Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

McMurphy has basically said that he released just the tip of the ice burg. It'll be interesting to see if/when he unleashes the rest and what he's got.
Would it be negated if the liar was fired for cause? If so, it would make sense that the liar and osucks would try and buy to time to negotiate a settlement.

I think he and his lawyers know his time at Osuk is done. He's just trying to make sure he gets that 40mil
I posted this in another thread:

EDIT: Oh, and there is also this: "Ohio State may be in violation of Title IX ".

Also, this: "Shelley Meyer is a registered nurse and instructor of Clinical Practice at the Ohio State University College of Nursing. She too is bound by Title IX standards."

Federal law. Required. Urban may finally be done.

Forget Title IX, she’s going to lose her medical license if that’s true.
How much y'all wanna bet we haven't been pushing Battle for a flip. If we have we could get a flip considering so much of battle's teammates are coming or committed, but knowing how this staff puts all their eggs in 1 basket they probably stopped contacting him.

Swing and miss

You’re batting .092 for the last 2 years.
I'm not a lawyer, and you obviously have a background but I don't see why this would not qualify as a reckless disregard of the truth. This is damning and career threatening. If true, Meyer will never coach again. If false, a man's reputation is potentially shattered over a falsehood. Seems pretty cut and dry, but again, not a lawyer. Your logic for why he would not file the lawsuit makes sense though.
Because he has legitimate receipts...Smith’s ex-wife would catch a lawsuit if anything
Zack was proven a liar already with that text message in which he admits to choking his wife.
Yep! Dudes credibility vanished the second he finished his interview and the assassin McMurphy dropped another text bomb on the whole thing! I’m telling you guys mcmurphy has got OSU in the cross hairs dead to rights and is just waiting for them to lie again so he can drop another text message he’s holding on too. Lol
Zack was proven a liar already with that text message in which he admits to choking his wife.
Yes I know that. My point is regarding the optics you have two people to throw a lot of blame and shade at. In my opinion it sets up for OSU to keep Urban. I hope Im wrong. He is a piece of **** and should not be leading young men.
I think people here are a bit naive and do not know how powerful Title IX is on campuses today.

There was some former Michigan State football player recently who lost his NFL job because he was a target of the"Metoo" movement.

He was never charged with any crime by police but it was decided that he was responsible by Title IX standards for sexual misconduct. He was banned by MSU and blackballed by almost every possible employer because of this.

And this was for a false accusation. Just imagine what will happen with something like this.

The irony of O$Uck's own sucknut fans weakening their school's position (to the tune of $40 million +) is something to behold. Urbie will get to stay, but at what cost?

The Schadenfreude in this case is most delicious!
Ridiculous bullshlt trying to discredit McMurohy because he didn’t follow some Facebook protocol bullshlt DOES NOT change the facts one iota.

Urbie lied, he knowingly kept a well-known serial abuser and wife beater. on staff for years, lied about it, didn’t report it, allowed a serial killer and dozens of felons to run wild in Gainesville, and is now throwing anyone, including his AD and the school he works for, under the bus, so he can keep at least some his $40 million buyout.

All the while claiming he is a scrupulously honest and moral man, with the highest ethical standards, that believes in truth, justice and being the best of the best in everything, including his ethics... and he tells people this with a straight face.
Ohio State wants to keep Meyer + Meyer reported 2015 incident to AD + plus fast investigation = Meyer stays at Ohio State.
why would a nursing board take her license?
Any time you hold any medical license(from doctor to a simple EMT), are a police officer/prison officer off duty, probation officer off duty, or are involved in some kind of public service involving social interaction (social work, education, state attorney, etc) you required by obligation to report any crime you are made aware of and it will literally cost you your job/license.

Even if it’s an inkling of weed in your stepson’s drawer, if you’re caught not reporting it then your *** is grass.