UM Commit Alex Collins Lacrosse Highlights - Hilarious

Lol. Impressed with the kid that he played lax - has to be in real good shape
Do not understand lacrosse. I'd be tempted to just hit the dude with the stick

it's like hockey in the air, but this guy just runs around by himself and takes it to the whole without any passing.

can to the OP change the title to
UM Commit Alex Collins Lacrosse Highlights - Hilarious ATTN: WeeBeeGee
Even for his first year, that's really ******* impressive - even though it's hilarious at the same time.

I saw the kid use his off hand, win a face off clean, and use his absurd athletic advantage wisely. If he had been playing all four years of high school, that kid could play major D1 lax.
Even for his first year, that's really ****ing impressive - even though it's hilarious at the same time.

I saw the kid use his off hand, win a face off clean, and use his absurd athletic advantage wisely. If he had been playing all four years of high school, that kid could play major D1 lax.

No doubt, but you can tell he doesn't have great stick skills at this point.
Sure. But it takes years of hard work to get comfortable with your off hand if you start late. ****. I could barely snag ground balls with my left during high school. A least he put the ball on his right side from time to time. Think he scored righty once, to boot.

That half-length, one-handed ground ball is turrible, however.