Uncle luke canceling fsu

What's so BS about this crazy idea the best candidate should get the job?
Understand why programs like affirmative action/civil rights actions were needed in the first place. Understand the racist, sexist history of the nation that. Dates back 200 plus years. Understand the ideals that this country stands by but didn’t always practice..what you stated in your previous post, I wholeheartedly agree with. Who wouldn’t?..but when I account for the reality of our countries history I find it..humorous that someone who I hope is informed of this nations history with race and gender inequality can muster up the audacity to type what u did..Though, I’m not the least bit surprised that someone believes this naive notion that 200 years of inequality would have no lasting effect on the past 60 years going into today..the fact you can call the plight of Minorities in this country still feeling the weight of a 200 year system set up to hold that portion of the society down with slavery, Jim Crow, civil rights inequality, mass incarceration, social inequality, educational inequality, and economic inequality a “victim mentality” is about as true to American as you can get...thankfully more ppl are starting to eradicate this out of their beliefs in our great nation
So why ask, friend? I’m sure by now u have googled them tho lol
Real attitudes have changed dramatically in the last 60 years. That's not to say there aren't still incidents, but one thing I know for certain is that as long as there's money to be made finding and fixing a problem, there will be people finding that problem.

Just do your best and let things land where they do. If someplace wants to hire somebody less qualified because of their race or not hire me because of mine, it's likely not a place I want to be anyway.
Lol I’ve never played a victim card..but I know racism still exist till this day. Was first called a ****** when I was 7 by a 8 year old white kid because my little league coach put me lead off in the lineup. I didn’t know what the word meant truly until I told my 14 year old brother and mom explained it to me...I guess the 8 year old was a victim of Affirmative Action
Lol I’ve never played a victim card..but I know racism still exist till this day. Was first called a ****** when I was 7 by a 8 year old white kid because my little league coach put me lead off in the lineup. I didn’t know what the word meant truly until I told my 14 year old brother and mom explained it to me...I guess the 8 year old was a victim of Affirmative Action
No, the 8 year old was raised by sh**y parents for saying that. You were in the lead off spot because you were faster and made better contact. That’s how I see things.

Unfortunately, affirmative action was drummed up by white politicians trying to earn a vote every two to four years. It’s forced compliance which always back fires. if you beat me out for something I walk away but don’t tell me I had a hand in oppression over two hundred years. And yes, you did Generalize. I don’t owe any race or anyone anything.
No, the 8 year old was raised by sh**y parents for saying that. You were in the lead off spot because you were faster and made better contact. That’s how I see things.

Unfortunately, affirmative action was drummed up by white politicians trying to earn a vote every two to four years. It’s forced compliance which always back fires. if you beat me out for something I walk away but don’t tell me I had a hand in oppression over two hundred years. And yes, you did Generalize. I don’t owe any race or anyone anything.
I didn’t generalize anything..but by you being white you did benefit from the systematic inequality....I’m sorry to burst your bubble🤷🏾‍♂️.
It's also wrong now for anyone to
I feel for his brother. Why should ANYONE be judged by the past sins of those before him? Instead of staying angry about how bad past generations had it, maybe everyone should concentrate on healing, growing & eradicating the victim mentality that has plagued your community giving kids excuses to take the easy way out instead of busting their *** because it's so much easier to claim victimhood and throw your hands up.. Very fitting this comes up on Martin Luther King day, as his dream was about being judged by the content of character regardless of skin color. Race should NEVER be factored in to decisions based on ability.
Your quote...."excuses to take the easy way out instead of busting their *** because it's so much easier to claim victimhood..."

You're basically implying that black people are lazy which is an age old racist stereotype.

Also, I hope you realize that PLENTY of black folks who call out racism and injustice are also hard-working people who DO NOT have a victim mentality.

Wake up man. It's 2020!
Sooooo white people complaining about being discriminated against due to Affirmative Action is not playing the victim card?
I never complained? Where did I say I complained? I said I walked on. Affirmative action made me dig in and get better. I grew up a poor white kid in Norfolk, VA. Navy town with all races living next to each other.

Now, I fly first class to business meetings and sit in club seats at Panther’s games. I made it because I wasn’t going to let anyone tell me I couldn’t do it big.
I never complained? Where did I say I complained? I said I walked on. Affirmative action made me dig in and get better. I grew up a poor white kid in Norfolk, VA. Navy town with all races living next to each other.

Now, I fly first class to business meetings and sit in club seats at Panther’s games. I made because I wasn’t going to let anyone tell me I couldn’t do it big.
No, I didn't mean you complained. My response was intended for SWFLSWAGG and Duke4Heisman.

Sounds like you were playing the victim card on behalf of your brother.
Or is victimization something that is only unique to black folks???

I'm asking for a friend....he's bi- racial.
No my brother grew up walking house to house with a push mower to eat. He busted his *** to get out of poverty and because of a law that's actually racist against whites, wasn't able to fulfill his childhood dream. He persevered and now is very well off. That's what you don't even realize, an actual racist law against whites but that's ok right?
No my brother grew up walking house to house with a push mower to eat. He busted his *** to get out of poverty and because of a law that's actually racist against whites, wasn't able to fulfill his childhood dream. He persevered and now is very well off. That's what you don't even realize, an actual racist law against whites but that's ok right?

2 points:

(1) To me a racist law is designed to subjugate people who are viewed as INFERIOR and therefore unworthy of the same opportunities as other citizens. I place heavy emphasis on the word INFERIOR because inferiority/superiority is at the root of racism....when you look at the definition of racism. So based upon the definition Idk of AA would qualify as racism.

But for the sake of argument let's say that AA is indeed racist towards white people. If white people criticize or bring attention to this perceived racism are they playing the "victim card?". It seems to me that you believe black folks play the victim card when we express our concerns about racial inequality. But when white folks do it..(i.e affirmative action). it's okay and legit.

What gives man?
2 points:

(1) To me a racist law is designed to subjugate people who are viewed as INFERIOR and therefore unworthy of the same opportunities as other citizens. I place heavy emphasis on the word INFERIOR because inferiority/superiority is at the root of racism....when you look at the definition of racism. So based upon the definition Idk of AA would qualify as racism.

But for the sake of argument let's say that AA is indeed racist towards white people. If white people criticize or bring attention to this perceived racism are they playing the "victim card?". It seems to me that you believe black folks play the victim card when we express our concerns about racial inequality. But when white folks do it..(i.e affirmative action). it's okay and legit.

What gives man?
I would add that it's a shame AA had to be passed. In a perfect world, people should be judged by the contend of their character and skill set. Unfortunately, literally hundreds of years of data suggest that MANY individuals cannot be trusted to make those kinds of sound unbiased judgments. So the government stepped in to see how they could level the playing field. AA is not perfect but it beats the alternative....Jim Crow era employment practices.