Zach Smith Insight On Martell


Jul 11, 2013
This isn't a thread to talk shît about martell or anything. I thought the insight was interesting from a guy who seen him and was around him at osu. He got a podcast now and talked about tate on the last one.

Link to episode if you want to listen for yourself.

“He told me all the time, ‘coach I am built different, I am going to come in and beat out J.T.’ so he was definitely ****y and overconfident, but you know what he had? He had that ‘it factor’ that you want,” Smith said of Martell when he was a recruit. “It was awesome. It was this ****y little [guy] that was coming in to take over the world and that is what you want in a quarterback.”

“I will tell you this about Tate as a player, he is an elite playmaker,” Smith said. “He is extremely dynamic. With the ball in his hands, he used to make our scout team look stupid some times when the the second team was going against the first team defense. He was dynamic.”

“He is kind of Braxton Miller-esque. He is not the thrower that Braxton was, but as a runner he is an elusive, shifty kid,” Smith said. “He was a very average thrower and kids can get better with throwing the football. By the end of his freshman year, he had embraced that he was young and getting better and knew how to roll.”

“He has to become the quarterback at Miami [first],” Smith said. “He is not that elite that the job is just his and he will run with it. He will have to go win the job. How will he do? We will see. He is going to have to become a better thrower to compete at a higher level at quarterback.

“We will see what Miami’s staff can do with him as far as throwing the ball, but what they have in him is an elite athlete for sure.”

“I am excited to watch Tate,” Smith said in closing. “I am a Tate Martell fan. I have known him now for four years and I am really excited because I hope he is the guy. I’m telling you, if he wins the job, you are going to see him on some top ten plays. If he improves as a thrower, he is going to be really good. If he doesn’t, he is still going to have some highlights. He is a highlight reel waiting to happen.”

I'm not really a fan of 2 qb systems but would fans have a problem with a perry and martell or a williams and martell playing? Can't wait to see how this qb position turns out.
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Tate = Tebow, Jr....

Tebow was an average thrower too. Tate a far better runner though I think. Both have fire, desire, heart and "IT"...

Enos will need to design a special playbook for this guy....Tate is our starting QB.

Edit: Fux Zach Smith. Carryon. 😂
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This isn't a thread to talk shît about martell or anything. I thought the insight was interesting from a guy who seen him and was around him at osu. He got a podcast now and talked about tate on the last one.

Can it instead be a thread to talk **** about that loser Zach Smith?
its nothing we all didn't see or feel about him from the spring. i would like to see the kid win the job but he has to be more accurate than rosier even with his athletics.
Tate = Tebow, Jr....

Tebow was an average thrower too. Tate a far better runner though I think. Both have fire, desire, heart and "IT"...

Enos will need to design a special playbook for this guy....Tate is our starting QB.

"We got 30 minutes for the rest of our lives. 30 minutes"
Can it instead be a thread to talk **** about that loser Zach Smith?
Go ahead. But just from the stuff in that link other than the *** toys i don't have a problem.
To summarize, he says he isn’t as good a thrower Braxton Miller was.

Best case scenario he’s a miniature Tim Tebow.

Not sure how much he can improve, but you’d think if he could be anything more than that Enos is the guy to help.
From what I've read so far . . . Enos has helped everybody he's worked with . . . Good news for all our guys . . .
Just because the guy is a better runner than passer, doesn't make him Tim Tebow. Tebow is a big strong dude who isn't particularly fast nor agile. Tate is smaller, quicker, more elusive. If you tried to use Tate Martell the same way Florida used Tebow, he'd probably get hurt during the first game. It's like saying Jerome Bettis and Barry Sanders are similar because they both play running back.
Just because the guy is a better runner than passer, doesn't make him Tim Tebow. Tebow is a big strong dude who isn't particularly fast nor agile. Tate is smaller, quicker, more elusive. If you tried to use Tate Martell the same way Florida used Tebow, he'd probably get hurt during the first game. It's like saying Jerome Bettis and Barry Sanders are similar because they both play running back.

Jesus Christ, this. Anyone comparing Tim Tebow to Tate Martell needs their internet access taken away.
Yeah that's sick too but i thought it was funny.
Including the presidential seal is a nice touch, I'm not gonna lie, but c'mon, that type of person is the last person in the world I'd want my team to waste resources on