Details on Friday meeting between Blake James and large donors

Details on Friday meeting between Blake James and large donors


Comments (923)

Never been a follower...lead, follow or get the **** out of the way! I am not anti-HERD, I am anti-STUPIDITY!

Allow me to ask you this RVA, after almost two decades of non-stop bashing every single facet of the Canes football program (not saying you personally have been at it that long), and then some by the HERD, what do they have to show for it?

The reality is that the most fanatical HERD members enjoy the bashing and become furious if one suggests they take a time out, as that is interpreted as an effort to rob them of their addiction. The irony is, one of the most prominent constants is the endless bashing of UM football. So, why not try something novel...SUPPORT THE F'KING TEAM!!!

This is no longer a football message board where reasonable people exchange ideas, it is a poorly upholstered Frudeian psychiatric couch where many insufferable people consciously or subconsciously see their mission is to burn the program to the ground. If you want to look at an eerily similar situation study the Tennessee football program, beginning with the last several years of Fulmer. It has been almost 15-years since the Tennesse fans began to burn that once-proud program to the ground, and it has never recovered. No big-name coaches will come within 500 miles of the Tennessee campus and their recruiting is in the proverbial, unwashed toilet. That story is the mirror image as to what has happened to the UM football program.

When James has made it crystal clear that Diaz will remain as the head coach through at least next year why in the **** would true fans continue to do everything in their power to nuke the 2020 season? Those "fans" are planning to erect $7,000 billboards, conduct protest marches, fly banner planes, telling people to not make donations or purchase tickets, are making negative comments to the parents of recruits or potential recruits, constantly composing wildly negative rumors/lies, spewing 24/7 hate on this message board and others, etc., etc., etc

And with all of the above taking place and much more, recruiting is being annihilated. Further, no sane head coach of quality will ever again step foot on Miami's campus (see Tennessee). This kid they just hired to be the offensive coordinator has no worldly clue what he is in for as already there is a faction whining he's the wrong guy. After his first 3 and out next season the HERD will start howling that so and so was right...THE GUY IS A BUM...FIRE HIM!!

Now the canned response to my comments will go something like this...Oh right! We fans caused the administration to hire Coker, Shannon, Golden, Richt, and Diaz. We forced them to hire Enos, and not recruit so and so, and not develop players and blah, blah blah. But, when your fanbase lives to convince anyone who will listen to them that the Miami Hurricanes football program is the biggest **** show in the world for almost 20-years the reality is Enos was the best we could get, recruits and their parents are now avoiding Miami football like the plague and the quality of players are at such a low level there is no developing many of them (i.e. the offensive line).

Yes, I know, I will once again be referred to as a "slurper", a "Hecht Center ****hole" and a variety of other childish, sadly, not even funny labels (Please, put somebody to work on developing new labels who possesses a maturity level above a 5-year-old). Yet, I've never tried to make myself feel better about my life by criticizing other people or enterprises. If the people who passionately despise the Canes football program took a small fraction of the time they spend complaining about the Canes and invested it into making their lives and the lives of their families better, the world would be, at least fractionally, a better place.

Again, after almost two decades of non-stop bashing every single facet of the Canes football program, and then some by the HERD, what do they have to show for it?

PS; Don't you just love the Rhodes Scholars who respond with...too long-didn't read it?

So unfortunate, but the herd would never take a step back and see the damage they themselves have caused.... Same exact people that have been clamoring for Butch’s return, were flying banners for his firing.

How about taking a new approach in 2020? Be a fan and support the program, and let’s see where this nee offense that we’ve all wanted for the last 15 yrs leads us 🙌🏼
BJ and Manny being this adamant on not wanting Zo tells everyone they don’t care about winning. It’s in our face obvious
You said it brother and that billboard on US1 is gonna be in there face everyday they drive to work! Lol Us fans see right through those two bums bull$hit and they just lost though whole fan base or what little they had left by getting between us and AH. The donors/bot are doing a masterful job with these leaks.
In other words, President Frenk probably doesn't care if Miami football wins big, or loses in the grand scheme of major CFB. As all know, the athletic department gets beaucoup GRANTS from the ACC and Adidas. In addition to all the big bucks from wealthy donors.
I think that’s a big reason along with the academic ranking that foreigner Frenk isn’t going to be retained. Also the word is the donations are going to be drying up from those wealthy donors due to the incompetent $hitshow that is Blake James. 🤢🤮
Per a source with knowledge of the meeting, a group of high-level donors met with Blake James on Friday. The purpose of the meeting was to offer significant money if Manny was willing to make necessary changes.

Most notably, the group wanted Alonzo Highsmith to take on a general manager role that would usurp some of Blake and Manny’s power over the football program. One booster even offered to pay Highsmith’s salary for two years. Blake refused and instead offered a more traditional “chief of staff” role that was mostly administrative in nature.

Highsmith is not expected to accept the offer and instead is in discussions with Mario Cristobal at Oregon.
Like I've been saying, the administration does not want to win again. They hated it when we were winning and now that they have conference checks coming they no reason at all to risk going back to it. Our demise was deliberate not an accident. I was there when they betrayed Howard on is on-campus stadium effort. They wanted to fire JJ after the team walked out of that joint dinner with the shower boys from psu, but they needed those big TV checks back then.

Foote hated the team and Donna was selected to destroy it. Remember Butch was about the only person who would take the job. He was not some sort of fantastic pick by the school. If was just bad luck for them that he turned out to be what he was. Only another stroke of bad luck will save us.
Ferman is still keeping up the notion that a deal is being worked out.
Whoever is behind the Big Ern schtick doesn’t even believe the nonsense he’s spewing. He’s just on here to tweak you guys and argue. Probably isn’t even a UM fan. If everyone was sucking the administration and Manure’s dyck, he’d be on the other side. He’s got you guys on a string.
The dude is nothing but a Hecht center stooge sent here to desperately try to change the narrative which he is failing miserably at! Lol I’m actually pretty sure @Earnest T. Bass is Manure Diaz’s cis burner account. 🤢🤮
U also have to acknowledge other peoples roles beyond flake when you speak about his ONLY success which is fund raising. He is a resourceful dude when it comes to raising funds. But from what I've seen hes simply taken advantage of some convenient relationships when it comes to that as well. In his capacity as an athletic director I feel our programs have all at best remained par to the course. Our baseball program was better when he first came In and has taken a drastic turn down for numerous reasons. Basketball is basically the same. A mid of the pack acc squad. Football we know already. The rest are what they are. I dont feel he brings much to the table that justifies his role as the ad at this university. But that's just my opinion.

Baseball is fielding the #4 team in the Country this season, so your assertion is erroneous. Basketball is better under Larranaga than at any other time in its short history. The NCAA falsely accused Larranaga, which set the program back a couple of years.....

If Diaz loses more than 3 games next year, the BOT will fire both Blake and Diaz. That is common knowledge.....

Facilities for football, with Scwhartz (sic) and the IPF, are top tier. Baseball facilities will be top 30 with the new improvements.

The BOT cares about bio-tech, academics, STEM and improving the Law school.

These are not difficult concepts to comprehend........ What does "at best remained par to the course." even mean...........
Why are your guys making Ferman the reference of developments in the Cane program.?
A **** of a lot of posters are using "flying rumors" as entertainment.
Our program deserves better than that.
I've been posting on Canes boards for 15 years. I'd say Ferman is batting around .100 on actually being correct. I don't know how or why people think he has credibility, but I've been around long enough to know he's very rarely correct.
Highsmith is not expected to accept the offer and instead is in discussions with Mario Cristobal at Oregon.
That's a great negotiation tactic by Highsmith, using the one name that will get the fan based crazed and maybe get Flake to bow down
What the **** is a Bunkie old man?

Go back to your nursing home and stop writing novels on here.

It amazes and entertains me when someone shows just how irretrievably dumb they are when making an airtight case for their stunted IQ. Thank you, little boy!
So unfortunate, but the herd would never take a step back and see the damage they themselves have caused.... Same exact people that have been clamoring for Butch’s return, were flying banners for his firing.

How about taking a new approach in 2020? Be a fan and support the program, and let’s see where this nee offense that we’ve all wanted for the last 15 yrs leads us 🙌🏼

Excellent post and sage advice, yet, the HERD is only happy when tearing the program down. It truly is an addiction of hate that apparently makes them feel better about their failing lives.

Like you, I am looking forward to watching next year's offense and find that development something to celebrate.

Go Canes!!
Whoever is behind the Big Ern schtick doesn’t even believe the nonsense he’s spewing. He’s just on here to tweak you guys and argue. Probably isn’t even a UM fan. If everyone was sucking the administration and Manure’s dyck, he’d be on the other side. He’s got you guys on a string.

When you start with a premise that only an imbecile would try to sell you are going nowhere fast, but I think we both know that's your life story.

For the record; I was a UM fan when you were just a terribly bad idea in your daddy's pants.

I know it infuriates you, HERD members, when someone points out the tremendous damage your collective hate has done to UM's football program over the past 15-plus years.

As I asked of RVA Cane, post a detailed list of all the positive results your hate and the hate of all the HERD members have delivered to the Canes football program.
I hate to be that guy but I’m going to be that guy. Alonzo deal is not done. I don’t know the official title or extent of authority, but there is a gap in compensation and that’s the hold up.

Edit: Source is BOT member.
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Baseball is fielding the #4 team in the Country this season, so your assertion is erroneous. Basketball is better under Larranaga than at any other time in its short history. The NCAA falsely accused Larranaga, which set the program back a couple of years.....

If Diaz loses more than 3 games next year, the BOT will fire both Blake and Diaz. That is common knowledge.....

Facilities for football, with Scwhartz (sic) and the IPF, are top tier. Baseball facilities will be top 30 with the new improvements.

The BOT cares about bio-tech, academics, STEM and improving the Law school.

These are not difficult concepts to comprehend........ What does "at best remained par to the course." even mean...........
Your telling a Former UM player who forgot more about UM FB and Athletics than you'll ever know, and who is close to several BOT members about UMs administration??...Lol.....