We Win 12 Games If Kaaya Came Back

Rosier never went to the check down last night. But he’a a master at staring down receivers. Wisconsin knew where he was going to throw almost every time unless he surprised with the long ball.
You have to be crazy to prefer a QB who completed less than 50% of his passes and led his conference in INT's over a QB who threw for 3500 yards at 62% with only 7 picks.

Some of yall act like Rosier is Lamar Jackson with this "but Kaaya couldn't run" stuff. Rosier makes a play or two but he ain't killin' nobody with his legs either.
His running ability is not a fair trade off for his lack of passing ability. (and not a fair trade for Kaaya's passing ability or experience)

A senior Brad Kaaya has us going 12-1 this season and Rosier never sees the field.

He's been terrible but the poor kid should've never been thrusted into this role to begin with. He should never be the starting QB at a program like Miami. It's not his fault that our last HC was an awful recruiter and our starting QB decided to leave early.
Ideally Kaaya stays, Rosier is a career backup and Perry takes over as a RS Freshman when Kaaya leaves.
When Kaaya was on he was close to unstoppable, but people convienently forget the the long stretches in which Kaaya couldn’t be more off. Last year UNC, second half of FSU,and most of the first half of our bowl game he couldn’t make a throw to save his life. 2 of those games we lost. There’s no doubt that we blow a few teams out with Kaaya, but there’s also no doubt that we’d lose a few due to his immobility and tendency to go cold for long stretches of game.
We lose to FSU, we might lose to GaTech or Syracuse.

We split Va Tech and ND. Maybe we win Pitt.

We’re playing in the Illinois Weedeater Bowl at the end of the year.

Kaaya isn’t playing on Sunday because he couldn’t find a way to win the Big Games, and the Scouts figured that out.

Kaaya would still have to run MR's Offense, Diaz and Searls would still be there, etc., etc. No, with MR still there, you are guaranteed 2-3 loses, just like he did at UGA.
Could he run? No. Would he have won us 10 games? Who knows. But here's what I do know.

- He understood his personnel
- He didn't throw jump balls to 5'9' guys
- He didn't throw to the knees of 6'4"+ guys
- He threw his receivers open
- He knew how to use his eyes.

On a separate note, please scrap the ******* RPO. I rather have run the pro offense that Wisconsin ran. They kept it clean and simple, and threw some nice West Coast concepts in there. We have Realus coming in, so use the **** guy. Cager is a beast when used properly. That was a TD if the ball was thrown higher, regardless of the defensive hold
Gotta run the RPO!!!!! Richt has to have it. Kaaya probably didn't have a choice to stay. Richt wasn't gonna design an offense around his talent so he took his chances at the league. Richt should have begged and pleaded Brad to come back