Vag Tech Tix- Buy Through UM?

This is the email I sent to somebody important after my last game there in '16. Just for reference, the guy named Jeff was a middle aged white man and Caressa was a black female. Having said that, I will still probably get tickets again this year.

Hello Mary,
My name is Eric Hess. I attended the football game last night. I wanted to make you aware of a situation last night that bothered me with one of your employees.
First and foremost, I am a fan of the Miami Hurricanes. Congratulations on the victory. I was also very impressed with the camaraderie displayed amongst your fans. I wish Miami had the same passion.
That passion was displayed when I was trying to find my seat. None of the Virginia Tech fans already sitting in my seats were of any help. They seemed confused about my objection to my rightful seat. They even pointed me in the wrong direction. I actually thought this was a really good way of making me earn my seat the hard way.
You know, the seat I had paid money to sit in. So, to the usher I went. There I asked Caressa to help me. My seat numbers were Section 15, Row QQ, and Seats 25/27. Caressa got the same run around as me. We decided to "check" again just to make sure.
As we were walking to a new section a gentleman, that I later noticed was named Jeff Mills, told us that we were not allowed to be walking in the handicapped section. He completely ignored the fact that Caressa was guiding us through the row.
At this point I'm starting to get frustrated. I told him I just want to find my seat. There were fans walking through next to me wearing Hokies t-shirts being ignored by Jeff. His response to my question about my seats was "maybe you should arrive early". I told him somebody was sitting in our seats. His response was "not me". He was in charge of 13, not 15.
He was also quick to point out that I must go through the concession area to get to my seats, instead of just turning around and taking the 20 steps I had taken to get here. I still don't think he noticed Caressa. She was right next to me though.
I'm not even sure why I'm talking to Jeff at this point, but he was definitely in "charge", not Caressa. I asked how can I get the people out of my seats. His response was "there's a state trooper over there" The state trooper was in section 15, along with all of us. Well, except for Jeff. He was standing in 13.
At this point Caressa's frustration came to fruition. She said "I'm in charge of 15. They are with me". I thought she handled herself with class will being dismissed so easily.
Now, thinking quickly, Caressa acquired the help of another co-worker. I didn't get his name. They quickly got my Aunt and I foldable chairs to use as make shift seating. Our seats actually improved dramatically. I was very impressed with Caressa.
However, my overall experience at Horsham Field was less than stellar. The electric energy for the home team in that stadium was amazing, but my time was dominated asking myself questions. What is that rude guys name? Is he blind? Doesn't Caressa have a voice too? Would I send my daughter to school here? Doesn't he get paid to specifically help me obtain my seat?
I drove 5 and a half hours both ways to watch this game. I was so mad that someone could dismiss a co-worker like that I wrote this E-mail as soon as I got home. I shouldn't be leaving a game wondering, because I'm not sure, if I just witnessed discrimination. Your fans are great, but Jeff completely ruined my experience.
Thank you for reading
My statement about Philadelphia is pure hyperbole and maybe I should have labeled it as such. Everything above was genuine. I guess I should label it when I’m kidding around. My experiences with VaTech are genuine.

It’s based almost 100% on the general myth which is often repeated. It’s what people say. The only pro game I’ve been to is a Phillies game, there were maybe 20-25k people there or less, and it was laid back. But it was baseball.

There are plenty of YouTube videos of fights at Eagles games and stuff like that though
This is the email I sent to somebody important after my last game there in '16. Just for reference, the guy named Jeff was a middle aged white man and Caressa was a black female. Having said that, I will still probably get tickets again this year.

Hello Mary,
My name is Eric Hess. I attended the football game last night. I wanted to make you aware of a situation last night that bothered me with one of your employees.
First and foremost, I am a fan of the Miami Hurricanes. Congratulations on the victory. I was also very impressed with the camaraderie displayed amongst your fans. I wish Miami had the same passion.
That passion was displayed when I was trying to find my seat. None of the Virginia Tech fans already sitting in my seats were of any help. They seemed confused about my objection to my rightful seat. They even pointed me in the wrong direction. I actually thought this was a really good way of making me earn my seat the hard way.
You know, the seat I had paid money to sit in. So, to the usher I went. There I asked Caressa to help me. My seat numbers were Section 15, Row QQ, and Seats 25/27. Caressa got the same run around as me. We decided to "check" again just to make sure.
As we were walking to a new section a gentleman, that I later noticed was named Jeff Mills, told us that we were not allowed to be walking in the handicapped section. He completely ignored the fact that Caressa was guiding us through the row.
At this point I'm starting to get frustrated. I told him I just want to find my seat. There were fans walking through next to me wearing Hokies t-shirts being ignored by Jeff. His response to my question about my seats was "maybe you should arrive early". I told him somebody was sitting in our seats. His response was "not me". He was in charge of 13, not 15.
He was also quick to point out that I must go through the concession area to get to my seats, instead of just turning around and taking the 20 steps I had taken to get here. I still don't think he noticed Caressa. She was right next to me though.
I'm not even sure why I'm talking to Jeff at this point, but he was definitely in "charge", not Caressa. I asked how can I get the people out of my seats. His response was "there's a state trooper over there" The state trooper was in section 15, along with all of us. Well, except for Jeff. He was standing in 13.
At this point Caressa's frustration came to fruition. She said "I'm in charge of 15. They are with me". I thought she handled herself with class will being dismissed so easily.
Now, thinking quickly, Caressa acquired the help of another co-worker. I didn't get his name. They quickly got my Aunt and I foldable chairs to use as make shift seating. Our seats actually improved dramatically. I was very impressed with Caressa.
However, my overall experience at Horsham Field was less than stellar. The electric energy for the home team in that stadium was amazing, but my time was dominated asking myself questions. What is that rude guys name? Is he blind? Doesn't Caressa have a voice too? Would I send my daughter to school here? Doesn't he get paid to specifically help me obtain my seat?
I drove 5 and a half hours both ways to watch this game. I was so mad that someone could dismiss a co-worker like that I wrote this E-mail as soon as I got home. I shouldn't be leaving a game wondering, because I'm not sure, if I just witnessed discrimination. Your fans are great, but Jeff completely ruined my experience.
Thank you for reading

Yeeeeeeeeeesus kkkkkriiist.

Are you kidding me.

And those dykheads stayed in your seats?


I’ve been to a million sporting events. I’ve never seen a situation where somebody would not give up their seats when they were sitting in the wrong seat. Ever. That is outrageous.
My statement about Philadelphia is pure hyperbole and maybe I should have labeled it as such. Everything above was genuine. I guess I should label it when I’m kidding around. My experiences with VaTech are genuine.

It’s based almost 100% on the general myth which is often repeated. It’s what people say. The only pro game I’ve been to is a Phillies game, there were maybe 20-25k people there or less, and it was laid back. But it was baseball.

There are plenty of YouTube videos of fights at Eagles games and stuff like that though


There are lots of YouTube videos of fights at various NFL games, Go Birds!!!!

As for VT fans, I was there in 2011 when VT won 38-35, the fans weren't awful pretty nice actually. There all were wearing those notoriously corny "Sucks to be []_[] shirts though.

The most hostile fans I've encountered at a Canes game was so far was actually at Maryland. I remember being like 11 & college kids talking all sorts of **** and telling me to get ****ed lol.
The science of statistics and anecdotal evidence and small sample sizes all come into play.

In the end, we all rely on personal experience to form our opinions.
Yeah, that's a bit excessive for their fans to be tearing up other peoples property. I still think my worst experience of all time are Gator fans in Gainesville. Been to FSU, they r nasty and can cross a line from time to time but overall not the worst. Been to UVA they were nice and invited us to drink in the alumni tailgate. VT, they were almost too nice, particularly in the stadium. Clemson fans last year in Charlotte were hit or miss. It was more the older fans, particularly the older women who seemed to not get the whole turnover chain thing and kept saying it was "tacky". Almost like a passive aggressive racism.

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There are lots of YouTube videos of fights at various NFL games, Go Birds!!!!

As for VT fans, I was there in 2011 when VT won 38-35, the fans weren't awful pretty nice actually. There all were wearing those notoriously corny "Sucks to be []_[] shirts though.

The most hostile fans I've encountered at a Canes game was so far was actually at Maryland. I remember being like 11 & college kids talking all sorts of **** and telling me to get ****ed lol.

Same. BY FAR. I've been to Gainesville, Trailerhassee, Tennessee, Penn St., Vag Tech, Clempzon, GT... The MD fans were disgusting and vitriolic. Dangerously aggressive. Literally. It was pathetic and disgusting, and they act that way with pride. That was an experience I'll never forget and have never seen anything even approaching that behavior anywhere else.
Totally Disagree here. I went to the Eagles Dolphins game a few years back in Philly where the Dolphins came back and won. Wore a Dolphins jersey. Didn't experience an issue. Maybe that's because I'm 6' 4" 235 but still. No1 even talked **** to me before the game in the tailgate area, in the stadium during, or in the Xfinity party area after when we were drinking. But then again that's my experience, and if you don't go looking for an issue there typically won't be one.
Size matters!
I live about half way between VT and UTK. VT fans are much more gracious - by far - than the UTK fans - in this area anyway. UTK fans are by far the most obnoxious fans I've ever been around. They assume that because you live in this area, you're automatically a UTK fan. Blows their minds when I tell them I could give a big dump about UTK and I'm a Cane through and through. VT fans are fairly gracious and appreciate the rivalry - even to the point of wishing us luck on game day. Went to the game @ UTK in 2002 and stuck out like a sore thumb with my green jersey. Took some ribbin' but was all smiles after we kicked their ***. Won't wear our Cane orange around here because UTK's primary color is that candy assed pastel orange!
I’ve seen fights, but I’ve never seen anything like what has been described in that article. Deaths. Brain damage. Seizures. No way. Just drunken fighting.

Although San Diego doesn’t surprise me being on top. I love the town to visit on business. Cool place to go, right on the water, the navy ships going by, helicopters, etc.

It’s a safe place for me with nice places to eat and party, although I’ve never been to a sporting event. But I also know there’s a pretty volatile mix of people and gangs in that area, it’s super close to the border. Some west coast cities are really different from what we’re used to in south Florida there’s a whole other level of people there that’s not here
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There are lots of YouTube videos of fights at various NFL games, Go Birds!!!!

As for VT fans, I was there in 2011 when VT won 38-35, the fans weren't awful pretty nice actually. There all were wearing those notoriously corny "Sucks to be []_[] shirts though.

The most hostile fans I've encountered at a Canes game was so far was actually at Maryland. I remember being like 11 & college kids talking all sorts of **** and telling me to get ****ed lol.
Wow! Kind of surprised to see San Diego at the top. I thought for sure the Jets fans would be the worst!
Wow! Kind of surprised to see San Diego at the top. I thought for sure the Jets fans would be the worst!

When people are getting killed outside of boring baseball games on the west coast, it doesn’t surprise me.

Like I said, there’s a whole other level out there people here on the east coast aren’t aware of.
When people are getting killed outside of boring baseball games on the west coast, it doesn’t surprise me.

Like I said, there’s a whole other level out there people here on the east coast aren’t aware of.
Always thought I wanted to visit the west coast. Maybe I should re-consider.
Always thought I wanted to visit the west coast. Maybe I should re-consider.

No way. No no no.

Just don’t deal drugs or fūck with gangs and you’ll be fine. Or talk shlt to someone wearing a Raiders jersey at a game. Also, don’t go to San Diego, cross the border, and then get drunk as fūck. And if you do, don’t fūck anything. It’s not worth your dlck falling off.

I love visiting the west coast. Especially certain parts of Cali, including SF, but also the Oregon coast and up into Seattle. Beautiful part of the country.


It’s beautiful out there.
No way. No no no.

Just don’t deal drugs or fūck with gangs and you’ll be fine. Or talk shlt to someone wearing a Raiders jersey at a game. Also, don’t go to San Diego, cross the border, and then get drunk as fūck. And if you do, don’t fūck anything. It’s not worth your dlck falling off.

I love visiting the west coast. Especially certain parts of Cali, including SF, but also the Oregon coast and up into Seattle. Beautiful part of the country.


It’s beautiful out there.

What OCCC said.