Van Dyke injured?

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Interesting that brian kelly talked about full transparency to avoid the gambling angle that some schools are dealing with and their players.. Its dam near impossible to hide a starting QB injury for weeks
That’s how Brian Kelly deals with things with his team. Others deal with it differently. Were I the coach I wouldn’t publicize it until I had to.
If we can't beat Miami of motherf**king Ohio without TVD, that's a MUCH bigger concern than the injury itself.
Yes exactly. It absolutely sucks but this is 💯.
I want to D coming for blood! That’s what good teams do. If the O is down they bring the juice.
This new offense should be a lot more forgiving to the backup as well. If this was last years team I’d be very concerned.
Yep , we kept it quiet this long but people can’t help themselves. As you know I asked you and Rva to watch out for injury stuff and to please keep it off the board.

The plan as of last week was for him to play then hand it over to Emory who has looked great. I was told ring finger and it’s not broken. The swelling has subsided the last couple days. Last I heard he’d be practicing in the next couple days. Once again that was Thursday.
The ring finger

Great news. Absolutely no use for that any time soon at UM.
Ring and pinky aren't as important as thumb and pointer finger. Tape it up and throw/go.
Here’s what @Big Q Cane was referring to. He asked me and d money about The injury. Which was supposed to stay in house. But people can’t help themselves.
The ring finger

Great news. Absolutely no use for that any time soon at UM.
imagine being the program that is playing injury games for Miami oH. you dont need tVD to beat them but a little transparency would be nice. as long as TVD is ready for atm idc.
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