Why Jarren Williams as QB? This throw made my dyck hard

NKosi has made better throws
I dont Think so tbh on a few of the throws Jarren made the other day. Can Perry make that throw to harley straying to the left? I don’t think so. that’s just one play but there where a few others I’m not sure Perry makes or he hasn’t made too
The way Jarren climbs the pocket is what legit QBs do. There are more guys in college like Kosi who if their first read isn’t there they throw it anyway/panic and tuck it. When was the last time we threw a deep ball and hit the WR in stride so he could keep running? Jarren did it twice. You can see the more experience he gets the better feel he has for when to get rid of it and not take sacks. Just getting better overall and it’s good to see.
This throw is ******* ridiculous.

There are only a handful of college Qb's who can make this throw in a game on the road and we have one of them. Give him an offensive line with time and we will do damage. This throw reminds me of Jameis Winston in college. By no means is he as talented as Winston but this throw made my **** hard. Im sure @Roman Marciante will agree with me. This throw opens up the whole entire field and lets me know there isnt a throw he cant make

So the game was on ACC Network too? I can't stand the ABC broadcasts, you rarely ever see the QB or the clock, stupid.
That’s a far hash to field boundary throw against cover 3 with a buzzer coming underneath. He threw that thing before Osborn was even breaking from the stem and he put it in a gnats ***. That’s Sunday **** for sure. Not many college QBs make that throw with that anticipation

"In a gnat's ***"?...seriously Bro?...LOL.

Not arguing that Jarren is a better QB than Perry, but Perry makes that throw with more velocity.
I guarantee there are plenty of QBs in college football making that throw

He had amazing moments. His ability to ride the RPO longer and lean towards the flat WR and throw the slant a little bit off of ideal mechanics has been critical in opening up that second window. Next level QB work there
If Jarren checked down more often he would probably have a 75%+ completion percentage. That’s where his game needs to grow. Several opportunities to check down that he passes on and it leads to sacks or forced throws

If he did this he would then be labeled as a guy who can’t throw deep with this board. Amazes me the people who didn’t see how much better of a QB is than Perry. Laughable. He should not have played a down vs VT.