What did Willis do wrong

1. He had one year of good tape.

2. The NFL has a serious problem right now. I mean, ****, Tyreke Hill MAY end up suspended for multiple games. Willis played great for us. But, he left UF. He left UM for a year. It's just not a good look.

3. ****** agents. Good to great agents cover a lot of **** for players that have accumulated bad reputations or had bad reputations. Willis went to trial with a public defender when he needed Cochrane.

Leaving a team is a bad look? I think having a video of you punching or pushing a girl is a bad look. GW doesn’t have one of those to my knowledge. There is clearly something going on but I don’t think it’s fair to compare him to the others who have done much worse.
The fact that he wasn't drafted, but signed immediately after is just as head scratching to me. I was willing to buy some kind of blacklist, but nothing about this makes sense. Even if he is a head case (not saying he is or isn't), I'm shocked that all 32 teams passed on him for 7 rounds, only for him to be immediately signed
Did Willis McGahee participate in the combine or Senior Bowl? And he DID participate in the team's bowl game.

WHAT!!!??? What is your point???

McGahee was recovering from a very serious injury. His speed and capabilities before the injury were unquestioned when he was drafted.

The only question was how much of his previous skills he would recover.

Teams knew enough about him and had enough measurables to take a big chance on him because of the tremendous upside

I can't think of a case that is more dissimilar to Willis'

So again....What's your point??
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NFL scouts aren't going to overlook all those cargo ships that Perry robbed. Going to be tough to overcome. I mean they literally have footage of him declaring himself the new captain of a stolen vessel.

I don’t know. The Raiders might love that.

Drums please...
Obviously the NFL teams know something that is not public. No way he goes undrafted. Sooner or later it will come out. Kind of glad though so I can root for him on my Ravens. Hope Jackson and Jackson the best but cant root for any Cowgirls
1. He had one year of good tape.

2. The NFL has a serious problem right now. I mean, ****, Tyreke Hill MAY end up suspended for multiple games. Willis played great for us. But, he left UF. He left UM for a year. It's just not a good look.

3. ****** agents. Good to great agents cover a lot of **** for players that have accumulated bad reputations or had bad reputations. Willis went to trial with a public defender when he needed Cochrane.
Tyreek Hill will never play another down of football.