Coach Golden has informed staff he will be staying at Miami

Comments (444)

Anyone who thinks Golden wasn't PSU's first choice is hopeless. There is a reason he was the first one they talked to. There is a reason they all flew to HIM, to Miami, before they got into it with anyone. I know it's cool to act tough and be negative here, but give me a break.

Act like you've been here before.

Hey look! This idiot again.

He's right though.

Then Golden is even dumber than previously thought.
I'll be rooting against that fat fck harder than I did Shannvo. Shannvo was a dope, but at least he was loyal. This fat fck openly courted Ped State, got rejected and then came back here expecting a ticker tape parade. Fck him to death! It's a hopeless fcking situation at UM right now.

This is like the time Carmen Electra caught Rodman in bed with some chick, and Rodman said, "there's no one here" when the girl was right there next to him.

OMG....he didn't get rejected! ****.... Just b/c you are angry doesn't mean you are correct.

Everyone i know at Penn State was telling me he was the top guy.

Everyone I know at PSU is telling me the same thing, and I am a grad and have friends connected with the program. TIFWIW.

Yes, but that doesn't fit their narrative. They'd rather act like a bunch of teenage girls on the rag and make up reasons to be *****y
Anyone who thinks Golden wasn't PSU's first choice is hopeless. There is a reason he was the first one they talked to. There is a reason they all flew to HIM, to Miami, before they got into it with anyone. I know it's cool to act tough and be negative here, but give me a break.

Act like you've been here before.

Hey look! This idiot again.

He's right though.

No he isn't.

Only reason they met with Golden first is Franklin was coaching in a bowl game and Munchak hadn't been fired yet
I'll be rooting against that fat fck harder than I did Shannvo. Shannvo was a dope, but at least he was loyal. This fat fck openly courted Ped State, got rejected and then came back here expecting a ticker tape parade. Fck him to death! It's a hopeless fcking situation at UM right now.

This is like the time Carmen Electra caught Rodman in bed with some chick, and Rodman said, "there's no one here" when the girl was right there next to him.
i wanted him gone.

that said, rooting against him means rooting against Miami.

F*%K that. thats just as bad as those rooting for golden to stay ahead of UM interests, not because they thought he was the best coach. Maybe even worse.

Disagree...I'm rooting for the best interest of the program. If that's the ONLY way we can get rid of this ******* defensive scheme then that's the right thing to root for.

Being a robotic, Don Bailey Jr apologetic disciple is 10 times worse.

What an idiot. Rooting for losses makes no sense. If we are winning, then the schemes are doing just fine. How about rooting for wins and for the the scheme to adjust or just plain succeed. Better yet, go jump on some other bandwagon.
Lulz at people talking about whether he was rejected or turned it down. Hey dumb *****, he agreed to interview for the job, and he went silent for 3 to 4 days as rumors swirled. He flirted with another job regardless of the outcome. But yes, keep telling yourselves that he is committed to Miami. If he was happy and was dedicated to Miami, he would have said thank you, but no thank you, similar to Jim Mora Jr. But keep lying to yourselves because you are Golden fans.
Anyone who thinks Golden wasn't PSU's first choice is hopeless. There is a reason he was the first one they talked to. There is a reason they all flew to HIM, to Miami, before they got into it with anyone. I know it's cool to act tough and be negative here, but give me a break.

Act like you've been here before.

Hey look! This idiot again.

He's right though.

No he isn't.

Only reason they met with Golden first is Franklin was coaching in a bowl game and Munchak hadn't been fired yet

Franklin and Munchak reached out to PSU weeks ago.....PSU reached out to Golden. They flew to him. Everything i have heard is he was #1. If he wasn't the top guy, they could have waited for the other 2 guys first and then reached out to Al. They moved quickly b/c they wanted him.
Lulz at people talking about whether he was rejected or turned it down. Hey dumb *****, he agreed to interview for the job, and he went silent for 3 to 4 days as rumors swirled. He flirted with another job regardless of the outcome. But yes, keep telling yourselves that he is committed to Miami. If he was happy and was dedicated to Miami, he would have said thank you, but no thank you, similar to Jim Mora Jr. But keep lying to yourselves because you are Golden fans.

Kevin Sumlin also turned down all interview requests, including the NFL. If Golden was really committed he would have done the same.
Anyone who thinks Golden wasn't PSU's first choice is hopeless. There is a reason he was the first one they talked to. There is a reason they all flew to HIM, to Miami, before they got into it with anyone. I know it's cool to act tough and be negative here, but give me a break.

Act like you've been here before.

Hey look! This idiot again.

He's right though.

No he isn't.

Only reason they met with Golden first is Franklin was coaching in a bowl game and Munchak hadn't been fired yet
This. Their top guy was still employed. When he became available they interviewed him and told Golden to **** off. But lets change the narrative to make it seem like Golden is loyal to the program.
I'll be rooting against that fat fck harder than I did Shannvo. Shannvo was a dope, but at least he was loyal. This fat fck openly courted Ped State, got rejected and then came back here expecting a ticker tape parade. Fck him to death! It's a hopeless fcking situation at UM right now.

This is like the time Carmen Electra caught Rodman in bed with some chick, and Rodman said, "there's no one here" when the girl was right there next to him.
i wanted him gone.

that said, rooting against him means rooting against Miami.

F*%K that. thats just as bad as those rooting for golden to stay ahead of UM interests, not because they thought he was the best coach. Maybe even worse.

Disagree...I'm rooting for the best interest of the program. If that's the ONLY way we can get rid of this ******* defensive scheme then that's the right thing to root for.

Being a robotic, Don Bailey Jr apologetic disciple is 10 times worse.

What an idiot. Rooting for losses makes no sense. If we are winning, then the schemes are doing just fine. How about rooting for wins and for the the scheme to adjust or just plain succeed. Better yet, go jump on some other bandwagon.

Or better about you take that loser attitude and go root for another team *******? We have enough with Don Bailey jr...don't need another one of his clones posting on this board.
Anyone who thinks Golden wasn't PSU's first choice is hopeless. There is a reason he was the first one they talked to. There is a reason they all flew to HIM, to Miami, before they got into it with anyone. I know it's cool to act tough and be negative here, but give me a break.

Act like you've been here before.

Hey look! This idiot again.

He's right though.

No he isn't.

Only reason they met with Golden first is Franklin was coaching in a bowl game and Munchak hadn't been fired yet

There is something seriously wrong with our fan base. It's as if we expect to be abused and disrespected. Is it so hard to believe that he turned it down? Really - whether it happened or not thats the perception and the media is running with it. Tifwiw - but it adds cache to the perception of the program and subtracts it from PSU. Win win in my eyes. Couple that with a chance to keep this class together and the fact that coaching changes are a possibility.....stopping being such negative nancys!!! Something good happened - our program wasn't throw. Into turmoil. The clock wasn't set back n another rebuild, etc.....

Anyone who thinks Golden wasn't PSU's first choice is hopeless. There is a reason he was the first one they talked to. There is a reason they all flew to HIM, to Miami, before they got into it with anyone. I know it's cool to act tough and be negative here, but give me a break.

Act like you've been here before.

Hey look! This idiot again.

He's right though.

No he isn't.

Only reason they met with Golden first is Franklin was coaching in a bowl game and Munchak hadn't been fired yet
This. Their top guy was still employed. When he became available they interviewed him and told Golden to **** off. But lets change the narrative to make it seem like Golden is loyal to the program.

Al was still employed. I didn't know Munchak couldn't interview b/c he already had a job. Is this a new rule?
It's funny reading many of you write about how he tried to slither away in the night and that PSU said thanks but not have no clue. The PSU job was his if he wanted it. Trust me on that. You can speculate all you want just b/c you are p!ssed and want to justify his reason for staying, but you have no insight to the situation or process.

For anyone here to say he's a traitor for interviewing, i COMPLETELY disagree. He's a NJ native, a PSU grad and all his roots are in the Northeast. That was his home and dream job for many many years. Any one of us would at least listen about a job offer from our dream job unless we were 100% happy with our current job, which 99% of the population is not. Just b/c he didn't contact every single one of you every hour for an update is ridiculous. I would rather him stay quiet and not do the whole "i'm not going anywhere" thing like Saban until he was certain. Now we can move forward. First order of business, keep this recruiting class in tact and properly evaluate your staff and schemes. That is the only thing we can really criticize him for at the moment. That defense was BAD. That scheme is terrible.

This. Our "Internet" fanbase are a wretched bunch of negative ********.

And here comes the king of the ********.

Same shtick still? I get that you're a miserable person who needs this, so since it's the holidays, just this once, ill give you what you want. I'll engage you. Go **** your mother with a rusty tire iron.

There. Feel better? Now you can rant and rave like a lunatic and even feel justified about it for once. Happy new year.
I'll be rooting against that fat fck harder than I did Shannvo. Shannvo was a dope, but at least he was loyal. This fat fck openly courted Ped State, got rejected and then came back here expecting a ticker tape parade. Fck him to death! It's a hopeless fcking situation at UM right now.

This is like the time Carmen Electra caught Rodman in bed with some chick, and Rodman said, "there's no one here" when the girl was right there next to him.
i wanted him gone.

that said, rooting against him means rooting against Miami.

F*%K that. thats just as bad as those rooting for golden to stay ahead of UM interests, not because they thought he was the best coach. Maybe even worse.

Disagree...I'm rooting for the best interest of the program. If that's the ONLY way we can get rid of this ******* defensive scheme then that's the right thing to root for.

Being a robotic, Don Bailey Jr apologetic disciple is 10 times worse.

What an idiot. Rooting for losses makes no sense. If we are winning, then the schemes are doing just fine. How about rooting for wins and for the the scheme to adjust or just plain succeed. Better yet, go jump on some other bandwagon.

Amen. Some people get off on the negativity.
I'll be rooting against that fat fck harder than I did Shannvo. Shannvo was a dope, but at least he was loyal. This fat fck openly courted Ped State, got rejected and then came back here expecting a ticker tape parade. Fck him to death! It's a hopeless fcking situation at UM right now.

This is like the time Carmen Electra caught Rodman in bed with some chick, and Rodman said, "there's no one here" when the girl was right there next to him.

OMG....he didn't get rejected! ****.... Just b/c you are angry doesn't mean you are correct.

Everyone i know at Penn State was telling me he was the top guy.

Everyone I know at PSU is telling me the same thing, and I am a grad and have friends connected with the program. TIFWIW.

Two PSU canes both saying the same thing. But the hysterical board know it lala know better. I swear, our fanbase. Wow.
Lulz at people talking about whether he was rejected or turned it down. Hey dumb ****s, he agreed to interview for the job, and he went silent for 3 to 4 days as rumors swirled. He flirted with another job regardless of the outcome. But yes, keep telling yourselves that he is committed to Miami. If he was happy and was dedicated to Miami, he would have said thank you, but no thank you, similar to Jim Mora Jr. But keep lying to yourselves because you are Golden fans.

C'mon man, it's his alma mater. Of course he was interested in what they have to say. ****, I thought he was gone. This is, after all, a business, is it not? That cat Petrino that people wanted left the Falcons by tacking a note to players lockers. Didn't have the stones to face them? So Al played footsie with his beloved PSU, and walked away. We won't know the full story. It's all conjecture from here on out. People will spin it to fit their meme. F@ck it. He's here. That Ferrari needs work.
That's because half the people on here act like little girls. Watch him close with a top 5 class, get Valentine back and keep Kaaya.

I'll be rooting against that fat fck harder than I did Shannvo. Shannvo was a dope, but at least he was loyal. This fat fck openly courted Ped State, got rejected and then came back here expecting a ticker tape parade. Fck him to death! It's a hopeless fcking situation at UM right now.

This is like the time Carmen Electra caught Rodman in bed with some chick, and Rodman said, "there's no one here" when the girl was right there next to him.

LOL some of you are nuts. Calling out Golden for not being loyal even though he didn't take the PSU job then openly hoping your team fails so the coach does? How is Golden the unloyal one?

Nah. It's diarrhea lappers like you who are focused on recruiting titles because we can't do anything on the field. This it's just another area where Shannon kicked Al's fat ***. Shannon actually won a recruiting title in 2008 instead of finishing 10th like your hero will this year. How'd that work out for UM?

Never go full ******.
Time to start rooting for losses

Why don't you go root for another team instead. No real fan would ever say that.

I would argue any ******* that supports Golden at this point isn't a real fan.

I want what's best for this program...and if that's the only way it comes about then it is what it is.

That...and go **** yourself.

Are you really that stupid? Apparently yes. Rooting for losses hurts the team. Why root for losses? You'd rather have the team lose to spite Golden than just win under Golden? That's not a fan, that's an idiot.