Where Alonzo Needs to Make a Difference

Yeah, now you're gonna get passive-aggressive about it.

You don't know much, you don't post much, but you feel entitled to post demeaning comments about the job title/job description/job performance of a person who is far more talented than you are.

Sure. You're entitled, and you're going to act like you are entitled. Meanwhile, Alonzo gets more done in a day than you've accomplished in a lifetime.
Ok I agree with you it was passive aggressive towards you, I mean all you had to do was respond with "Hey I covered this in detail in a post back in May. here's a link"

Hahahaha. I do find it somewhat funny the "Alonzo gets more done in a day than I do in a lifetime" comment. Considering you don't know me at all, but that's ok. I can take that. It may be true

I don't know if demeaning is the right word to describe my original post, at the very most it could have a connotation of "does Alonzo just collect a pay check and sit on his butt all day"

If you could direct me to your post or posts explaining the job title and description and daily tasks, that's all I really want.

Thank you
Zo was not happy after the ATM game. Refused to give autographs and pics to fans. So I can imagine how he feels now. But, being angry and doing somethin about it are two different things.