Who is here from old Grassy/Scout?

Why do I feel like Im at an AA meeting or a high school reunion. Hi my name is WaterburyCane. Im a Miami Hurricane addict. I started getting addicted to Grassy in 1999.

Those were the good ole days. I was CaneNut on there. Certainly remember a lot of you and always appreciated the conversations, opinions and info. Lot of characters too.

Go Canes!
I started on J'VilleCane's old board (FightNCane.com) in like 1998 then moved to Grassy when J'Ville rolled his board into Grassy shortly after.
Same name.

[MENTION=3]LuCane[/MENTION] turned me on to grassy back in 2000, when we spent hours watching recruiting videos during our "work study" program at the U.

Wound up meeting a bunch of great folks at road games, tailgates, NYC game watches, Vegas trips, etc.

Grassy was pretty much my second wife for a long time.
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My favorite poster on the old grassy board was Dario from Las Vegas. He loved the Canes. Originally from Miami, he moved to Vegas and got caught up in some shenanigans involving real estate and corruption on the local zoning commission. Very Miami and Vegas- like stuff.

Anyway, he had to leave the grassy board for awhile when he was sentenced to jail time. Too bad. He was a great poster.

Dario, where are you now?
My favorite poster on the old grassy board was Dario from Las Vegas. He loved the Canes. Originally from Miami, he moved to Vegas and got caught up in some shenanigans involving real estate and corruption on the local zoning commission. Very Miami and Vegas- like stuff.

Anyway, he had to leave the grassy board for awhile when he was sentenced to jail time. Too bad. He was a great poster.

Dario, where are you now?

He was posting here in the last few years as Convictcane or something like that.
same name....started on Grassy late 96 or early 97. The greatest memories were the "DJ Williams and his dog to Miami" fiasco and "Headset Guy".

Wrote for Grassy from 1996 through about 2004. Bryan Knoll was the man. Appreciate the opp. Back in the ol' Eye Of The Hurricane days.
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Same name.

Wow, RIP. I think I was a member back in the late 90's until the whole ordeal where they killed the Lounge. Once that happened, the site seemed to die.
Used to get Canesport delivered to me in Tx. Found grassy from an ad on the back page in 96 (Dial-up days). Lurked as Canedomecome and switched to Caniac4life some years later.

Met DMoney with AU & Whup doing shots in the parking lot at the MD game right before he launched. Been lurking ever since.