Worst Miami assistant ever

I'm not so sure D'no should be on the worst ever list. when we saw a receiver catch a ball w no defender withiin 10 yards, or a lineman playing patty cake, that was exactly what they were coached to do. So from that perspective D'no put together a very well
Coached unit. In fact, I'd argue that D'no was probably one of our best assistants ever. How often did u see a player out of position? Almost never. I can't remember a single instance where a player went outside his coaching and found himself in position to stop YAC or get push into the backfield.

(Sarcasm alert: This post was sarcasm. For the 75% of us who don't understand sarcasm... Please calm down. No need to get emotional)

The difference between Nix and D'No seems to be that Donofrio was an actual coach who coached the team to play awful. Nix on the other hand never seemed to do anything as OC because he was so clueless. Donofio had an awful scheme while Nix had no scheme. I'm not sure which is worse- coaching players to play awful or being too clueless to coach at all.

I think I'd rather have a bad coach than a bad scheme because a good player can out talent the coaching. I think. I wonder if golden tied Dnos hands and forced the scheme on him. I can't imagine a man whose spent his life in football being that stupid.. Let alone 2 on the same staff.
Golden was the worst HC in the history of the program, and D'No was the worst assistant as he followed his butt buddy's ridiculous defensive system without ever questioning it. It wasn't working from Day One against an awful Maryland team. Just boneheaded stupidity and hardheadedness. I can't believe these A-holes thought they'd get a job at Penn State....or anywhere.

Anyway,the clowns are history. #### them.
Offensive assistant is Nix with Coley not far behind. Coley is there due to the **** show from last year. If not for the talent of Kaaya it may have been a virtual tie.

Defensively Paul Williams and No D. Maybe it's all due to scheme but the secondary has under performed for years. Plus I never heard one recruit that Williams was directly responsible for.
Williams... From recruiting to teaching. The amount of Dbs he missed out on are inexcusable.

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Let me submit the name of one Mario Cristobal. His lack of moral fiber set forth an era of culture rot and mediocrity in the mid 2000's from which we still have yet to recover. Burn in ****, Luigi. Burn in ****. Oh wait, you already reside in Alabamy.
this is like arguing that one pile of **** is steamier than the next. All of the names mentioned sucked donkey d!ck and AG was an AA 1st team deep throaten donkey d!ck sucker

2 things, 1. silver isn't black and 2, deep throating shouldn't be a pejorative, I love women that can (as any man of size wood) and I'm sure D'Nofrio appreciates Silver's abilities.
Let me submit the name of one Mario Cristobal. His lack of moral fiber set forth an era of culture rot and mediocrity in the mid 2000's from which we still have yet to recover. Burn in ****, Luigi. Burn in ****. Oh wait, you already reside in Alabamy.

Could you expound on that?
Let me submit the name of one Mario Cristobal. His lack of moral fiber set forth an era of culture rot and mediocrity in the mid 2000's from which we still have yet to recover. Burn in ****, Luigi. Burn in ****. Oh wait, you already reside in Alabamy.

I think cristobal is far from the worst assistant in Miami history. However, he is the least well regarded person on the Alabama staff and most Tide fans wish Saban would fire him. The only reason Saban has him is to recruit Miami Dade County.
Defensively, it is surely D'no and Williams.
Offensively, it is Nix, and Aubrey Hill. Think about how bad those wr were during Jacorys, career. Sure he hung the ball up, and threw it everywhere, but there were SOOOOO many drops. Lets not forget Hank had to get outside training to become a pro under Hill.

Those of you hammering on Whip, I am telling you. If he had Morris or Kaaya he would have KILLED it. He ran a good offense. Just look at what he has done while the HC at other stops. To me its just like Lovett, they both can actually coach. Look at their success at other stops. However, these other dudes have all gone on to absolute anonymity. Just my opinion.
D'Onofrio mainly because his stubborn *** wouldn't adjust to personnel and wouldn't simplify things when the players were lost. I absolutely hated watching team do whatever they wanted against our defense for 5 yrs. Nix was a close second.
Mark Whipple, Patrick Nix, and Mark Donofrio. WORST.

Whipple wasn't great but he was better than the ***** that Coker dragged around like Werner and Olson.

Whipple's name certainly doesn't belong here. I really believe he just said "eff it" and started doing crazy **** when he realized how inept his boss was as a college head coach. Whipple had too long a resume and too many NFL supporters to be lumped in with the likes of Nix.
Let me submit the name of one Mario Cristobal. His lack of moral fiber set forth an era of culture rot and mediocrity in the mid 2000's from which we still have yet to recover. Burn in ****, Luigi. Burn in ****. Oh wait, you already reside in Alabamy.

Could you expound on that?

Just a little hyperbole. I'll always be salty about the way that campaign by the media, local Cristobal surrogates/friends & family and the morons of our fanbase to get him this job was handled.