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C'mon RVA. When in Rome......
@MISTER OWL is my secret weapon. First it was just a "who" or 2. Then he started posting in the daytime which is unusual for an owl as they're nocturnal. Then it was a "hoot" with a Hooters innuendo. And then he broke out with the Zion/Nike thread. MISTER OWL is gonna unleash himself like a force on CIS and I'm gonna have a front row seat.

Go Temple!
So the 43 threads that one guy started *****ing about NY died with 4 or 5 posts, but the one discussing NY goes on and on.

Why can't August hurry up and get here?
@MISTER OWL is my secret weapon. First it was just a "who" or 2. Then he started posting in the daytime which is unusual for an owl as they're nocturnal. Then it was a "hoot" with a Hooters innuendo. And then he broke out with the Zion/Nike thread. MISTER OWL is gonna unleash himself like a force on CIS and I'm gonna have a front row seat.

Go Temple!
I won't lie. I've been following intently since he's burst on the scene. Ironically, NJ was stealing his thunder but now he has the stage to himself.
Heard him and Kenneth were getting messages got a foreign object stuck somewhere or hung up like two dogs had to go on a med sabbatical.you do have to admit he had some good info and was funny and you could joke around with him some.he just like a kid waiting for Christmas morning just over heated and the alternative lifestyle he lives went full blown he could could no longer control his emotions.
How do you HERD members do it! Nothing gets by you! Only recently you cracked the case that proves Manny Diaz will soon quit the Canes and join the Seminoles, along with Enos being appointed Michigan State's coach in waiting. Amazing!

Yes, I am the Salmon Man and countless other aliases such as; 'Bobby Bowden's Girlfriend', 'Gator Pincushion', 'Soiled Finger Licker', 'HERD Pole Sitter', 'Saban's Love Child', and of course...'Earnest T. Bass'.

Tipping my hat to your sky-high intellect and being aware that while playing chess with the worlds masters you simultaneously debate Mensa members on issues that would even impress God, I voluntarily admit that I am Jussie Smollett knowing you have already figured that out.

The one area that I find disturbing is you geniuses (HERD members) had pinpointed Bin Laden's location years before Seal Team 6 took him out, but for reasons only known to you that information was not transmitted to the NSA and/or CIA. Yet, being fully aware that you HERD members are agents for good I am left to assume you had unimpeachable reasons for not sharing said info.
It's all prophecy.
So the 43 threads that one guy started *****ing about NY died with 4 or 5 posts, but the one discussing NY goes on and on.

Why can't August hurry up and get here?
Off-season....you can always talk about what kind of dog you have....seemed to turn up quite often on Grassy during the off-season
Off-season....you can always talk about what kind of dog you have....seemed to turn up quite often on Grassy during the off-season
English Springer Spaniel. Thanks for asking.
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