what is it with south florida kids? smh

History has proven that once you get these South Florida kids on the field, they are better football players. Not just more talented, but tougher mentally and better competitors. That's why they contribute so early at the college level and the pros. IMO, that's a result of the intense pressure these kids are under from their families and the outside community beginning at the Optimist level.

Off the field is a whole different issue. But on the field, give me a South Florida kid over anything else.

They start earlier so they are more physically developed than their peers, and that's why they contribute earlier.

Actually, they aren't more physically developed because the weight programs down here aren't very good. It's like Butch Davis said: a lot of these guys outperform their peers in Texas at the college/NFL level because the quality of facilities becomes equal.

Men lie, women lie, numbers don't. There are more Dade kids in the NFL than any other county in the world, and Fort Lauderdale and West Palm Beach aren't far behind. Until that changes, give me the Teddy Bridgewaters, Duke Johnsons, Stephen Morris's, Amari Coopers, Deon Bush's and Ryan Shaziers.
I think these issues disappear when the kids get to college. Even if the kid is a flake in high school, he's forced to step up his game in college because the playing field is more level. (and nobody wants to sit the bench)

That flake attitude can get you through high school but college coaches ain't playin that BS.

With that said, yes indeed, give me South Florida kids all day. (with some country boys and northern boys sprinkled in)