Diaz stops Wed. practice at one point for lack of effort, talks McCloud redshirt

Diaz stops Wed. practice at one point for lack of effort, talks McCloud redshirt

Stefan Adams

Comments (326)

As alpha as Quarterman tries to come off, he doesn't have that Jon Beason dog in him—and Pinckney seems more concerned with flossing on Instagram stories and his high-priced outfits, more than he does being a leader on Saturdays.

I hate calling those two out all the time, but there it is.
This is cool to read honestly.
Don't believe Wisconsin has had a recruiting class finish in the top 25 rankings in the last 10 years, but they're able to field a team that's tough as nails and competes at the highest level.
This coaching staff needs to do their due diligence and go out and find Ed Reed type players. Guys that are 2-3 stars that want to get their hands dirty, play hard and be coached up. Tired of these 4-5 star prima donnas who come in and don't want to work and never pan out.
But only OUR 4 and 5 star players dont want to work. Other schools dont have this problem.
The players don't respect Manny and clearly aren't buying into his system. The lack of effort in practice after that CMU disaster is yet another indictment of Manny. I thought he was a bad hire, but this is a total train wreck.
Something is definitely off.
If it were that big of a problem, Manny wouldn't be airing it publically.
Only so much the coaches can do it. As a football player and a competitor you have got to want to play with an edge at some point. The great ones shouldn’t NEED to be pushed to want to do well.
i don’t think it’s that, imo its pure laziness. Guys thinking they didn’t do anything wrong so it’s not on them. Look how lackluster the defense came out vs unc. You can’t tell me it didn’t look like they got the big head feeling over confident and took unc lightly. Then even in the last game with visible inconsistencies. my thing is no matter if you played good or not you lost at the end of the day, don’t pat yourself on the back and act like your sh*t doesn’t stink. We did that too often defensively last year imo and it was to the point where they thought they could do no wrong And feeling like they arrived.

Offensively we go as our oline go, if they don’t block it will be a long day. Everyone needs to play better and with more passion. There’s no reason for this to still be a thing right now with everything to play for with ACC play starting. Got to be self motivated at the end of the day.

I don’t know about your experience, but in my personal experience, this is a sign of weak coaches that don’t command respect.

I played on a talented state championship team that should have competed for three straight titles. We only won one my sophomore year and steadily declined the next two years from state champs to a .500 and first round playoff defeat.

The teams were equally talented and coaching staff the same except for the head coach, who left due to a better paying job and disputes with boosters. The system stayed the same.

Our championship coach was a leader of men. Our losing coach was not. Complacency set in and there was no leadership to turn the tide.

To have self disciplined teams, there has to be respect for the head coach. The guys on the team who worked hard ended up at odds with the less disciplined players and it fractured the team.

There is a lot of talk about the players taking loafing players behind the woodshed to get them in line. When we did that, it resulted in a broken locker room and culminated with an embarrassing fight among teammates on the sideline of a bad loss to a championship level rival. Just because those guys are lazy doesn’t mean they are weak and can be bullied by their peers.

The player discipline is only effective if the coaching (teaching and leadership) is strong, i.e. the Miami Hurricanes of the 80s and early 90s.

If anyone has experience with a player lead team turning around complacency for a large contingency of malcontents with a weak head coach, I would like to know. I don’t think it is possible myself.
Will you be hosting a blanket party for the CIS Donkey???

Open invitation anytime.....

just bring him by....I've got lots of space....


.and the best thing it's very secluded ....just tell Donk we're gonna play baseball and practice our swings
Wish Al Blades was like his father. His father whooped people's asses that didn't pull their weight. Where's the Al Blades on this team? Shaq? Pink? Who is the Cane that wants the smoke 24/7? The coaches need to tighten up too. Who runs playaction from their own two? Oh that's right, Enos.
Can’t remember but on one of the plays in the game his arm was hanging . Jarren is a tough kid though no doubt . If I’m a defensive player i would beat the oline *** as he was getting hit and they wasn’t even helping him up

Bruh when I saw Zion doing that skipping **** then jogs to the huddle and not help Jarren I was praying Jarren grabbed his face in the huddle and tore Zion a new one. I’ve never seen something like that. Ever.
Wish Al Blades was like his father. His father whooped people's asses that didn't pull their weight. Where's the Al Blades on this team? Shaq? Pink? Who is the Cane that wants the smoke 24/7? The coaches need to tighten up too. Who runs playaction from their own two? Oh that's right, Enos.

Jaquan and Redwine were probably the closest to old school leaders we've had. Their absence has led to this diffusion of responsibility that is the 2019 Canes.
Glad to see that McCloud will be back next year.
If it were that big of a problem, Manny wouldn't be airing it publically.

It's a massive black hole sized problem. He is losing the team 4 games into his first season. It's bad enough to suck. It's another level of problem when you suck and don't care. Players don't respect him...probably because they know him and know he isn't qualified.
It's a massive black hole sized problem. He is losing the team 4 games into his first season. It's bad enough to suck. It's another level of problem when you suck and don't care. Players don't respect him...probably because they know him and know he isn't qualified.

He lost team in Orlando. Same as the LSU game the year before.

Blake James needs to gtfo for neglecting his responsibilities as AD as well