What exactly happened to aziz? SIAP

Ill throw out some more conspiracy as it would align well with Tools reputation. Wouldn't surprise me 1 bit if he told them both he wasn't coming back.
Why are people so sore about Pete's departure (which BTW feels like it happened a long time ago)?!?!

The kid is young and talented. He moved on to bigger and better things. Be happy for him and enjoy CIS, which was his baby!

He got tired of the grind and wanted to do something different. Pretty much the story. Sadly he seemed to lose the motivation right when he was starting to hit the payoff of it. Maybe he felt the payoff wasn't as exciting or as big as he had dreamed it to be. Can't imagine talking with highschool kids and trying to maintain a relationship with someone on staff is that thrilling as you get older. I would guess Jobe playing him probably didn't help. Pete probably looked up to Jobe and felt betrayed like a grandfather betraying him.
No wonder his sources were pretty accurate regarding Norton and McIntosh decisions going Pro. His firm was already working them.
McIntosh didn’t sign with first round management, Norton did however
I never saw any explanation of it but it does seem some people feel betrayed, like a girlfriend dumped them. Personally I am more upset that Hope Hicks left The White House. One less hot chick to look at during stupid news reports.

She IS really hot. Nice take on the situation.
He got tired of the grind and wanted to do something different. Pretty much the story. Sadly he seemed to lose the motivation right when he was starting to hit the payoff of it. Maybe he felt the payoff wasn't as exciting or as big as he had dreamed it to be. Can't imagine talking with highschool kids and trying to maintain a relationship with someone on staff is that thrilling as you get older. I would guess Jobe playing him probably didn't help. Pete probably looked up to Jobe and felt betrayed like a grandfather betraying him.
Lol at "tired of the grind" in the field you went to school for at age 23.
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Pete was given a chance to pursue a career outside of media as the PR director for first round management. I'm going to come out and say that some people's reactions to his departure where unwarranted. Pete and Dmoney (both personal friends of mine) worked extremely hard to build this community for all of us to enjoy and while sometimes information given to them by sources didn't turn out to be accurate and other similar mishaps occured i can tell you that one thing is forsure Peter did More to help Miami Hurricanes football than almost every member of this board combined outside of those who actually contribute financially to the program. Life goes on and people find new and diffrent passions to pursue everyone should be thankful for the work peter put in and how well things are being run now by Stefan and Dmoney.
Thank you for this.
Pete was given a chance to pursue a career outside of media as the PR director for first round management. I'm going to come out and say that some people's reactions to his departure where unwarranted. Pete and Dmoney (both personal friends of mine) worked extremely hard to build this community for all of us to enjoy and while sometimes information given to them by sources didn't turn out to be accurate and other similar mishaps occured i can tell you that one thing is forsure Peter did More to help Miami Hurricanes football than almost every member of this board combined outside of those who actually contribute financially to the program. Life goes on and people find new and diffrent passions to pursue everyone should be thankful for the work peter put in and how well things are being run now by Stefan and Dmoney.

I agree with this and nobody is going to like this but Ferman has and does the same thing but its cool to bash him because you have to pay for his site. Now we have a little more perspective on why he charges for it.
Pete was given a chance to pursue a career outside of media as the PR director for first round management. I'm going to come out and say that some people's reactions to his departure where unwarranted. Pete and Dmoney (both personal friends of mine) worked extremely hard to build this community for all of us to enjoy and while sometimes information given to them by sources didn't turn out to be accurate and other similar mishaps occured i can tell you that one thing is forsure Peter did More to help Miami Hurricanes football than almost every member of this board combined outside of those who actually contribute financially to the program. Life goes on and people find new and diffrent passions to pursue everyone should be thankful for the work peter put in and how well things are being run now by Stefan and Dmoney.

I'm with that....

Whatever happened, this site hasn't had this much action since I came around for sure, though not near as long as many others. This new set up and frequency of articles is much better...hope it stays that way after everyone gets comfortable.

Do we bump this thread or create a new one IF Ol' Petey was to appear on 16 separate pages of a Notice of Allegations in the next 5 years or do we just talk about it when any of the juniors ears he was in this year or in future years lament about lies and bad advice they were given as underclassmen that declared early?

Another guy that "bleeds orange and green" that actually only bleeds "green". Uncle Puke, The Feast, Billy Cohen, etc would be proud.

This program attracts opportunists like the SEC attracts racists and inbreds.
Long and short of it Peter went to get paid something all of us either have or aspire to.

Don’t like that he kind of snuck out of here but hey the guy went to make that money....
If a recruiting insider that strings us along all season bounces right as we were approaching signing day, what do you think the reaction was going to be? That's not how I would roll (I ain't a Dionte Mullins), but to each his own. He pulled a Sony Michel on us. The bag man showed up and he had to feed the family.

But, he put in mad work during these years and it was appreciated.
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Do we bump this thread or create a new one IF Ol' Petey was to appear on 16 separate pages of a Notice of Allegations in the next 5 years or do we just talk about it when any of the juniors ears he was in this year or in future years lament about lies and bad advice they were given as underclassmen that declared early?

Another guy that "bleeds orange and green" that actually only bleeds "green". Uncle Puke, The Feast, Billy Cohen, etc would be proud.

This program attracts opportunists like the SEC attracts racists and inbreds.
God**** what a post; sadly too true.