Would defeating FSU be enough to calm the waters...

Here's the questions I have for the "supporters"...

If we finish this season 5-7/6-6 or 7-5, what would your expectations be for next year?

In 2020 we play Temple, UAB, @ Mich St, @GTech, @UVA, @Va Tech & @ Wake Forest, out of those games which ones do you expect us to win?

Certainly not UAB because unless you simply don't follow College Football & have never seen them play, they're a very good well coached team that plays sound discipline Football, Bill Clark is a good coach, not the typical OOC CUSA team that you schedule as an easy W.

Temple should be a W, but they have already beaten 2 P5 schools in GTech & Maryland in year 1 of Rod Carey's tenure, so that game will be no layup, especially considering this team struggled mightily against CMU who's far worse than Temple. Transitive property I know, my point is Temple is the exact kind of team that will give Diaz, Enos & Baker fits (which isn't saying much because literally every team we play does lol).

@ Mich St, I doubt we win that one, I would assume that game like every other game we play would be a total dogfight, although we don't fair too well against OOC P5 opponents so who knows if that's a close one or we get whooped B1G style.

On the road games vs GTech, Va Tech, UVA & Wake Forest is rough, especially @ Wake, smh I don't even wanna think about how Ruggiero will scheme up against Baker.

Then there's the in conference home games vs Duke, FSU, UNC & Pitt. We should beat Duke, but then again we should've in 2018 too. FSU is always a toss up game due to the intense rivalry, so no guarantees there. UNC, I mean year 2 for Mack Brown & Sam Howell will be a True Sophomore having already beat us as a TF & considering we don't really have a significant Home field advantage can't really pencil in anything for that game. Pitt seems to be the only high probability W we got for the home schedule vs ACC opponents.

I'm not making a premature W/L prediction for 2020, I'm simply asking based on how we've played thus far, how we finish this season, how we close out the recruiting class for year & the inevitable roster turnover for next year (which will include more transfers whether you realize it or not) what exactly gives you confidence that we're going to turn everything around for the 2020 season?

If you're willing to say that year 1 is a throw away year for Diaz & that you're okay with us finishing 5-7/6-6/7-5, then what does that mean for year 2 for Diaz as a HC? The schedule will be significantly harder & it's not like he's got a top 5-10 recruiting class coming in to save the day, so what would the expectations be for next year? Would you be okay with another 5-7/6-6/7-5 season again? Are will still going to be hearing the same excuses we always hear every season trying to explain away the mediocrity? (That last one was rhetorical because I already know the answer).

It's possible to not being ok with finishing 7-5 or 5-7, agreeing Manny has made plenty of mistakes and still see a better outlook for next year.

Our o-line has played better against some legit tough defenses in UVA and Pitt and will actually have continuity and experience.

Our starting QB situation will likely be solidified.

We don't get destroyed on either side of the ball by seniors graduating.

Barring transfers we'll be deeper and more talented at RB.

And last but certainly not least, we will hopefully have a legitamite FG kicker.
I'd be pretty happy.. for the weekend. Fly banners the following. Changes have to be made to staff & administration regardless how we finish.
I'd be pretty happy.. for the weekend. Fly banners the following. Changes have to be made to staff & administration regardless how we finish.

if we finished 9-4, thats as good of a first year record given the situation (and how weve played overall) that we could realistically hope for (vegas had us round 8 or so). changes still need to be made to the staff, but 9-4 would buy manny more time and it should. would be the best record GOlden and Randy finished with in their careers and the same record richt had after year 1. saying that, i dont see us reeling off 5 straight wins lol
Some people see the big picture. You are not one of those people.

Some people are so busy thinking they see the big picture that they won't even enjoy beating our biggest rival in a game that's been a dogfight year in and out lately, despite the record of either team.
Always want to beat Half *** U.

Does not calm the waters.

Losing Corch should be fired from their respective program. Willie could get canned with the loss here. Manny would stay.
It may calm the waters, but going from steady 12 foot waves to 6 and 8 footers will still sink a floundering boat.
Beating them means little. Losing to them means a lot. They are not a disciplined football team, and we are not a well coached team. It could get ugly for us if FSU plays even half way disciplined. How many teams have beaten themselves this year against us? If FSU doesn't make a lot of mistakes, they might put a hurting on us. You know they will want to get back at Diaz for that stunt he pulled. IF they do, Charmin should be fired on the spot.
Manny needs to win out and make staff changes. New DL coach, New OC, OL, and ST coach. There should be only one DB coach, there is no need for a CB and S coach, therefore Panda should go and if Rumph can't coach both he needs to go as well. Pakte is just a wasted coach, you put him on special teams and he has never coached it before and Manny literally has him coaching 2 players, that is a total waste, there's gotta to be a more efffecient way to coach the strikers.

Manny just needs to win out and make the necessary staff changes.
Manny needs to win out and make staff changes. New DL coach, New OC, OL, and ST coach. There should be only one DB coach, there is no need for a CB and S coach, therefore Panda should go and if Rumph can't coach both he needs to go as well. Pakte is just a wasted coach, you put him on special teams and he has never coached it before and Manny literally has him coaching 2 players, that is a total waste, there's gotta to be a more efffecient way to coach the strikers.

Manny just needs to win out and make the necessary staff changes.
IF we win out, it probably means the O started to click. Now, I don't see the O starting to click, nor do I see us winning out. However, IF we win out, I expect no changes at all. I just want to see improvement from the beginning of the season to the end, and so far it just isn't happening.
...on the repetitious talk of trash-canning Manny's HC gig? In theory, is there one thing he could do this season to win you back? (besides quitting, herr-derr smartasses)

I know one thing is true; no matter how up or down FSU is, leaving Trailerhassee with a win has healing powers. Question is would it work for you?

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Defeating one of the worst FSU teams in the history of that university? **** no!!! The incompetent cancer in the athletic dept has to go regardless. James, Strawley and all there cronies have to go!!
For me ...

Depends HOW BAD we beat them suckas and how we play out the rest of the season. It's safe to say the fans and alumni seen enough already. MannyBlake is on thin ice... w/US. He will have to win out and get us a great bowl game match up and win that one as well along with making staff changes . That's a very low percentage if you ask me.
