Spring football podcast with D Money and Austin Pfenninger

Peter Ariz
Peter Ariz
1 min read
I am joined by D Money and former Miami wide receiver Austin Pfenninger to talk spring football. We break down each position.


Comments (51)

Pete should do a podcast with The Franchise. it would break the internet.
Dorsey aka Noodle Arm. I thought that was pretty funny. Also which one of you were at the laundry mat?
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Don't worry fellas, I will stop my manspreading, and make plenty of room for you on the Evan Shirreff bandwagon.
great podcast...interesting comments about Choc, Mayes and Jackson. would love to see these guys step up with experience and quality coaching. Also, can't believe that Owens will not outwork folks. He and those others from 904 are something special and he started that train!!! He seems to lead by example!
great podcast...interesting comments about Choc, Mayes and Jackson. would love to see these guys step up with experience and quality coaching. Also, can't believe that Owens will not outwork folks. He and those others from 904 are something special and he started that train!!! He seems to lead by example!

If Owens regains his speed he is starting caliber. He was a safety in high school.
great podcast...interesting comments about Choc, Mayes and Jackson. would love to see these guys step up with experience and quality coaching. Also, can't believe that Owens will not outwork folks. He and those others from 904 are something special and he started that train!!! He seems to lead by example!

If Owens regains his speed he is starting caliber. He was a safety in high school.
Tough break. Feels like a Malcolm Lewis situation. Would have been a multi year starter and solid contributor but just unable to really bounce back.
great podcast...interesting comments about Choc, Mayes and Jackson. would love to see these guys step up with experience and quality coaching. Also, can't believe that Owens will not outwork folks. He and those others from 904 are something special and he started that train!!! He seems to lead by example!

If Owens regains his speed he is starting caliber. He was a safety in high school.
Tough break. Feels like a Malcolm Lewis situation. Would have been a multi year starter and solid contributor but just unable to really bounce back.

He looked so slow and lumbering vs West Virginia when Pinckney left.

Still holding out hope. Kid was the goods before the injury.
So, Shirreffs has the same arm strength Kaaya had ... Was the most athletic QB ... Was the hardest worker, who didn't make mistakes ... Had the best accuracy of any QB on the roster, including Kaaya ... Yet, Shirreffs NEVER saw the field???

Is that what I heard in that podcast???

... I guess I'll just have to keep hearing and reading about the "legend of Evan Shirreffs" until he finally transfers, or Rosier, Allison, Weldon, and Perry make it clear that he has no shot at the top spot.

And is anyone else shocked that a walk-on WR thinks the guy who threw him the most balls last year is his favorite to be the starting QB next year?
And is anyone else shocked that a walk-on WR thinks the guy who threw him the most balls last year is his favorite to be the starting QB next year?

I believe that Jack Allison got the most scout-team reps last year.
We don't have to hear KrazyCane rant about Kaaya anymore but luckily we have MIATL's obsession with Shirreffs to keep us entertained.

I'm just looking for a logical explanation for why a guy with the talent and skills you guys seem to be lauding couldn't beat out Rosier for the 2nd spot, when y'all continue to dump on Rosier's talent.

CMR owes Rosier NOTHING. Wasn't his recruit. Doesn't need to keep him on the roster. If Shirreffs was the guy y'all claim, why keep Rosier?

Between Shirreffs, Allison, Weldon, Testaverde, and DiBiase, they have enough "arms" to get through spring without Rosier. But, instead ... He's getting the 1st team reps.

I'll take all the downvotes y'all want to give, but I just don't get the Shirreffs hype.

Athletic, strong arm, smart, tall, accurate, does all the small things, heady ... Sounds like the guy should be the automatic starter, the way y'all talk about him. But he likely won't be above 3rd team ...

It's not adding up, to me.

Just seems like y'all "like" him. And when we "like" folks, sometimes it's hard to be objective, IMO.