Urban Meyer on Miami Job

Lmao. You keep repeating the 4 guys in the 80s talking point. You’re like a combination of a politican reading a script and a great grandfather who only remembers one story and cant stop repeating it.

You need to stop talking about the past. Howard, JJ, Dennis and Butch are gone. The people who hired them are gone. That era of football is gone.

The question for us is what is needed going forward. Landscapes change. Competitors change. Competitive dynamics change. Cultures change. Expectations change. Talking about the 80s so much makes you sound like some Kosovo dude still talking about the Battle of 1389. Aint no solace in the past while Nick Saban is enjoying your girl in the next room.

I can’t believe you just referenced the battle of Kosovo in a hurricanes football thread. Haha! Student of history, I see. Well done!
You are very invested in insisting we are a ‘powerhouse,’ whatever that means. I think it’s a meaningless label. We were not a powerhouse when Howard got here. Clemson was not one before Dabo. I think this sense that we are a natural power if we don’t ***** it up is part of our problem. We aren’t that. We are a small private school in a talent rich area whose admin doesn’t give much of a **** about football and doesn’t seem to care enough to manage the program effectively.

If you start with the assumption we are a ‘powerhouse,’ as you do, you convince yourself any old decent coach can win here, as you have said previously you believe. I do not believe that. We are closer to a dumpster fire, but we do have access to local talent. Not exclusive access, mind you. If we got on a solid roll, we would keep more kids at home and eventually could rebuild. Sure. But how? What’s needed?

And your 1980s focus strikes me as an effort to avoid asking real questions. JJ came here off Howard's title. Dennis off JJ’s. Butch off Dennis’s. Why you expect us to randomly attract the next JJ off of 20 years of putridity is a mystery to me. You should be asking yourself what is different, rather than repeatedly insisting it’s all just bad luck.

Good post.

You are right.

We can’t just hire any coach.

But we don’t necessarily need Urban or Saban to win.

We need the RIGHT GUY.

There are coaches out there that would do better here than their previous track records. The inverse is true as well.

We can’t get the next Jimmy because we don’t have a competent AD to FIND him.

We have to get a guy that fits. I think a Tressel type hire could kill it here.

We need:

1. Strong leader with congruent body language/personality.
2.Program builder.
3.Innovative offense that is balanced and qbs friendly.
4. Aggressive but simple 1 gap defense of primarily man coverage and responsible with blitzing.
5. Good recruiter.

Those guys are out there and can be had for a good price.

The hardest part is picking someone who can maintain under pressure and be humble enough to adjust to obvious issues. We get fooled by used car salesmen because we want to believe.

Mullen is the type of guy we needed and we turned him away TWICE.

Had Mark Helfrich in the building and let him walk without a contract.

Being a champion is hard, but being a solid top 15 is right in front of us but we **** it away.

It’s a shame. We are right there to a strong program but the incompetent administration stands in the way and it seems getting over them is a task on par with scaling Everest.
Let’s talk about the 90s and 2000s. Miami won championships in those decades, too. In fact, they were the only program to win a title in each of those three decades.

The changes in recruiting haven’t left us behind. That’s the only area where we are competitive. We have recruited at a Top 15 level and produced NFL talent at a Top 5 level despite a horrible on-field product.

If anything, our talent acquisition during a decade-plus dark age is proof of the program’s inherent strength. That’s the difference between us and Nebraska.

Manny showed us what happens when you marry our defensive scheme to our local talent base. Now we need the same thing on offense. Find someone who can do that and command the respect of our players, and I expect a championship.
Great. Our 91 title was the 80s team right before our 2x NFL coach DE crashed it. Our 01 title was assembled by butch, the best talent evaluator of his generation, who was here because he was a JJ protege.

And manny didnt show us all that much. Dorito was awful, but we act like we play SEC opponents regulsrly. We have won one meaningful game in a decade.

Its nice to expect championships, but what the admin needs to do is stop telling itself comforting stories and get serious about understanding what is needed to get to where we want to be.
Great. Our 91 title was the 80s team right before our 2x NFL coach DE crashed it. Our 01 title was assembled by butch, the best talent evaluator of his generation, who was here because he was a JJ protege.

And manny didnt show us all that much. Dorito was awful, but we act like we play SEC opponents regulsrly. We have won one meaningful game in a decade.

Its nice to expect championships, but what the admin needs to do is stop telling itself comforting stories and get serious about understanding what is needed to get to where we want to be.
2001 wasn’t the Stone Age. I saw every one of those players on video right after we signed them. We posted about them on Grassy.com.

If we played at the level we consistently recruit at (Top 15), we wouldn’t be having this conversation. That’s the issue.

We can recruit at the elite level simply by playing to our current talent. Every time we’ve finished Top 15 on the field in the Internet Era, we’ve finished Top 10 in recruiting. That includes 2017.

2001 WAS **** near the Stone Age. You’re underestimating just how long ago that was. Think I’m kidding, take a look at how long ago that was:

In 2001 I had palm pilot. That was the hot tech item. For a point of reference, the first iPhone wasn’t released until 2007!

8 months before, in 2000 the first blackberry with push email was introduced. The blackberry 957

In 2001 I was using an AOL AIM account to instant message girls on a computer

In 2001 Enron was considered one of the best companies in the world, until the scandal hit in Oct 2001

George Bush II was inaugurated for his first term in 2001

The Twin towers were still up in NYC

Drew Bledsoe was the QB for the patriots in 2001 and they hadn’t won a super bowl yet

Almost everyone still listed to CDs in 2001; The first iPod was introduced in 2001 and MP3 / digital music wasn’t yet a thing.

Emmitt Smith was still in the league!!

The war in Iraq hadn’t started yet, nor did the war in Aghanistan.
2001 wasn’t the Stone Age. I saw every one of those players on video right after we signed them. We posted about them on Grassy.com.

If we played at the level we consistently recruit at (Top 15), we wouldn’t be having this conversation. That’s the issue.

We can recruit at the elite level simply by playing to our current talent. Every time we’ve finished Top 15 on the field in the Internet Era, we’ve finished Top 10 in recruiting. That includes 2017.

Those players were recruited in 97 and 98. Much of the country did not have broadband internet and coaches were digging through the internet looking for talent. Those were in the days of mailing tapes.
Those players were recruited in 97 and 98. Much of the country did not have broadband internet and coaches were digging through the internet looking for talent. Those were in the days of mailing tapes.
Yep. The game has changed. resources changed. Table stakes changed. We went backwards.
2001 WAS **** near the Stone Age. You’re underestimating just how long ago that was. Think I’m kidding, take a look at how long ago that was:

In 2001 I had palm pilot. That was the hot tech item. For a point of reference, the first iPhone wasn’t released until 2007!

8 months before, in 2000 the first blackberry with push email was introduced. The blackberry 957

In 2001 I was using an AOL AIM account to instant message girls on a computer

In 2001 Enron was considered one of the best companies in the world, until the scandal hit in Oct 2001

George Bush II was inaugurated for his first term in 2001

The Twin towers were still up in NYC

Drew Bledsoe was the QB for the patriots in 2001 and they hadn’t won a super bowl yet

Almost everyone still listed to CDs in 2001; The first iPod was introduced in 2001 and MP3 / digital music wasn’t yet a thing.

Emmitt Smith was still in the league!!

The war in Iraq hadn’t started yet, nor did the war in Aghanistan.
And yet not ONE kid on this 2019 team would start on that team....
2001 WAS **** near the Stone Age. You’re underestimating just how long ago that was. Think I’m kidding, take a look at how long ago that was:

In 2001 I had palm pilot. That was the hot tech item. For a point of reference, the first iPhone wasn’t released until 2007!

8 months before, in 2000 the first blackberry with push email was introduced. The blackberry 957

In 2001 I was using an AOL AIM account to instant message girls on a computer

In 2001 Enron was considered one of the best companies in the world, until the scandal hit in Oct 2001

George Bush II was inaugurated for his first term in 2001

The Twin towers were still up in NYC

Drew Bledsoe was the QB for the patriots in 2001 and they hadn’t won a super bowl yet

Almost everyone still listed to CDs in 2001; The first iPod was introduced in 2001 and MP3 / digital music wasn’t yet a thing.

Emmitt Smith was still in the league!!

The war in Iraq hadn’t started yet, nor did the war in Aghanistan.

In 1999 I started following high school football online. I used a dial-up connection to access from home. Social media did not exist and I don't recall watching a single video online. Around 2001/2002 things changed quickly, but even then recruitment was more about connections than actual talent. I thought the AA game was always a big measuring stick to see how good players really were.
Those players were recruited in 97 and 98. Much of the country did not have broadband internet and coaches were digging through the internet looking for talent. Those were in the days of mailing tapes.

And coaches got those tapes. Fans even got those tapes, purchased through websites like this one.

There is a myth that the 2001 team was full of unknowns. It wasn’t. Dorsey was a high school All-American. So were both of his starting wide receivers. Clinton Portis was a known commodity backed up by a five-star and a four-star. DJ Williams was the best player in the country and the DL was full of four stars.

The relevant difference between then and now is that South Florida is producing more QBs (like the current best player in the world) and OL.

And manny didnt show us all that much. Dorito was awful, but we act like we play SEC opponents regulsrly. We have won one meaningful game in a decade.

Manny inherited a defense that ranked 92nd in yards per play. We have since finished 16th, 3rd, 9th and 11th.

If we have that same turnaround with our 90th ranked offense, we will be talking playoffs. That is the issue.
Manny inherited a defense that ranked 92nd in yards per play. We have since finished 16th, 3rd, 9th and 11th.

If we have that same turnaround with our 90th ranked offense, we will be talking playoffs. That is the issue.
Manny inherited a defense coordinated by Dorito Donofrio. You cannot simultaneously criticize dorto and laud praise onto Manny. You have to apportion here.

In any case, Enos is our own special offensive dorito. Lets hope the next guy makes a difference.
And coaches got those tapes. Fans even got those tapes, purchased through websites like this one.

There is a myth that the 2001 team was full of unknowns. It wasn’t. Dorsey was a high school All-American. So were both of his starting wide receivers. Clinton Portis was a known commodity backed up by a five-star and a four-star. DJ Williams was the best player in the country and the DL was full of four stars.

The relevant difference between then and now is that South Florida is producing more QBs (like the current best player in the world) and OL.

Manny inherited a defense that ranked 92nd in yards per play. We have since finished 16th, 3rd, 9th and 11th.

If we have that same turnaround with our 90th ranked offense, we will be talking playoffs. That is the issue.

Is that why the NFL needed to get a video from us on Sean Taylor? Why didn't they just download it from another website?