Which users generate the most views? -answers inside

What about the bottom 25? Something we are more accustomed to lately!!!!!

There are only 38 users that have created 384 or more threads. Many of these users created threads when the board was much smaller and the WEZ was still a part of the site.

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Probably worth adding that any data I have shown includes the WEZ while it was a part of CIS. That WEZ is still apart of our data, just inaccessible to anyone but me.

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****, bro. I hope those heart attacks weren't induced by some CIS porsts that got you agitated or anything. Some of them occasionally make me feel like I'm having an aneurysm.

Get well though. My grandfather had a pacemaker for like 30 years and never had another cardiac issue. Here's to at least that amount of success with it for you.
Thank you for that my man !