UM Commit Alex Collins Lacrosse Highlights - Hilarious

every year we hear kids who love an OOS school, but end up staying at miami for mom and dad. We also hear of kid who loves miami, but stays home for family. Hope that happens here
I coach High school lax and I would LOVE to coach with his level of athleticism that is a spin move you cant teach. I would say he is probably a natural left handed player. You did not see any right handed cradling. And yes I will say if that kid started as a freshman he would be an AA and going D1 somewhere!
Jim Brown, perhaps the greatest RB ever, was a badass lacrosse player.

Interesting. Let's see if he's a warm weather type of guy.
I suspect anyone who enjoys watching lacrosse would **** themselves watching Hurling.

Hurling's a great sport. Intense, exciting...the atmosphere is always electric. Suspense filled, your heart will be skipping beats.

Is Lacrosse even a real sport? Do they really play it in Florida? They never had it in Florida when I lived there. It's like people who call bridge or chess a sport. Why are they even playing lacrosse in south Florida? It's one of those regional sports like hockey that they should leave south Florida alone about and not try to import what is an alien and foreign practice. Heck, when I was a kid in Miami, we didn't even waste time with soccer, a sport only played by little and skinny people running back and forth, to no end. Can you imagine not being able to play with your hands? It was a sport designed for upper limb amputees. What do you do with your hands? Scratch under your jock?

Football, basketball, and baseball (or softball)--that's all you need. That's all we had back in the good old days in Miami. And street fights and brawls.
This is all i saw when listening to that background music

If AG Rodney Holder has his way regular cops won't even be able to pull over illegals.

Come to think of it, those fast little foreigners darting around look perfect for soccer. Another reason we never should have let this sport take hold in this country.
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Wow, I sure hope he's better and more disciplined at football, cause he's garbage in lacrosse. One decent defender would end his season.
LOL...shows his athleticism for sure..But he would get his *** kicked by an ivy league dudes