Wut? ACC Coach of the Year

Total hype on that guy. If you get drubbed by Manure, crushed by KY with a WR at QB, and lose to Tallahassee Manure, you should be automatically disqualified from any awards.
Great improvement for sure...I'd probably give it to Mack Brown though.
Definitely more deserving. Overachieved compared to expectations, beat USCe and even gave Clemson a scare.
Dabo has won 22 games in a row.

Like I said, the Loserville redemption story shouldn't be glorified when they lose by a quarter hundy to US.

Dabo has won 27 games in a row, but how would he fare with Louisville's team this year? Hint; he wouldnt be undefeated. I've got no problem with the award going where it went.
Only a person with a loser mentality would pick Stapperfield over Dabo. Just because you are as big of a loser that we that you were we celebrate you? FOH.
Which is harder to find a coach that can consistently win or one that loses? This is consistent with the participation trophy.
Goes to Loserville's Scott Stapperfield. Huh?

-Goes 7-5
-Loses last week to Kentucky by 32 to finish the year
-Loses to us by 25 (should be an instant disqualifier)
-Loses to FSU by double digits

Should just call it a "most improved"/charity trophy.

Knowing the ACC I’m just glad they didn’t give it to manure! Seeing as how the ACC rewards mediocrity, with the evidence that we’re still allowed in the league to pick up our welfare check. Smh