We Cannot Let Up. The 'Noise' Is Not Being 'Ignored'

UM's indifference toward the program and Folden's performance have earned them this fallout. They retained him. This is what happens.

You're not gonna shove shlt sandwiches into our faces and tell us to like it, all the while saying "hey this shlt sandwich is your fault."

Grab a rifle and join the rebellion or get the fvck out of the way.

They will feel the backlash when thousands of season ticket holders tell the school to take a hike when it comes time to renew. I bet there will be 25,000 fans at the first game against Bethune.
your negativity is really not doing **** besides running recruits off. Your stupid banners and billboards wont effect al goldens job one bit. Just making the team look even worse and supporting a negative environment for the football team.

WRONG. Dude get a clue..Cassandra Mitchell gave us the gasoline and the match and told us to "Go get'em!" when she tweeted what she said. You don't think THAT is having a bigger impact then whatever fans are doing? Dude, FSU fans (Whol should be kissing Jimbo and every other players on that teams a$$ right now) basically punked Dalvin Cook on twitter and keyed players cars for losing the ORE game. And last time I checked, they still had a top 5 class and no decommits and NO transfers. Players don't give a **** about what fans say. That's an excuse to hide why they are REALLY not coming here. (horrible coaching, horrible schemes, and bad records)

Winner winner chicken dinner.
I agree with every one about this being Al and UM's fault. They created the environment for this **** storm. Unfortunately, plenty of ignorant and unrealistic folks stoked this fire by convincing the sheep to form a mob. A ******* mob carrying sticks and no guns.
You guys are idiots. Al Golden just went 6-7 and did not get fired. What makes you think that you as a none supportive ****head fan could impact the coaching decision? When has that ever worked? Al will decide his fate, not you!

You guys are not fans. You are ********.

I whole-heartedly agree with you that we are ********. But better to be an ******* than a mindless sheep. People want to pretend like being a fan means sticking to every facet of the program through think and thin and retaining blind optimism before every new season. Sports is a product. You are a customer of the team you follow. Sport franchises gauge us (the fans) purely on the amount of money we will give them, not on our passion and optimism.

You are blind if you think what is going on will have no impact. Kids not wanting to come here is just one part of it.
Your impact is minimal. The school just told you that your noise means less then nothing. You guys don't have any credibility to draw from. It's not like when the Michigan fans stop going to games. This fan base has zero credibility and nearly no stroke. All you guys have is a false sense of grandeur. Now you clowns are trying to justify your negative impact on recruiting. Lol.

Genius, what had the bigger impact on recruiting? Going 6-7 with 10 NFL players and not changing a **** thing or the fans reactions to it? TIA
"Sorry Eisenhower. You need to stop now. Your landing at Normandy didn't get rid of Hitler. Your impact was minimal, so you need to go back home."
your negativity is really not doing **** besides running recruits off. Your stupid banners and billboards wont effect al goldens job one bit. Just making the team look even worse and supporting a negative environment for the football team.

Hey random fans on twitter and forums is why we lose recruits or 4 ****** seasons under Golden? I guess its forum posts.
I'm amazed FSU had fans keying their players cars and by some miracle their class remains ranked #2.

they dont care about us. Nor are they really listening. jesse marks told a buddy of mine at a bowl practice.. and I quote... "they'll all be back when we start winning again".. ******* loser
they dont care about us. Nor are they really listening. jesse marks told a buddy of mine at a bowl practice.. and I quote... "they'll all be back when we start winning again".. ****ing loser

When will that winning start? The day after Frauden is canned and a competent coach is hired.
You guys are idiots. Al Golden just went 6-7 and did not get fired. What makes you think that you as a none supportive ****head fan could impact the coaching decision? When has that ever worked? Al will decide his fate, not you!

You guys are not fans. You are ********.

Look in the mirror moron.

With that said...time to fly another banner
It doesn't matter as the University of Miami brought this upon themselves for being cheap and refusing to do what they know they needed to. When they made the decision to retain him, not make changes while being aware of the fan outrage they should of known better. You can't have your cake and eat it to UM administration.
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You guys are idiots. Al Golden just went 6-7 and did not get fired. What makes you think that you as a none supportive ****head fan could impact the coaching decision? When has that ever worked? Al will decide his fate, not you!

You guys are not fans. You are ********.

I whole-heartedly agree with you that we are ********. But better to be an ******* than a mindless sheep. People want to pretend like being a fan means sticking to every facet of the program through think and thin and retaining blind optimism before every new season. Sports is a product. You are a customer of the team you follow. Sport franchises gauge us (the fans) purely on the amount of money we will give them, not on our passion and optimism.

You are blind if you think what is going on will have no impact. Kids not wanting to come here is just one part of it.
Your impact is minimal. The school just told you that your noise means less then nothing. You guys don't have any credibility to draw from. It's not like when the Michigan fans stop going to games. This fan base has zero credibility and nearly no stroke. All you guys have is a false sense of grandeur. Now you clowns are trying to justify your negative impact on recruiting. Lol.

Genius, what had the bigger impact on recruiting? Going 6-7 with 10 NFL players and not changing a **** thing or the fans reactions to it? TIA
His record undoubtedly had the bigger impact. That and the ****** scheme, but don't try and trick yourself into feeling good about the failed fan revolt. It hurt the team and recruiting class.

Btw, this is not war. This is children not getting their way and throwing a tantrum.

If you are mad about Golden stop going to games. Stop buying apparel. stop donating money. Negative recruiting your own recruits and feeling good about it is just stupid. Non-stop harassment of the reporters and coaches and posting negative **** on social media comes off as childish. Aren't y'all tired of being scapegoated? That's all that's happening. The focus is on you and not the idiots at UM leading this mess.
I don't think that a coach should expect support with the way the last two seasons have finished.

Al Golden has lost the team and lost the fan base. I seriously doubt that fans have hurt recruiting worse than Duke Johnson's mom spilling the truth. Or coaches in the area knowing better than to allow their players to come to the U.
This is bigger than just Golden. This is an effort to save the program and restore what was once the crown jewel of the University. This has been building for ten years. Ten years of self-imposed mediocrity. I'll make my voice heard and withhold my money by not contributing to the Hurricane Club and giving up season tickets in what would have been my 20th year as a season ticket holder. I don't care how many recruits this noise costs the school. As a fan, I'm willing to be short-term worse to get to a better place longer-term.

Golden, Blake, Donna...burn them all.
It's not being ignored but it's also NOT WORKING.. It's to the point that former CANES find it to be counter-productive..

If it's counter-productive and potentially making recruits consider not coming to Miami....than it is working. Sacrifices have to be made for the greater good. That greater good is getting Golden fired. Sacrifices will have to be some recruits.

Makes no since.. But here again same thing HAPPEN when Butch was here flew banners etc etc now we credit him for being an AWESOME Coach and want him back. I am not saying Golden is Butch..

My point is losing talent in the PROGRAM we love and encouraging it IS STUPID.. and now former UM legends are (IRVIN) are speaking on it.
You guys are idiots. Al Golden just went 6-7 and did not get fired. What makes you think that you as a none supportive ****head fan could impact the coaching decision? When has that ever worked? Al will decide his fate, not you!

You guys are not fans. You are ********.

Michigan says go f--k yourself.
your negativity is really not doing **** besides running recruits off. Your stupid banners and billboards wont effect al goldens job one bit. Just making the team look even worse and supporting a negative environment for the football team.

WRONG. Dude get a clue..Cassandra Mitchell gave us the gasoline and the match and told us to "Go get'em!" when she tweeted what she said. You don't think THAT is having a bigger impact then whatever fans are doing? Dude, FSU fans (Whol should be kissing Jimbo and every other players on that teams a$$ right now) basically punked Dalvin Cook on twitter and keyed players cars for losing the ORE game. And last time I checked, they still had a top 5 class and no decommits and NO transfers. Players don't give a **** about what fans say. That's an excuse to hide why they are REALLY not coming here. (horrible coaching, horrible schemes, and bad records)

Winner winner chicken dinner.

your negativity is really not doing **** besides running recruits off. Your stupid banners and billboards wont effect al goldens job one bit. Just making the team look even worse and supporting a negative environment for the football team.

Hey random fans on twitter and forums is why we lose recruits or 4 ****ty seasons under Golden? I guess its forum posts.

Im not supporting Al, but you guy need to learn how to read. The negative stuff your doing is not gonna get Al fired. So it pretty much pointless and idiotic. At the same time your just driving the recruits away with negativity. dont respond with al this dorito that, Losing is why... Look in the mirror and grow the F up. This whole board as gone to ****