Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

Still don't think anything will happen to him but if NCAA comes hard with Title IX then OSU is going to be faced with a tough decision.
This will be the smoking gun. This is the wife of OSU's football operations director & Meyer's wife. "He doesn't know what to think" proves he knew, & the fact that he didn't report the allegations - regardless of how he felt about their legitimacy - is a Title IX violation.
Troll? On what basis would you terminate him on? Hello lawsuit.

title ix violation if he even heard an allegation of domestic violence if courtney smith is covered under title ix. he can be fired with cause for that.

he's in a position that requires immediate reporting to the university title ix office.
I must have missed something. What's the alleged charge that is so bad?

Did you read the report? IF he knew about his employee beating his wife, didn't take action and then lied on camera 3 years later - how do you not fire him?

Also, IF true - this is bigger than Meyer. His wife obviously knew (an OSU employee) and apparently other wives and coaches as well. There are texts that prove that.
This will be the smoking gun. This is the wife of OSU's football operations director & Meyer's wife. "He doesn't know what to think" proves he knew, & the fact that he didn't report the allegations - regardless of how he felt about their legitimacy - is a Title IX violation.
View attachment 61864

He also knew about the incident in 2009 and chose to hire him again anyway when he went to Ohio State. That's a negligent hire, my friends. There are a lot of avenues that lead to Urban getting canned
This will be the smoking gun. This is the wife of OSU's football operations director & Meyer's wife. "He doesn't know what to think" proves he knew, & the fact that he didn't report the allegations - regardless of how he felt about their legitimacy - is a Title IX violation.
View attachment 61864
where is this from?
I'm not trolling.

This is common sense.

Nope. No it's not.

You definitively stated that Liar "should not be fired". And your first rationale is "maybe she is truthful, maybe she is not". Meanwhile, you ignore the photos, you ignore the fact that the Ohio court issued a restraining order (DIFFICULT to get one of those in OH for this situation), and you ignore the fact that Urban sent his life coach to Smith's wife in 2009 to get her to drop the charges.

Then, you go on to state that it has nothing to do with his job. YET IT DOES. You ignore the role of Title IX, as well as post-Jerry-Sandusky state laws, which place an obligation on state employees to report these kinds of allegations.

So you have gone out on a limb with a definitive conclusion, based on two flawed and/or false premises.

Good luck with that.

The bloody hand photo in the lower right corner is when Zach Smith intentionally cut his wife's hand with the jagged top from a chewing tobacco can.

Core values!

This will be the smoking gun. This is the wife of OSU's football operations director & Meyer's wife. "He doesn't know what to think" proves he knew, & the fact that he didn't report the allegations - regardless of how he felt about their legitimacy - is a Title IX violation.
View attachment 61864
Oh boy that is bad. There’s no denying that proof!