Diaz comments on second scrimmage

Diaz comments on second scrimmage

Stefan Adams

Comments (412)

I don’t disagree at all on the strategy, but I thought I remembering reading a Manny quote this Spring that stated they want to announce a starter as soon as possible.

It’s anyones guess at this point. I also think there could be some truth to Manny over/understating his reactions and actual performance on the scrimmages

We will hear from Manny in the next couple of days on the starter, I think.

Not doing so might not help whoever's left out. He will want to accomodate their transfer request this semester if needed.
Huh? Did we practice against FIU the last 3 years? You can’t possibly believe what you just wrote..

This is a 1st year offense i'm not sure what the last 3 years has to do with that fact.
Seems like it would be impossible to keep a starting QB under wraps for 2 weeks straight. Even if they block media from practices, all it takes is one random person to walk near practice, see which QB is running with the ones, and leak it out. Not to mention the Gators, who have the most at stake, would have their own ways of finding out. Just doesn’t seem possible to me.
I haven’t seen this type of no access to anyone on a long time. Remember Matt Dougherty and why he was fired. Manny will not tolerate leaks. We will see
I don’t disagree at all on the strategy, but I thought I remembering reading a Manny quote this Spring that stated they want to announce a starter as soon as possible.

It’s anyones guess at this point. I also think there could be some truth to Manny over/understating his reactions and actual performance on the scrimmages

Yeah but he can change his mind. Is it 8/24 yet?!!!
Dammit man, that's why I thought Evan Neal was the biggest L recruiting wise last cycle. He would have significantly upgraded our OL.
Sounds like in the first half our expected elite defense whipped up on what is expected to be our shtty Oline causing our unknown factors at QB to have a myriad of problems generating an offense....

Then in the second half our what is expected to be elite defense felt bad beating up on what is expected to be our shtty Oline and eased up which allowed uor unknown factors at QB to finally move the ball allowing what is expected to be our fairly elite skill position players to make a myriad of plays which led to several touchdowns..
NO. Defense must never let up. Need killer mentality. That was Miami football under Jimmy Johnson. Must be just as tough on your own teammates. Beat the **** out of them.

That was the old Miami mentality.
yes - exactly what I am thinking...... I listened to that video twice. Our RBs ran all over the field . so what was the issue with the offense? Passing? catching the ball? If Hill had multiple sacks it sounds like the tackles didn't stop much.
Some of our best '80's teams would give up a dozen sacks in a practice scrimmage.
“Very disappointing in the way that you started to see the ‘far away’ look in some guys on the offense, things we’re trying to eradicate from our program. We had a feeling the disease wasn’t fully cured.”

That’s the best thing from this entire interview. Get that weak **** away from this program. He’s right that mentality needs to be exterminated.

When a man uses aggressive terms like “disease” and “eradicating” said disease from the program he means business. Curious to watch what you evolve into young Diaz
Look through that long statement by Manny and virtually all the deficiencies he identified were on the mental side. Manny knows what needs to be fixed.
Manny is trolling y’all. 😂😂😂. First starters, it’s pointless to put any substantial intel on the internet like that. Why offer up specifics on deficiency or weaknesses to your competition so easily. That’s something you discuss in private. Secondly, Joe had a smirk on in the video while interviewing Manny. Coach is playing the game y’all.

Lol don’t be a homer. We know the ol sucks. Nothing will change that right now. This isn’t some next level chess. Miami has issues going into uf that will likely improve as we go on, but for uf, it’ll be an offensive struggle.
Or the offense was just trash
I don't believe that and we have some insane running backs. Homer had almost thousand yards with a mediocre OL. I think this year's OL will not be any worse. We've got maybe four RBs who can dominate, especially if Burns and Lingard come back from injury. Passing game cannot be any worse. We might not he great but we,'ll be better than trash.
I don't believe that and we have some insane running backs. Homer had almost thousand yards with a mediocre OL. I think this year's OL will not be any worse. We've got maybe four RBs who can dominate, especially if Burns and Lingard come back from injury. Passing game cannot be any worse. We might not he great but we,'ll be better than trash.
And yet last night they were trash. Manny isn’t playing 6D inter dimensional chess, he’s straight up saying last night the offense was trash
To be honest I am glad to hear the defense was in control! We should expect that and I would be worried otherwise. Not really sweating the offense as a lot of people are. Remember everything the offense runs the “D” has probably seen 10 times over. So they should have a major advantage. Manny and Enos have this under control and you know they have a really good idea the direction they plan to go. I do have to say that I was leaning Tate at the beginning, but Jarren has showed up and would love to seem him get his shot.
Note my numerous comments on our past great teams. Defense almost always dominated in practice.
Manny is playing the fan base and the media like a fiddle and it’s the most hilarious thing to watch. The responses are vague and calculated but that’s the intent. Couple of things to notice and consider here.

“I saw some guys lead some good touchdown drives in the second”
Notice how Manny doesn’t specify exactly who lead the majority of TD drives, he uses “guys” plural but never specified who lead the most TDs.

I think Jarren [Williams] hit one to Will Mallory,
Could be Manny naming the starting QB, and it can also be a very memorable play. Never specifies

I still like the running of DeeJay Dallas. I think he has been consistent throughout camp. That has been encouraging.”
Refutes the question on what he’s seen with first team QBs with a statement on the RB. One can make the interpretation that none of the QBs particularly stood out and that the new offense will be heavy run, RPO and PO pass.

“I look forward to watching the film”
Most Important statement said, I’m not buying that this scrimmage was the end all be all on selecting a QB. Many things to be taken into consideration
- Offensive line play.
- Florida being extremely thin at DB.
- Matchup advantages to exploit.
- QB who keeps their emotions in check. Which Diaz alludes to at the end.

At the end I’m rooting for the best man to win. I can see a scenario in which all of them start for different reasons, including Nkosi, but you can’t sit here and convince me that Manny who took what felt like decades to name the OC and staff, is going to name the QB after this scrimmage, him and Enos will evaluate film. I suggest you don’t take calculated vague responses and Barry’s “UM Source” at face value.

And yet last night they were trash. Manny isn’t playing 6D inter dimensional chess, he’s straight up saying last night the offense was trash
You don't know they were trash. You didn't see the scrimmage. All you got was Manny's spin. No matter how good a scrimmage really is, Manny will always dwell on any deficiencies or shortcomings.

You're just like so many neurotic fans on here.

Saban always complains about practices.

I think a lot of it is coachspeak. Every coach will always talk about things that still need work.

Scrimmage might have been far from great, but I doubt it was "trash "

Defense freaking awesome(as expected)
We are a second half team on offensive(adjustments)😉
Canes 17 Gayturds 10