Details on Friday meeting between Blake James and large donors

Details on Friday meeting between Blake James and large donors


Comments (923)

This is yet another ridiculous "hot-****e-take". We are 9-4, to finish under .500 (assuming a first-round ACC Tournament loss), we would need to go 6-11 over the remaining ACC schedule.

We will win more than 6 games in the remaining schedule. We will easily beat BC, GT, Wake, and Cuse, and three of those are at home. We can do better than 2-11 with the rest of the schedule.
HAHAHAHAH at easily beat any ACC school. Man sometimes I really wonder what yall are watching compared to the rest of us.
Per a source with knowledge of the meeting, a group of high-level donors met with Blake James on Friday. The purpose of the meeting was to offer significant money if Manny was willing to make necessary changes.

Most notably, the group wanted Alonzo Highsmith to take on a general manager role that would usurp some of Blake and Manny’s power over the football program. One booster even offered to pay Highsmith’s salary for two years. Blake refused and instead offered a more traditional “chief of staff” role that was mostly administrative in nature.

Highsmith is not expected to accept the offer and instead is in discussions with Mario Cristobal at Oregon.

The fact that a booster offered to pay for 2 years of Highsmith's service is scary insofar as it demonstrates that there isn't a cohesive plan to make UM excellent. This sounds more like ad-hoc, seat-of-the-pants stuff. Scary.
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It is very easy Inspector Clouseau, name your source and provide a link. What I've noticed about you is how animated you become when people point out your lies. In poker, we call that a tell.

Most importantly...

As for the Autism comment, many people have family members, friends and associates afflicted with Autism, and I can assure you that despite your stunning lack of intelligence, which is typically a good excuse for your demented behavior, they will not find anything remotely funny about your supremely dumb comment.
Listen RainMan, I’m not gonna do your investigative work for you but since your metal decline is so steep I’ll attach two articles for you to “try” to read since I know using the internet is a challenge for you baby boomer. Lol good luck and just think of it as a workout for your diseased early onset dementia brain sport! Haha
The fact that a booster offered to pay for 2 years of Highsmith's service is scary insofar as it demonstrates that their isn't a cohesive plan to make UM excellent. This sounds more like ad-hoc, seat-of-the-pants stuff. Scary.

Exactly. And how easy would that be to do? Actually organizing a small committee who develops a strategic plan to rescue the football program makes too much sense. Organizing committees and calling meetings is what administrators seemingly do best and certainly what they do all the time. So indeed it is scary that after 15 years in the doldrums this hasn't been done at UM to fix the football program.
The fact that a booster offered to pay for 2 years of Highsmith's service is scary insofar as it demonstrates that there isn't a cohesive plan to make UM excellent. This sounds more like ad-hoc, seat-of-the-pants stuff. Scary.
New to UM? It has always been thus. Howard was last gasp effort to just save the program from being cut. JJ was accidental hire in a frigging elevator. Dennis might have been most thoughtful hire and look where that ended up, near death penalty. Butch was basically the only guy who would take the job and Larry was "what the heck the players like him". Randy was easy choice to continue the decline. They might have put some effort into picking Al from a group of losers, again so much for trying. Mark fell into their laps and seemed a no brainer -- the fact that he had just been fired for lifetime choker award matter not at all. Of course they have no plan, cohesive or otherwise.
Coach Meier has been putting out a decent product for years, even though it's women's basketball and no one in the community cares. It may be frustrating that she hasn't broken through, but it's been one of the more consistent programs in the conference over the last 8 years or so...
Consistently mediocre?
Listen RainMan, I’m not gonna do your investigative work for you but since your metal decline is so steep I’ll attach two articles for you to “try” to read since I know using the internet is a challenge for you baby boomer. Lol good luck and just think of it as a workout for your diseased early onset dementia brain sport! Haha

Oh, I see, I didn't realize you are a medical doctor. Knowing your overpowering intellect, I will assume you did your training at John Hopkins. So, doctor, what exactly is "metal decline"? Also, what is a "dementia brain"?

Sweetheart, you continue to failingly try to communicate well above your lowly paygrade. It is not working! Each time you endeavor to be clever your tiny little brain betrays you.

By the way, junior, does your mommy know you are using her laptop to harass adults? More importantly, was she in on the banner plane scam?
Oh, I see, I didn't realize you are a medical doctor. Knowing your overpowering intellect, I will assume you did your training at John Hopkins. So, doctor, what exactly is "metal decline"? Also, what is a "dementia brain"?

Sweetheart, you continue to failingly try to communicate well above your lowly paygrade. It is not working! Each time you endeavor to be clever your tiny little brain betrays you.

By the way, junior, does your mommy know you are using her laptop to harass adults? More importantly, was she in on the banner plane scam?
blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Here’s the video I was able to get of the plane flying overhead here at Marlins Park 2 hours before kickoff. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Manny Navarro (@Manny_Navarro) <a href="">November 23, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
Pride is one of the deadly sins. Why would you have any faith on Manny being able to clean this up by himself :
You get a chance to get input from a gentleman that has done it all at the highest level and you say no. Wow
Oh, I see, I didn't realize you are a medical doctor. Knowing your overpowering intellect, I will assume you did your training at John Hopkins. So, doctor, what exactly is "metal decline"? Also, what is a "dementia brain"?

Sweetheart, you continue to failingly try to communicate well above your lowly paygrade. It is not working! Each time you endeavor to be clever your tiny little brain betrays you.

By the way, junior, does your mommy know you are using her laptop to harass adults? More importantly, was she in on the banner plane scam?
Metal has been in decline since the early 90's.
Certainly, you understand the problem with your comment, you started to think, which regrettably, led you to an absurd conclusion.

Like many on this message board, you start attacking non-Herd members before fully understanding what has transpired, or for that matter, even caring. You claimed I am "intentionally trying to derail this thread," where if you can read and process the English language, by doing a simple review, you would learn that is a lie.

Im actually quite contrary to a lot of the herd and if you look at my history most would say it leans towards the slurper side. In any case, put a sock in it already weirdo. I sometimes have fun watching you try to be the smartest person in the room but its gotten old. Welcome to the ignore list, you have outlived your usefulness.... Friend :)
Last 9 years in the ACC
1 1st place finish
1 2nd
1 3rd
1 4th
1 5th
1 6th
1 7th
2 8th place finishes

Top half of the (best) conference every single year for 9 years.

8 NCAA tournaments, 1 NIT tournament

That's not "mediocre".
Now give me tournament stats with above records. CONSISTENTLY UNDERACHIEVING.

Man our fanbase loves participation trophies nowadays. I honestly don't know what happened. A snap of a finger we went from dominating and being mad we didn't win titles to talking about regular season stats that have led to underachieving post season results.
Now give me tournament stats with above records. CONSISTENTLY UNDERACHIEVING.

Man our fanbase loves participation trophies nowadays. I honestly don't know what happened. A snap of a finger we went from dominating and being mad we didn't win titles to talking about regular season stats that have led to underachieving post season results.
People love to ***** about kids getting participation awards but will throw these type of stats in your face.

Like my boy Ricky Bobby says, if you're not first you're last. Another great quote is second place is the first loser
Im actually quite contrary to a lot of the herd and if you look at my history most would say it leans towards the slurper side. In any case, put a sock in it already weirdo. I sometimes have fun watching you try to be the smartest person in the room but its gotten old. Welcome to the ignore list, you have outlived your usefulness.... Friend :)