UGA Rivals editor says Vandy players in revolt and opting out



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First. Jay Cutler says "Hi"

Second. Late to this awesome party. I spent some time at Vandy and have a ton of respect for their football players. They nut up and play as underdogs constantly. Typically there are more fans for the opposing team then for them AT HOME.
No disrespect was intended for Vanderbilt players. The fact they remain in the SEC, despite not being competitive for so long, is an indication that they "nut up". I guess that SEC network check helps pay the bills for the baseball program. Even Miami when we still a punching bag for the "elites" (that scheduled us to give their traveling contingent a So Fla trip) had people develop. Dennis Harrah, Chuck Foreman, also say "Hi.

I still don't believe most go to Vanderbilt with the expectation of competing for championships or the intention of going pro.
I don't care about a girl kicking the ball. at all.
I personally don't care one way or another about the girls kicking either. I just recognize it for what it is.
Just because you think you’ve taken the red pill, doesn’t mean your perspective is beyond reproach.

Most people (ie - the common thought) saw the girl squib kick and shrugged. The prevailing thought was not that this token gesture finally destroyed the American patriarchy, nor was it “oh no, the meritocracy of sport has just suffered a fatal blow.” As with everything in life, the truth probably lies somewhere in the middle.

shrugged then after getting sec player of week we all laughed
And she brought more attention/publicity than vandy has had in years. Its a business.

Bet shes more academically qualified for vandy than half that roster ..... if you really want to start breaking preferential treatments down.
academics don’t score on the football field ?
the players more than earn their scholarship in dollars they make that school. The deserve all treatment they get
I think the harm is this girl telling little girls that they can do anything they put their mind to when

1. That’s just simply not true.
2. She didn’t put her mind to become a college football kicker and worked towards that goal. She was a soccer player who was given a spot she didn’t earn.

What happens when a girl works to become a decent kicker, but still gets passed up by naturally more gifted males? Or are they supposed to just give her a spot to break the “glass ceiling”?
Imagine a girl on a real kick off in high school or middle with live action bullets flying. She will probably quit unless coaches protect her.
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Bull Schit. I always got it and any football player with options doesn't go to Vanderbilt. They go there if they want a top notch education for FREE (aka not shelling out cash).

Cribby's point is valid.

Never mind your bald assumptions re the inclinations of Vanderbilt football players (and your clear misunderstanding of the word free) - let’s say, for no apparent reason, a scholarship athlete at the university of Vanderbilt stops going to practice and doesn’t play in games (no longer “pays” for his/her education) do you think he/she will be allowed to maintain his/her academic standing at the university?

That was my only point. To correct the false “free” narrative that you just had to emphasize. Scholarships are earned, not given. My interjection had nothing to do with whatever point crib was trying to make. In fact, just from reading this thread, he’d probably agree with the “earned, not given” point. And I’m sure you do too.

Now, carry on.
You think Jackie was better than Larry or Satchel? Or was he used as a commodity becuase he had a big personality?

Man I can't believe you would say someone that didn't earn their spot with their play like Larry or satchel did should get more shine. Its really sickening and totally due to the liberal media and sjws.

Satchel was significantly older, Josh Gibson had some "Off the Field" issues which scared Rickey away. Branch knew full well that he needed an unassailable candidate to work with, this wasn't solely about being able to play ball. What made Jackie special was that 1)He was a legit athlete AND he was an extremely well educated, intelligent man. Jackie also had legit experience dealing with being in integrated spaces, due to his time at UCLA. The fact that Jackie understood that if this experiment failed that it wouldn't be tried again, and had the mental strength to not stomp a mudhole in someone, despite the awful things likely to happen made him the perfect candidate.
Satchel was significantly older, Josh Gibson had some "Off the Field" issues which scared Rickey away. Branch knew full well that he needed an unassailable candidate to work with, this wasn't solely about being able to play ball. What made Jackie special was that 1)He was a legit athlete AND he was an extremely well educated, intelligent man. Jackie also had legit experience dealing with being in integrated spaces, due to his time at UCLA. The fact that Jackie understood that if this experiment failed that it wouldn't be tried again, and had the mental strength to not stomp a mudhole in someone, despite the awful things likely to happen made him the perfect candidate.
You can read the many articles written about players at the time being upset that Jackie was selected while not being the best player. Larry Doby also endured many of the things Jackie did while also not stomping any mudholes. Josh Gibson had a nervous breakdown and spent a weekend in a rehab setting. I couldn't imagine why in those times it would be stressful for dudes like Josh, but he didn't have any worse issues than say a Dwight Gooden or Darryl Strawberry lol

But I also agree that Jackie wasn't the best player available but his intangibles made him uniquely suited for the job.
It ended when you started crying about sjws because the coach brought in an alpha to get in his grown mens *** who are 0-8.

Is an awesome God?! (For qualified dudes only?)
Imagine saying **** like this and actually thinking you're winning the argument 😆😆
Dudes are mad this is the most anyone has ever cared about vandy football since WW1.
I think my uncle is the only die hard Vandy fan in America. That's only because he paid hundred's of thousands to send my cousin there for undergrad. (Also worth mentioning. He's a Canes fan and a Miami alum)
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Imagine a girl on a real kick off in high school or middle with live action bullets flying. She will probably quit unless coaches protect her.
Come on. Almost all kickers want nothing to do with getting blocked or tackling someone. Teams don't go after the kicker because they don't want the other team going after their kicker. And we all hate kickers and give them crap, but good ones win you Superbowls.
You can read the many articles written about players at the time being upset that Jackie was selected while not being the best player. Larry Doby also endured many of the things Jackie did while also not stomping any mudholes. Josh Gibson had a nervous breakdown and spent a weekend in a rehab setting. I couldn't imagine why in those times it would be stressful for dudes like Josh, but he didn't have any worse issues than say a Dwight Gooden or Darryl Strawberry lol

But I also agree that Jackie wasn't the best player available but his intangibles made him uniquely suited for the job.
Those players didn't understand that it went beyond playing ball. if it was merely about that, guys like Josh Gibson would have been brought up. The problem was that Josh may have had a legit breakdown, meaning that the experiment would have failed. Branch wanted a particular kind of person. Jackie fit the bill, Larry got his shot too, and he didn't have to spend a day in the minors.