Urban Meyer on Miami Job

What are you even talking about? You sound defensive again. I had thought you moved past that with your thread last week.

In any case, I didn’t say it’s ’just as easy’ to win one place or the other. That’s you twisting words for no sensible purpose. I pointed out we have different strengths and weaknesses. I pointed out that that by itself doesn’t require a conclusion of better or worse. I pointed out that ******** up is eady and winning is hard. Do you disagree?

Thank you for pointing out that winning is hard. I agree. That’s why so many powerhouses have long droughts.

We are a powerhouse in a drought. We need the right coach to turn it around. Considering we’ve found the right coach four different times since 1980, I am confident we have the ability to do it again.
Thank you for pointing out that winning is hard. I agree. That’s why so many powerhouses have long droughts.

We are a powerhouse in a drought. We need the right coach to turn it around. Considering we’ve found the right coach four different times since 1980, I am confident we have the ability to do it again.
You are very invested in insisting we are a ‘powerhouse,’ whatever that means. I think it’s a meaningless label. We were not a powerhouse when Howard got here. Clemson was not one before Dabo. I think this sense that we are a natural power if we don’t ***** it up is part of our problem. We aren’t that. We are a small private school in a talent rich area whose admin doesn’t give much of a **** about football and doesn’t seem to care enough to manage the program effectively.

If you start with the assumption we are a ‘powerhouse,’ as you do, you convince yourself any old decent coach can win here, as you have said previously you believe. I do not believe that. We are closer to a dumpster fire, but we do have access to local talent. Not exclusive access, mind you. If we got on a solid roll, we would keep more kids at home and eventually could rebuild. Sure. But how? What’s needed?

And your 1980s focus strikes me as an effort to avoid asking real questions. JJ came here off Howard's title. Dennis off JJ’s. Butch off Dennis’s. Why you expect us to randomly attract the next JJ off of 20 years of putridity is a mystery to me. You should be asking yourself what is different, rather than repeatedly insisting it’s all just bad luck.
We can go back to 1950. We are the only program that has won championships with four different head coaches.
Yep. 4 guys who all went to pro football (Not giving coker credit for ****). And who came in sequence, shared momentum and overlapped players. And who all gtfo quickly, btw. Oh, and that was all or mostly before the Internet.

Stop trying to say stuff to make yourself feel better. None of it matters. It’s hard to win at Miami.
Yep. 4 guys who all went to pro football (Not giving coker credit for ****). And who came in sequence, shared momentum and overlapped players. And who all gtfo quickly, btw. Oh, and that was all or mostly before the Internet.

Stop trying to say stuff to make yourself feel better. None of it matters. It’s hard to win at Miami.
So halfway retired and mentally exhausted Richt didnt just win?
Stop trying to say stuff to make yourself feel better. None of it matters. It’s hard to win at Miami.

It’s hard to win anywhere. Alabama’s dynasties were built by the two greatest coaches in college football history.

Alabama’s best AD (Mal Moore) hired three straight flops before Nick Saban. Same guy.

The powerhouse label is important because there are only so many places where you can win big. We are one of them. And we’ve done it with four different guys.
It’s hard to win anywhere. Alabama’s dynasties were built by the two greatest coaches in college football history.

Alabama’s best AD (Mal Moore) hired three straight flops before Nick Saban. Same guy.

The powerhouse label is important because there are only so many places where you can win big. We are one of them. And we’ve done it with four different guys.
So now you agree wit me its hard. Your prior position was anyone not terrible would win big at Miami.

The question is why you keep defensively calling us a powerhouse. We aren’t one. At most we are a place where winning is *possible* if we have the right coach and circumstances and maybe good luck.

Your new talking point I see is ‘4 coaches.’ Stop with the talking points. We were fortunate to have had 4 straight coaches a long time ago who were all pro hires. All other than howard inherited a program at or near the top. All left pretty fast, too. All that tells me is it has taken a pro level coach to win here, they tend to come when it looks like a good career move, it prolly ain’t one any longer, and we have no self-awareness of any of this, judging by your comments.
Your new talking point I see is ‘4 coaches.’ Stop with the talking points. We were fortunate to have had 4 straight coaches a long time ago who were all pro hires. All other than howard inherited a program at or near the top. All left pretty fast, too. All that tells me is it has taken a pro level coach to win here, they tend to come when it looks like a good career move, it prolly ain’t one any longer, and we have no self-awareness of any of this, judging by your comments.

How did those “four pro coaches” fare after leaving Miami? One was successful (JJ). The other three were abject failures and went on a steep career decline. Even Schnellenberger had one of the worst years in Oklahoma history.

My position hasn’t changed. It’s not easy to win championships anywhere. But it’s easier here than elsewhere. And that is proven by the number of different guys who have done it.
How did those “four pro coaches” fare after leaving Miami? One was successful (JJ). The other three were abject failures and went on a steep career decline. Even Schnellenberger had one of the worst years in Oklahoma history.

My position hasn’t changed. It’s not easy to win championships anywhere. But it’s easier here than elsewhere. And that is proven by the number of different guys who have done it.
Most pro coaches don’t win big. And yet most college coaches cannot get sniffed by pro teams in their hiring processes. You are trying to tell yourself a comforting story by denigrating those guys. Fact is, they were all hired to run nfl teams. Dennis twice. JJ too. Butch may have failed in the NFL, but he sure beat the **** out of our team just recently, with a bunch of players no one in the P5 even recruited.

You have no reason to think it is easier to win at Miami. It’s just a terrible argument. You consistently make claims about ‘facts’ and ‘proof.’ No logician would think anything is ‘proven’ by what you say. We had a run, and even the guys who were lucky enough to be here wanted to gtfo. Now we are a dumpster fire.
So now you agree wit me its hard. Your prior position was anyone not terrible would win big at Miami.

The question is why you keep defensively calling us a powerhouse. We aren’t one. At most we are a place where winning is *possible* if we have the right coach and circumstances and maybe good luck.

Your new talking point I see is ‘4 coaches.’ Stop with the talking points. We were fortunate to have had 4 straight coaches a long time ago who were all pro hires. All other than howard inherited a program at or near the top. All left pretty fast, too. All that tells me is it has taken a pro level coach to win here, they tend to come when it looks like a good career move, it prolly ain’t one any longer, and we have no self-awareness of any of this, judging by your comments.

Go write a ******* poem, ******. You sound more defensive than anyone in this thread.
Somehow, we’ve found more than anyone else.
Lmao. You keep repeating the 4 guys in the 80s talking point. You’re like a combination of a politican reading a script and a great grandfather who only remembers one story and cant stop repeating it.

You need to stop talking about the past. Howard, JJ, Dennis and Butch are gone. The people who hired them are gone. That era of football is gone.

The question for us is what is needed going forward. Landscapes change. Competitors change. Competitive dynamics change. Cultures change. Expectations change. Talking about the 80s so much makes you sound like some Kosovo dude still talking about the Battle of 1389. Aint no solace in the past while Nick Saban is enjoying your girl in the next room.
Talking about the 80s so much makes you sound like some Kosovo dude still talking about the Battle of 1389. Aint no solace in the past while Nick Saban is enjoying your girl in the next room.

Let’s talk about the 90s and 2000s. Miami won championships in those decades, too. In fact, they were the only program to win a title in each of those three decades.

The changes in recruiting haven’t left us behind. That’s the only area where we are competitive. We have recruited at a Top 15 level and produced NFL talent at a Top 5 level despite a horrible on-field product.

If anything, our talent acquisition during a decade-plus dark age is proof of the program’s inherent strength. That’s the difference between us and Nebraska.

Manny showed us what happens when you marry our defensive scheme to our local talent base. Now we need the same thing on offense. Find someone who can do that and command the respect of our players, and I expect a championship.
Miami won at a time when other schools found it hard to locate talent. Miami was easy to recruit because of the schools local to the university was where the talent was at. With the internet, coaches can find players anywhere and are therefore able to put together better teams. Miami has 0 championships in the age of internet video sharing.
Miami won at a time when other schools found it hard to locate talent. Miami was easy to recruit because of the schools local to the university was where the talent was at. With the internet, coaches can find players anywhere and are therefore able to put together better teams. Miami has 0 championships in the age of internet video sharing.

2001 wasn’t the Stone Age. I saw every one of those players on video right after we signed them. We posted about them on Grassy.com.

If we played at the level we consistently recruit at (Top 15), we wouldn’t be having this conversation. That’s the issue.

We can recruit at the elite level simply by playing to our current talent. Every time we’ve finished Top 15 on the field in the Internet Era, we’ve finished Top 10 in recruiting. That includes 2017.