Fall Practice Summary - Day 1

Fall Practice Summary - Day 1

Stefan Adams

Comments (267)

Really. Everyone including CIS and other media seem to he making a big deal out of it
I don't see that. I think everyone was waiting to see who stepped out on the field first, but we all know it will be a couple more weeks until the starter is named and it will probably be Kiosi or Tate. They had to trot someone out first. Is it a sign that Tate came out first, no one knows, but time will tell. I trust our coaches much more than my personal opinion. :11263272045-489f4f7972-o:
I'm not saying now, I agree with you but we can't afford to wait with the turds coming right out of the gate. QB1 has to have chemistry with the rest of the 1st team, as well as Enos implementing the offense with that QB as much and as in depth as possible.
Like it or not, they are going to give the guys the requisite chance to distinguish themselves. Two weeks.
It’s the first day in helmets and shorts. The main thing I was looking for with Tate was whether he was more comfortable and balanced dropping from under center. He passed that test.

That’s what I said also his footwork and decision making is miles ahead from Spring. Why do people complicate this so much?
I don't see that. I think everyone was waiting to see who stepped out on the field first, but we all know it will be a couple more weeks until the starter is named and it will probably be Kiosi or Tate. They had to trot someone out first. Is it a sign that Tate came out first, no one knows, but time will tell. I trust our coaches much more than my personal opinion. :11263272045-489f4f7972-o:

Again only after practice one we need Scaife at a T spot. Very concerned there
when a former player who was a friend of a friend (he was on the fins for a bit and played under golden from the space coast area) was on the team, he'd tell us that they'd get the tapes for upcoming games like 2 weeks in advance (big games) and if its like BCU they'd get two tapes (1 for BCU and 1 for the following weeks game) and coaches would tell them to focus more on the bigger game. i imagine they've been prepping for UF for a while now tbh (at least the QBs in what they'll see, what to expect, etc). my biggest concern is the OL from the mckinnie and romberg reports. they worked w them 1 on 1 and they were lost as all ****.
Yeah and that's another reason I want to see Tate playing. With a porous OL, we need him.
Like it or not, they are going to give the guys the requisite chance to distinguish themselves. Two weeks.

as they should. i think im very clear on the decision not being made so hastily esp since none of them have pulled away from spring and even from yesterday. they've improved and all had their moments but none of them were at the point where you could make the decision.
Like it or not, they are going to give the guys the requisite chance to distinguish themselves. Two weeks.

This. They want one of them to step up to the point that the decision is clear and easy - for everyone.
The tackles overall are definitely a concern at this point, I'm just hoping one of them locks down their spot. Usually o lines play better as a season progresses so by midseason a guy like herbert could be, at that point, playing very well.........I pray.
Can we flip the script and acknowledge how impressive it is for Zion to come in and appear to take LT as a freshman? Huge props.

Tyron Smith frame and athleticism. Hopefully he has it between the ears as well.
It was widely reported that Williams was contemplating transferring. Can’t remember if Kosi was involved in transfer rumors, but he did his fair share a ******* up last season.

so what? That was MONTHS ago and frankly, given what was going on with the team at that point, I would have had my kid on transfer watch too.
Don't the coaches have 2 hours or something like that with the guys each week? They do have a limited time to interact with them AWAY from the ball.....
Marshall Few for team MVP, calling it now

Serious question, Austin. Is Few a guy who can legit play for us in ACC play? Looks in the Twitter clips I’ve seen of practice like he really belongs out there. Is he just a practice player or does he have the body and athleticism to really get out there and play?
If Scaife stays at OG, it means Reed must really not be good. Because we are grasping for OTs and Scaife would easily help solve that issue by holding down one side, at least to a basic level of competence.

That would be the most disappointing development imo. Reed was supposed to be a star and some even thought he would play a lot as a TF. Thought he would have locked down that G spot easily by now.