Off-Topic Ukraine

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We’ll know a lot more over the course of the next few days. My sense, right now, is that Russia will continue to send wave after wave at an exhausted, battered line of Ukrainians. Eventually the dam will break.

Putin’s real challenge will be maintaining order after they gain initial control. The Ukrainian people are a proud, resilient bunch; they will not stop fighting. Guerrilla tactics will continue non-stop and it will become increasingly difficult/costly for Putin, especially if public opinion back home gets worse.
I have two old Ukrainian workmates there but I barely knew them personally. One hasn’t responded yet but the other and her husband told me, unsurprisingly they’ve been hearing explosions in Kyiv. I’m debating asking if I can get them all the way here for a bit to stay as there’s space, etc. at home. Barely know them outside of working with them years ago but I may ask tomorrow as I’m sure having options is better than that nightmare.
- Russia has attacked the entire country, mainly focusing on airports and military services.

- Ukrainians are leaving the country or fleeing towards the western part, since the war action is the lowest there. Slovakia is letting everyone in from there, sending troops to support.

- Ukraine has done a very good job defending themselves. I don't think they will be able to hold it up long enough.

- Russia has captured Chernobyl... yup, you read that right. Do not ask me why they did that. Probably because of the **** power plant that we all know of.

- Russia will receive new sanctions targeting the energy and financial sector. The aim is to isolate Russia from all western markets.
- Russia has attacked the entire country, mainly focusing on airports and military services.

- Ukrainians are leaving the country or fleeing towards the western part, since the war action is the lowest there. Slovakia is letting everyone in from there, sending troops to support.

- Ukraine has done a very good job defending themselves. I don't think they will be able to hold it up long enough.

- Russia has captured Chernobyl... yup, you read that right. Do not ask me why they did that. Probably because of the **** power plant that we all know of.

- Russia will receive new sanctions targeting the energy and financial sector. The aim is to isolate Russia from all western markets.
The sanctions we are supposed to be imposing do not include energy. Germany and I believe a few other countries are buying more oil tomorrow. They might be cut off from SWIFT eventually, but they are more than set for the foreseeable future from the continued energy proceeds.
My family fled Ukraine around 1890-1900. I'm from the Nychyk family (meaning "white" in their language, lol). Specifically from Horodenka, in west Ukraine.

Makes me wonder why we fled to Saskatchewan Canada in the first place. And then to Ft. Myers & then Hardee/Polk county.

Prayers for Ukraine. And ***** the Putin regime in Russia. Russians are great people who have been taken advantage of for far too long.
NATO shouldn't have expanded so close to Russias border. Putin is right, the US wouldn't allow Russia to put missiles in Mexico, so why Russia should just allow nato to keep getting close to its borders.
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