**** Week in Miami!

Bottom line is will the players feel the urgency and want the reward enough to put out the extreme effort.
Y'all remember this bullsh!t?

Nah bro, people were putting Felder on a pedestal too. Just like you said, we hear this EVERY coaching change. From Kehoe calling guys out to Folden's new training table and nutritionist, the list goes on and on. We'll see if all this rah rah comes in to play in 2 weeks. Until then, don't just talk about it, be about it. Not a personal shot at you by the way...
Would you rather the team go into complete silence, and not give any feedback to the press and fans? You'd still find something to ***** and moan about.
Ya'll really didn't see the difference in conditioning on Saturday?

A guy like Deejay Dallas played about 80% of the plays and looked like he got stronger at end of game. The two Safeties played well over 80% of the plays and looked fine in and out of their breaks late. Same with the Corners. We barely even rotated in DEs as expected and our guys were fine at end of game. Jon Freakin' Ford played a surprising amount of plays and made it through fine.

We can talk from general guessing or judging how two Frosh tackles got whipped by 23 year old men, but did any of you complaining count the plays and look specifically at how the guys moved late in the game? At the very least, we're better conditioned than they've been. Sure, low bar, but better than the alternative.

Snap counts:

DeeJay Dallas: 56
K.J. Osborn: 71
Jeff Thomas: 54
Mike Harley: 46
Brevin Jordan: 62
Jonathan Garvin: 49
Scott Patchan: 43
Jonathan Ford: 46
Pat Bethel: 37
Shaquille Quarterman: 57
Michael Pinckney: 48
Amari Carter: 56
Gurvan Hall: 52
Amari Carter: 56
Gurvan Hall: 52
This man stupid, how does our 2 freshman tackles reflect our SC program? Dude really thought he was sproving a point by bumping this ****.
10 sacks. That's what wrong with it lol

Half the sacks would have happened if you’d have had nfl all-pros at tackle.They were caused by the QB holding the ball for 8-10 seconds.

NOBODY can block a guy for that long.

Seems like you picked the wrong thing to bich about cause from what I saw ( and it seems what everyone else saw ) this team is head and shoulders over where it was in the past and is getting stronger every day.
yes you did last years would be folded after the Thomas fumble and that last touchdown Florida made.our team even with all the mistakes still had a chance to win .guess you didn't watch the game. Our last 3 Oline coaches make me sick.
Fixed that last sentence for you...
Half the sacks would have happened if you’d have had nfl all-pros at tackle.They were caused by the QB holding the ball for 8-10 seconds.

NOBODY can block a guy for that long.

Seems like you picked the wrong thing to bich about cause from what I saw ( and it seems what everyone else saw ) this team is head and shoulders over where it was in the past and is getting stronger every day.
Bama fans even talking about Enos throwing Jarren under the bus.