**** Week in Miami!

Ain’t nothing wrong with that message from feeley period. The L doesn’t change that. Mfs just hate being cane fans nowadays wanting to pick and choose what spots to ridicule I see 🤷🏾‍♂️
Feely needs to relay the message to the coaches.
Nah, take responsibility and not throw your kids under the bus
Soft mentality, never grew up with that. Ain’t nothing wrong with what enos said. Jarren while he looked promising for sure absolutely made some mistakes that game that can’t happen. Enos even said it starts with me and they got to do better in the interview. That’s what’s wrong with society now, quit sugarcoating sh*t and I guarantee everything enos said in his press conference you better believe he relayed that to Jarren. If a coach coaches you hard then they see potential in you and that’s how highly enos thinks of Jarren. Remember he said Williams can be an elite passer so of course when he saw some of the mistakes Jarren made in the game, missing bigger plays, taking unnecessary sacks or even delay of game issuers of course he’s going to critique that because it’s not okay just let to things like that slide because it can become a bigger issue if not addressed.
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Soft mentality, never grew up with that. Ain’t nothing wrong with what enos said. Jarren while he looked promising for sure absolutely made some mistakes that game that can’t happen. Enos even said it starts with me and they got to do better in the interview. That’s what’s wrong with society now, quit sugarcoating sh*t and I guarantee everything enos said in his press conference you better believe he relayed that to Jarren. If a coach coaches you hard then they see potential in you and that’s how highly enos thinks of Jarren. Remember he said Williams can be an elite passer so of course when he saw some of the mistakes Jarren made in the game, missing bigger plays, taking unnecessary sacks or even delay of game issuers of course he’s going to critique that because it’s not okay just let to things like that slide because it can become a bigger issue if not addressed.
Hopefully, even as unfortunate as the loss is, preseason is out of the way. Would be very interested in seeing how this team bounces back, as opposed to folding after a loss in the past. Manny mentioned the “Preseason” aspect and the teams’ ****ed off attitude in his press conference. Very heartening to hear that.
Enos left bama at the alter of course they would be spiteful lol
Where art though, Enos?

Enos: :11263272045-489f4f7972-o:
It should've been **** Week this past week. The way we played, Feely should put the players to the point of vomiting. Then tell our players "This is how it feels to lose." giving our team the general mindset towards any team like "We Fvckin REFUSE to let YOU make us go through **** Week again, and we finna fvck yall up for 60 minutes to make sure that dont happen!". Fvck that, I even ran 110s this week after that performance.
It should've been **** Week this past week. The way we played, Feely should put the players to the point of vomiting. Then tell our players "This is how it feels to lose." giving our team the general mindset towards any team like "We Fvckin REFUSE to let YOU make us go through **** Week again, and we finna fvck yall up for 60 minutes to make sure that dont happen!". Fvck that, I even ran 110s this week after that performance.
Finally SOMEBODY gets it!
And? They saw part of enos comments and taking it out of context like a lot of people have done this week. Don’t care whatsoever
After reviewing the game and seeing the many open plays that was there for JW, Enos has the right to be a little ****ed that jarren missed most of them down field instead of making the easy checkdown. I saw JT wide open many time even for a straight up TD.

At first glanz Enos looked to be passing the buck, but once you see what he saw during the game you pull back off the criticism because of how pronounce the open plays were for us. It makes you even feel like FL was garbage with how deficient they looked on defense during the game with our guys running so wide open.

I believe if you stick a mike in front of Enos now he would pull back off the criticism of Jarren, but just off the heat of the game he just laid bare the truth and the video of the game from other angles surely see what Enos was so upset about. And after further review I don't blame him one bit!!
I know every time we have a coaching change we hear the same stuff about how the old staff was ******** up and the how the new staff does this and this better. But we have never had this kind of hype about our S&C coaching. Feeley is mentioned in almost every interview by the other coaches and players. We never heard a peep about felder. I’m very excited to see how much more athletic and conditioned our players are going to look.
Soft mentality, never grew up with that. Ain’t nothing wrong with what enos said. Jarren while he looked promising for sure absolutely made some mistakes that game that can’t happen. Enos even said it starts with me and they got to do better in the interview. That’s what’s wrong with society now, quit sugarcoating sh*t and I guarantee everything enos said in his press conference you better believe he relayed that to Jarren. If a coach coaches you hard then they see potential in you and that’s how highly enos thinks of Jarren. Remember he said Williams can be an elite passer so of course when he saw some of the mistakes Jarren made in the game, missing bigger plays, taking unnecessary sacks or even delay of game issuers of course he’s going to critique that because it’s not okay just let to things like that slide because it can become a bigger issue if not addressed.

It’s a “me first” and my feelings society over the way it used to be Brock. Back in the day parents knew that the real world wasn’t covered in magical fairy dust and perfect people so they taught right from wrong, respect your elders, have manners, and be accountable for your own actions. Nowadays it’s what can you do for me or look at me and my comments, ain’t I special? It goes back to their parents who wanted 1st place trophies for everyone even though they lost. There’s no lessons being taught to these kids and they think their entitled. I’m not referencing our players, I’m talking about some who keep harping on this Enos hurt JDub’s feelings crap. Man up, do your job to the best of your ability, respect those around you, and make better choices in life. There are consequences for one’s actions that this generation doesn’t seem to believe applies to them.