Worst Miami assistant ever


Jan 29, 2016
I'd say Nix beats Donofrio in that category although it's debatable. I find it funny that Nix is now .500 as a HS coach. But the new offensive coaches who Coker hired for the 2006 season might actually come close to Nix and Donofrio in terms of awfulness. I wonder what would have happened with the rest of Coker's career if he hadn't gone on the moronic firing spree after the Peach Bowl.
Coley was pretty bad too but not Nix or Donofrio level bad.

I couldn't stand D'nofrio's arrogance and his defenses certainly sucked here, but you got the idea that maaaaaybe his defense could be somewhat competent with the right players/experience, but Nix would not be successful in any situation (with exception of play calling against Randy Shannon).
lol please make it be September, these threads are depressing man. This can't be what makes you guys happy. Let's move on.
I'd say Nix beats Donofrio in that category although it's debatable. I find it funny that Nix is now .500 as a HS coach. But the new offensive coaches who Coker hired for the 2006 season might actually come close to Nix and Donofrio in terms of awfulness. I wonder what would have happened with the rest of Coker's career if he hadn't gone on the moronic firing spree after the Peach Bowl.

That firing spree might have been more the work of Pete Gonzalez, or whatever his name was. The Hispanic who went to FIU, I think.

That's what I heard at the time. It was imposed on Coker by Pete.
I give D'Onofrio a little bit of a pass because I think he was basically trained in the pressure 4-3 that was our bread and butter during the best years but had to implement Golden's 3-4 read and react. Before working for Golden, D'Onofrio was an assistant to that Italian guy at Rutgers who left for Tampa Bay. That Italian guy used to be DC for Butch.

Meant to say D'Onofrio at the beginning, but I said Nix. Fixed it.
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I'm not so sure D'no should be on the worst ever list. when we saw a receiver catch a ball w no defender withiin 10 yards, or a lineman playing patty cake, that was exactly what they were coached to do. So from that perspective D'no put together a very well
Coached unit. In fact, I'd argue that D'no was probably one of our best assistants ever. How often did u see a player out of position? Almost never. I can't remember a single instance where a player went outside his coaching and found himself in position to stop YAC or get push into the backfield.

(Sarcasm alert: This post was sarcasm. For the 75% of us who don't understand sarcasm... Please calm down. No need to get emotional)
I'm not so sure D'no should be on the worst ever list. when we saw a receiver catch a ball w no defender withiin 10 yards, or a lineman playing patty cake, that was exactly what they were coached to do. So from that perspective D'no put together a very well
Coached unit. In fact, I'd argue that D'no was probably one of our best assistants ever. How often did u see a player out of position? Almost never. I can't remember a single instance where a player went outside his coaching and found himself in position to stop YAC or get push into the backfield.

(Sarcasm alert: This post was sarcasm. For the 75% of us who don't understand sarcasm... Please calm down. No need to get emotional)

The difference between Nix and D'No seems to be that Donofrio was an actual coach who coached the team to play awful. Nix on the other hand never seemed to do anything as OC because he was so clueless. Donofio had an awful scheme while Nix had no scheme. I'm not sure which is worse- coaching players to play awful or being too clueless to coach at all.
Paul Williams....just read every scouting report on every DB we had that had a chance to get drafted.
Doh'Nofrio, Williams are at the top based on the fact that they believed they were good coaches. Not be able to recognize short comings is a trait shared by people who suck at what they do and have no chance at improving. That being said Bill Miller was pretty bad, but he had little talent that were Jr's and Sr's and the youngins were youngins. When they grew up...we all know the rest. Hat tip Butch for replacing Miller with Schiano.

Go Canes!
this is like arguing that one pile of **** is steamier than the next. All of the names mentioned sucked donkey d!ck and AG was an AA 1st team deep throaten donkey d!ck sucker