Uncle Luke is at it again


Jul 28, 2014
Man he is SALTY in this interview. Goes off on the Cooney hire, claims Edge's nephew got kicked off the team, (though it was Ced Wright?) and says FAU has a better coaching staff than UM.

Entertaining if nothing else. He's in full *** clown mode here.

Audio « CBS Miami
He just makes himself look stupid. Dude loves to run his mouth and the crap that comes out never surprises anyone.
Sure sounds like a guy who might have outside influences that aren't too happy about Miami's trajectory. Oh well, too bad.
He's been sucking off Kiffin recently. Maybe he's hoping FAU will let him hang out on the sidelines.
**** THAT LEECH RIGHT BETWEEN HIS GAP TEETH. Edge's nephew is Jeff James. We need to start an anti Luke social media movement and make sure it's known that he needs to keep Miami's name out of his mouth or there will be consequences.
A nobody with a loud mouth. I didn't like him trying to piggy back off the University of Miami in 1990, and I hate it even more now. Just go the **** away already.
he sounds like a bad caller to a sports talk-radio show and not a guest. His points are all over the place. That interview made no sense. Wants to put Richt on the hot seat, but give Kiffin all the benefit of the doubt and just assume he's a great coach.
not sure what everybody is trying to do.. First, why even bother to post the article . then why give it legs and continue to respond to it. If no one would post, the posting would drift to the bottom of the screen.... nothing anybody says makes a difference , so just let it die...
not sure what everybody is trying to do.. First, why even bother to post the article . then why give it legs and continue to respond to it. If no one would post, the posting would drift to the bottom of the screen.... nothing anybody says makes a difference , so just let it die...

I'm not going to respond to it.
He comes off like a scorned woman. Nothing he said today made any sense whatsoever. You can't keep claiming to love and support UM when all you do is bad mouth it.
Uncle luke is a CUCK that no one has cared about for 20 plus years he is a salty *** old man begging to stay relevant by deep throating what ever coach will let him. PATHETIC
If Jeff James was kicked off the team I think that would actually help.. Maybe we can take another 2018 kid.
Dude could seriously get a check for his mental condition. Flat out idiot.
Uncle Luke...

Obviously looking to be in Kiffen's good graces. He made no sense. It's clear he is all about his interest. He is the Al Sharpton/Jessie Jackson for football. I seriously hope people aren't swayed by him and his nonsense.