WE WANT 60!!!!!!


May 9, 2019
October 4, 1997 was one of the darkest days in the history of this great program. I will not bother with the details, but if you are too young to remember that game, be thankful.

The 49-27 win in 2001 was great. Last year’s win at the Doak was sweet. But the bloodlust has not been satiated. I know many of my Canes brethren share that sentiment.

2020 has presented us with an unprecedented opportunity. The holes are reeling and we have barely seen the tip of the iceberg of our potential. It is time to put Norvell officially on the hot seat. It is time to make the team up north a complete joke on the recruiting trail.

WE WANT 60!!!!!!

If you see Manny buying bagels, tell him WE WANT 60. If you see Lashlee buying ingredients for his daughter to make cookies, tell him WE WANT 60. If you spot any player or staff member, tell them WE WANT 60.

It’s time to violate Osceola at 50 yard line American Me style with his own spear.

To **** with kneeling. To **** with running out the clock. Sportsmanship be damned.

WE WANT 60!!!!!!
I mean, we could just like, idk, let them live they life. Then every body just tweet about wanting 60 and they’ll get the message. But I’d take handing them an embarrassing loss.
I know this goes against what the first 5 posts in a thread should be but I agree with OP. I want 60 so bad I’ll be at Platforms in Boca until Saturday.
I posted in a thread last year that only 1 time was this game decided by more that one score since like 2002. Obviously last year was time #2 but no matter how down either team is these games are close.
Just went back and looked. Since 2002 three games had been decided by more than one score all FSU wins until last year. Now it’s 4 games and we won last year obviously.