Details on Friday meeting between Blake James and large donors

Details on Friday meeting between Blake James and large donors


Comments (923)

I cannot for the life of me understand why they are asking either if these two clowns what their thoughts are. Just hire the man if that’s what they want to do. What are they afraid of... Diaz or BJ quitting??? If either of them were competent they wouldn’t be looking to make this move in the first place. This feels like bizzaro world.
The only thing that makes any kind of sense, is they have some kind of stipulation in their contract that they have that kind of authority or decision-making ability. Which of course, would be par for the course for Miami.
Because assessing what is right and wrong with the program is the last thing we should do. LOL. **** you Blake.

My best guess:

The assessment part isn't the issue. Anyone can do that. It's the power to make unilateral changes. That seems to be the hold up. If Highsmith is ok with being an advisor and overseer of football that can then bring recommendations to Blake to make calls then that would work, imo.

Unclear if Highsmith wants that. He wants to be more a CEO type of football which takes Blake out of any decision making capacity.

Blake apparently would be against that. Board can override Blake but they are split and Frenk ineffective to do anything since apparently he is a lame duck President.
Blake James just fired himself. This is AWESOME.

ROFL, exactly what i was thinking, all the b.o.t.'s need to do is pull Highsmith to the side and tell em, dont sign anything long term, ill pay half of your salary now, and be available next year once we give flake the axe!
I cannot for the life of me understand why they are asking either if these two clowns what their thoughts are. Just hire the man if that’s what they want to do. What are they afraid of... Diaz or BJ quitting??? If either of them were competent they wouldn’t be looking to make this move in the first place. This feels like bizzaro world.
I had two malignant tumors on my ***. I asked them what they thought about the excision of cancerous tumors. Strangely, they were opposed.
If Highsmith goes to Oregon and Manny fails next year, then the Red Wedding will come to the Hecht.
While I could care less about Highsmith one way or another this is spot on . And it won't matter that oregon is a 4 loss team next year . It is Coastal or bust for both Manny ( who I think will get it done ) and Blake . I can't blame Blake for turning it down though as it cuts Manny off at the knees and Manny wouldn't want that . But it will be his death if betting on Manny is a mistake ( I don't think it will be but all the same ) .
I’m sure I’m missing something...what is a “Chief of Staff” on a college football team and why is Highsmith the best person for this role?
So you are going to continue to body-shame people, now you are picking on an old man?

An old man who doesn't spend all of his days impersonating a *** man?

I beg your pardon?

Body shaming?

I was complimenting him on his physique.
I’m sure I’m missing something...what is a “Chief of Staff” on a college football team and why is Highsmith the best person for this role?
Traditionally, operations/admin role that works closely with HC to execute on their vision. Gives direction to ops team.

I doubt Zo is coming here to take direction from Manny. My assumption is this will be a hybrid role where he’s given more power. Probably has input on recruiting evaluations, building relationships, etc.
If the Manny Diaz experiment is a failure then it may be easier to bring in Critobal and Highsmith collectively to Miami if they have a good working relationship.

Holy **** @ that last sentence.
Oh my god! We can get Highsmith and Blake James is vetoing it!!!?!?! I’m mad as **** right now. You can’t trust his decision making! Got to go over his head!

WTF, blake god**** James! And you know he and Diaz are lockstep on that decision.

if Highsmith goes to Oregon with cristabol my head will explode
If James approves the AH hire as a Director of Football or GM level gig, it's the last nail in his coffin. Such move would confirm the notion that he is incompetent at his job and subject to termination. He is focused on self preservation right now.
If James approves the AH hire as a Director of Football or GM level gig, it's the last nail in his coffin. Such move would confirm the notion that he is incompetent at his job and subject to termination. He is focused on self preservation right now.
Not doing it may also be.
This isn't 1993 and Oregon is a more attractive job than Miami, period. This is a man's career, he wants to have every advantage imaginable, and no one in their right mind leaves somewhere where they have that, to handcuff themselves, just because they popped out of their mother's ****** in another location. Mario also knows his limitations. He knows that he's an awful gameday coach, he desperately needs to be able to consistently outtalent the opposition, because the next time he wins with scheme will be the first time. Guess what, Oregon provides you with the resources to win that way. Miami doesn't.

Miami should be looking to find a coach that can work within the confines of the job, and can thrive with what Miami offers. In other words, a person that can get the most out of the talent on the roster, that can use scheme to put the playmakers in position to succeed, and recruits based on scheme fit, and develop said talent. The 2001 roster isn't coming back to Miami, times have changed, it's borderline impossible to find that many diamonds in the rough in today's recruiting world. That said, Miami can and should be able to find enough talent to win 10+ games yearly, and with the right pieces, compete for CFP berths on a somewhat regular basis. But as long as Miami keeps doing this "Miami Guy Bro" nonsense, we will keep getting the same exact results.

In a best case scenario and all that. With an above-average HC, and staff, Miami probably would compete for one of those CHERISHED four CFB playoff spots. Say ONCE every four years! Nothing more, nothing less. For the simple reason as U stated above. Those 2000-2003 starter's are going to suddenly REINCARNATE and return in the new decade. hUh.
Difference with Urban and ND, Urban could have gone to ND and instead he chose to go to UF so peeps saying ND is his dream job are just talking. His ties to ND were always flimsy at best so making ND to be a dream job bec he was a assistant coach for a few years was a stretch.

Mario is from here, his family is from here and most are still here. He was a fan even before he played here and won titles here, he started his coaching career here and even came back here twice to be a coach here (even though once was a cup of coffee stop) and unless you feel peeps are lying he was ready to comeback here last year before this ****stain usurped him. That’s totally different from any Urban ND folk tales.

Will Miami have to pay more to get him now because he’s no longer Mario the guy who got fired from FIU. Ofcourse and Miami should have to pay more because they disrespected him by taking a hack with no ties to the program who hadn’t cut his teeth as a HC over him. But let’s stop acting like Oregon pays like Bama and Miami is going to have to rob Fort Knox to get him. Someone can check but I think without bonuses Manure made more money then Mario did this year at rich *** Oregon smh.

WAKE UP AND SMELL the Cuban java! Coach Mario C ISN'T coming to Thee Gables. Now! Or anytime in the foreseeable future!!!!! So I suggest U support the head coaches at Miami for the time being and what not!! dUh.
So now you are trying to spin things.

The fact remains, that in the last 8 years, two coaches have left this "perfect place", Oregon, for what TO THEM were dream jobs.

Kelly left after 4 years to go to the NFL, his "dream job".

Taggart left after 1 year to go to F$U, his stated "dream job".

If Mario's dream job is to be the head coach at his alma mater, all of Oregon's facilities would not stop him from leaving.

As for salary, you are one of those dopes who lives in the past. "Is it my position"? What kind of moron would take an opposing position. If Miami hires an established coach with a track record, we pay well. We did with Richt. We did NOT pay as high of a salary for Diaz (first time HC), Golden (Temple), Shannon (first time HC), Coker (first time HC), or Davis (first time HC).

Stop being a crybaby about "coaching salary" and stop making that your primary argument. Nobody, not one single person on this board, has advocated trying to hire Mario on the cheap. Yet you make an argument against...something nobody is saying.

Everyone knows that if we make an offer to Mario, it would cost us money. He just finished with a Top 5 ranking. Objectively, he is worth the higher salary.

So just stop being an anti-Miami troll.

Allow me to suggest to those reading this post that they read my original post that this guy is responding too. When I read his words the term, hallucinating comes to mind. Seriously, I didn't mean to trigger him by supplying facts that conflict with his hallucinations.
WAKE UP AND SMELL the Cuban java! Coach Mario C ISN'T coming to Thee Gables. Now! Or anytime in the foreseeable future!!!!! So I suggest U support the head coaches at Miami for the time being and what not!! dUh.
Slurp much?
Finding specific fundraising that occurred at a private university 20 years ago is going to be difficult. That being said, the below was taken from his bio and covers the last ten years.

"On the development front, the Hurricane Club continues to support UM’s student-athletes and coaches in record numbers. The Hurricane Club raised more than $16 million in 2018-19 and now boasts a record 12,500 members, an increase of 140 percent since 2010. Philanthropic annual fund gifts increased to $5.9 million in 2018-19 and the Hurricane Club secured 10 seven-figure leadership gifts."

You probably don't have much experience dealing with individuals like our BOT members, but those people tend to speak about facts and not let emotion get the best of them. Saying you think Blake should be terminated for his performance as Athletic Director, while acknowledging his success in other positions is a reasonable take. Claiming Blake is bad at every other position he has held at UM is a slap in the fact of the BOT and isn't accurate.
U also have to acknowledge other peoples roles beyond flake when you speak about his ONLY success which is fund raising. He is a resourceful dude when it comes to raising funds. But from what I've seen hes simply taken advantage of some convenient relationships when it comes to that as well. In his capacity as an athletic director I feel our programs have all at best remained par to the course. Our baseball program was better when he first came In and has taken a drastic turn down for numerous reasons. Basketball is basically the same. A mid of the pack acc squad. Football we know already. The rest are what they are. I dont feel he brings much to the table that justifies his role as the ad at this university. But that's just my opinion.
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