Which Head Coach Do You Wish Would Have Stayed Longer?

Which head coach do you wish would have stayed longer?

  • Howard Schnellenberger

  • Jimmy Johnson

  • Dennis Erickson

  • Butch Davis

  • Larry Coker

  • Randy Shannon

  • Al Golden

Results are only viewable after voting.
JJ was the best of the bunch but wish Butch would've stayed longer. We were able to bounce back after every coaching change except after Butch. Program would look a lot different today had he stayed.

Two words: Donna Shalala.
I agree with you, Jimmy was the goat here but the collection of talent Butch was putting together year after year was scary good.
Butch was a closer when it came to recruiting even Bowden said once Butch got his claws into u there was no chance. Would of loved to see if he can recruit in todays time at a big school. Not anynore because obviously if he isnt a cane hes the enemy
Wasn’t around then but why isn’t Dennis Erickson thought more highly of in terms of UM all time coaches?

As much as any single person ever involved with UM football, Dennis Erickson is responsible for all of our troubles. He had a personality that resonated with the program, he loved to, and knew how to, score points. Going to games in that era was as fun as any period in UM football history. But the dude captained the unsinkable ship right into the effin iceberg. He completely lost control of the locker room and let the program turn into "Lord of the Flies". And then he ran out the door right as he sank the ship, and avoided all of the consequences.

Think of it this way, Brock, DE was handed the keys to the fastest, most beautiful car in the world. He won a couple races with it, took us all on a pretty nice joyride for a while there, but then left the car a heaping wreck lying in the ditch, dead hookers in the trunk, and hitch-hiked a ride in the middle of the night to Seattle. And we found out the next time we went to the Dr. that we had HIV.

The difference between Coker and Erickson is that Coker was a nice guy and a stand up individual.
I don't like the inherent biases of the poll. Why didn't the list of choices include this dude?

All the people who voted for Grolden should get their own special corner in ****...except for @DTP.
All the people who voted for Grolden should get their own special corner in ****...except for @DTP.
I attended pretty much every single home game during Golden's tenure. I've already been to **** and back.
I attended pretty much every single home game during Golden's tenure. I've already been to **** and back.
LMAO..I honestly couldn’t go any more at the end unless it was for the big games. I would get too mad or drank my sorrows away lol...so essentially it was bad for my health.
As much as any single person ever involved with UM football, Dennis Erickson is responsible for all of our troubles. He had a personality that resonated with the program, he loved to, and knew how to, score points. Going to games in that era was as fun as any period in UM football history. But the dude captained the unsinkable ship right into the effin iceberg. He completely lost control of the locker room and let the program turn into "Lord of the Flies". And then he ran out the door right as he sank the ship, and avoided all of the consequences.

Think of it this way, Brock, DE was handed the keys to the fastest, most beautiful car in the world. He won a couple races with it, took us all on a pretty nice joyride for a while there, but then left the car a heaping wreck lying in the ditch, dead hookers in the trunk, and hitch-hiked a ride in the middle of the night to Seattle. And we found out the next time we went to the Dr. that we had HIV.

The difference between Coker and Erickson is that Coker was a nice guy and a stand up individual.

I always wonder if Gary Stevens(who the players and many others wanted) would've been a better choice to take over for JJ. But Sam Jankovich wanted Erickson as he knew him an he was a hot guy on the west coast at the time, taking Wazzu to a bowl and defeating #1 UCLA that year previously(1988). I know Stevens could be rough around the edges and was thought off as an assistant-type who couldn't lead a program but his system and coaching pedigree at Miami was unreal as it related to his offense and QB development.

But yeah, Erickson ran a VERY loose ship. I've heard things that boggle the mind(the Bryce Erickson stuff is hilarious) and I really dont think he understood the culture of this program and the expectations and it eventually swallowed him up. I was flat out told he was banned from one local high school from ever recruiting there because he was drunk there. There are a bunch of stories of this ilk.
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JJ is the only correct answer.

Howard built the program and will always be the king, but he left before he could see his Frankenstein fully come to life.

Jimmy had big dreams. Howard thought we had the potential to be good, or even great, but Jimmy saw how we could dominate.

Erickson is Clappy pre-Clappy. He took a dynasty and did a decent job not ******* it up.

Butch is the Phoenix. He rebuilt this program from the ashes, and for that, I’ll smash any man who speaks ill of him in my swing range.
Butch Davis who took a garbage Cleveland Browns job over staying in Miami and accomplish college football history.
Butch is the answer, JJ wanted to coach in the NFL and nothing was going to stop him from doing that, Butch assembled the greatest college football team of all time (2001 canes) and wouldve been able to stack more talent on top of that had he not left for the Browns
JJ was a great motivator, lived & breathed football and was ruthless. He hated Hurricane Club gigs and never stayed around to mingle with the club members, but his players loved him.
Wasn’t around then but why isn’t Dennis Erickson thought more highly of in terms of UM all time coaches?

I think most fans felt he was handed a premium team and simply requested to not ***** it up. Thus, he was a gatekeeper.
I voted for J.J. too, but the other coach who won a championship in the pros wasn’t on the list, Saban. He really got the ball rolling for the success we had in the 80s by bringing in guys like Jim Kelly, Lester Williams, etc.

My son played for Saban @ UCF and he told us that Miami was the only place he truly regreted leaving.
The polls have closed and here are the final results:


I wasn’t surprised to see Jimmy win, but I thought Howard would have garnered more support than 10.7%. Butch snagged a quarter of the total ballots cast, which is respectable. The other four coaches collected a combined 12 votes (3.8%), but just one of them, Dennis Erickson, the only head coach to win two national championships at UM, deserved any real consideration.

And to those who voted for Alfred James Golden, Jr., A POX BE UPON YOU ALL!

As the check mark above indicates, I voted for Butch and here’s why:

Howard put Miami on the map. He made good on his incredibly ridiculous promise for the Hurricanes to be national champions within five years of his arrival. Then, suddenly, with a persistent wife at his side, he decided to chase the dream of professional football in the upstart USFL. We all know how that ended. I’m a sentimental guy at heart and would have voted for Howard except for one reason: Jimmy Johnson.

If Howard stays, Jimmy never comes to Coral Gables. And if Howard put us on the map, Jimmy made us The U. So why didn’t I vote for Jimmy? Because, for all his faults, Dennis Erickson, was ... successful. His worst season he went 9-3. His team was a perfect 12-0 in 1991, three years after Jimmy went to Dallas. He won two national championships in six years. Jimmy won one in five. How much better would Jimmy have done than Dennis? A similar question leads me to my final decision.

It’s debatable if Jimmy could have won more NCs than Dennis did during the same time period. But what would have happened if Butch had stayed? What Canes fan hasn’t asked himself that question over the years?! It’s that haunting feeling of unfinished business. Of squandered opportunity. Of wasted potential. Of shattered dreams. Of unfulfilled destiny.

Butch weathered terrible sanctions and crushing defeats during his early years. I think the ‘97 FSU game is the one that stings the most. I lived in Orlando back then and watched the game at a friend’s apartment with mostly Seminoles in attendance. I learned that day there’s something far worse than ridicule from your opponent: sincere pity. 47-0 to those ******** felt worse than the 58-0 drubbing Clemson gave us two decades later. Plus, that loss set in motion the series of events that led to Mark Richt’s miraculous return. (Thanks, Dabo!) But Butch toughed it out, paid his dues and assembled a wrecking machine the likes of which college had never seen before or since, and may never see again on one roster.

And then Butch lied, and then he left, and then he lost. Miserably and repeatedly in Cleveland.

So that’s what it comes down to for me. If Butch hadn’t prematurely ejected, what could have been?

Go Canes!