Will/Can Radakovich force Mario to make changes at the end of the year?

Lol you’re pathetic. What are you going to do, fire him after 7 games? He has an 8 year contract.

I’m merely highlighting the truths. Players suck, coaching is worse. But make no mistake, the players suck. It ain’t one or the other like that Poster and many others keep crying about.

I think it’s a combination of things, but Mario is chief to blame.

Couple that with many here force feeding Mario down everyone’s throat where every question about him was basically laughed at or met with harsh criticism and here we are. 7 games in he’s approaching laughing stock/dumpster fire.

The money and structure will go a long way, but not being a stubborn donkey will make it go faster
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My guess is we clean house with the guys that we’re not with Mario at Oregon. Maybe strong sticks around as LBs coach. But Gattis, ponce, Steele, addae adios
Lol you’re pathetic. What are you going to do, fire him after 7 games? He has an 8 year contract.

I’m merely highlighting the truths. Players suck, coaching is worse. But make no mistake, the players suck. It ain’t one or the other like that Poster and many others keep crying about.
he actually has a 10 year deal lol.
Purely unfounded prediction:

Gattis out, replaced by promoted Ponce to OC/QB coach, and a new WR coach hired.
I'd like to make a change to this... can Rad force Mario to fire Gattis now? This has gotten considerably worse.
The thing is Mario will be here for awhile whether we like it or not. So given that the best we can do is force his hand with his staff.
If we are stuck with him, how do you force his hand? He has all the leverage. He could get rid of Gattis and just hire Paul Johnson to run his space age offense
If we are stuck with him, how do you force his hand? He has all the leverage. He could get rid of Gattis and just hire Paul Johnson to run his space age offense
Honestly I don't know, I'm hoping Rad has some leverage he can pull on. Maybe find a way to make it so uncomfortable for him that it forces him to make a change?
We sold our soul to Mario. Mario has more power than the AD, "GM" (🤣), BOT, or Johnny Bro Ruiz.

There is no checks and balances here. We said fvck you to democracy and propped up our very own authoritarian dictator. We're like mini GOP. Miami Latins must be gushing with pride.
Honestly I don't know, I'm hoping Rad has some leverage he can pull on. Maybe find a way to make it so uncomfortable for him that it forces him to make a change?
Mario could literally order his team to punt on first down on every possession for the next two years to “teach them a lesson” and nothing would change.
Let me repeat myself for the 1000th time.

Mario could literally order his team to punt on first down on every possession for the next two years to “teach them a lesson” and nothing would change.
Man I'm just looking for a way out of this nightmare. Mario just said on his presser that Gattis runs a great offense... we're so screwed.
Honestly I don't know, I'm hoping Rad has some leverage he can pull on. Maybe find a way to make it so uncomfortable for him that it forces him to make a change?

Rad has no leverage over Mario. You ever seen that old tale about the monkey's paw? It grants your wish, but there is always a tragic, ironic twist. We got our wish of UM finally deciding to put as much money into the program as the top programs do - top 10 salary for a HC and the highest paid staff in the conference. The tragic twist is UM ended up hiring the worst game day coach in the history of the program to an eternal contract.
Purely unfounded prediction:

Gattis out, replaced by promoted Ponce to OC/QB coach, and a new WR coach hired.
Threaten Talladega Nights GIF
Rad has no leverage over Mario. You ever seen that old tale about the monkey's paw? It grants your wish, but there is always a tragic, ironic twist. We got our wish of UM finally deciding to put as much money into the program as the top programs do - top 10 salary for a HC and the highest paid staff in the conference. The tragic twist is UM ended up hiring the worst game day coach in the history of the program to an eternal contract.
Given that Mario just praised Gattis and this style of play we might as well just call the program dead.