safeties, Inside LB's, Outside LB's, DT's and ends.
Seider to me seems like a pipedream because of the money he is making. But Manny maybe just wants that one guy on the staff who is a recruiting ace who he is willing to pay a lot for.

I doubt money will be an object if this is the guy Manny really wants.
If it ends up being Coley, does that give us a chance with Fields?

I say stay away from Justin fields. He signed with the school that recently competed in the national championship game with a freshman quarterback. He was previously committed to Penn State where he would have only waited for one year to take over the starting job after Chase McSorley graduated. Yet, he decommitted from Penn State. There were other schools where the quarterback situation was better for someone in his position, but he chose to sign with Georgia. Now he is exploring transferring. Why? Because he couldn't beat out a national championship game quarterback. Justin Fields can still red shirt. From is likely leaving after the 2019 season. Justin Fields will have three years to start if he is the best quarterback on the roster. Yet, he doesn't want to earn it. He wants it given to him. The guy is a diva of Epic Proportions. Bringing him to your program is introducing a virus to your computer, which contains the cure to cancer.
Barring contract delays, I’d expect to hear something announced by the end of the week at offensive coordinator. Coming out of the holidays, I’ve heard former UNC head coach Larry Fedora is indeed the leading candidate. I’m told there’s mutual interest here and Manny is working hard to make it happen. I also heard Fedora turned down the FSU OC job earlier this offseason, so he's truly looking for a place that's the right fit.

The other name I’ve heard thrown around is former Miami OC and current Georgia co-OC James Coley. At least one current staffer is pushing for Coley to get the job. I’m told Manny is absolutely out to make a splash with the hire and is thinking big. For this reason, if Miami can’t come to terms with Fedora, I’d expect other names to emerge first before Coley becomes a leading candidate.

Since Manny won’t settle for anyone too green, if Louisville QB coach Frank Ponce joins the staff, I’m told it would be in the same capacity, not as OC.

For RB coach, I can confirm Miami’s top target is Penn State RB coach Ja’Juan Seider, and there’s mutual interest coming from both sides. The biggest issue is going to be coming to an agreeable figure on the financial side. This is in the early stages so still a lot developing here.

because of the past 15 years, so hard to great excited about this us don't tell us!