UGA Rivals editor says Vandy players in revolt and opting out

A scholarship is not free. It is bartered for. Players provide a service, in lieu of payment, the university provides a service. Just because money doesn’t change hands, doesn’t mean something is “free.”
Jesus that's not the point. If you take that perspective no college scholarship is free. All require a certain level of service whether it's maintaining a grade level or performance consistent with some other metric. The point is a Vanderbilt athletic scholarship is no different than any other school.

The same web site I posted early has a link to their athletic scholarship requirements and it redirects the link directly to the NCAA scholarship requirements page.
Guys, calm down.

We’re talking about the greatest two-sport athlete to come along since Bo Jackson and Deion Sanders. (Michael Jordan doesn’t count because he only played minor league baseball). I know all this because ESPN told me that she has achieved two-sport “immortality.”

I know Borregalles has been okay, but what do think her chances are of sneaking into the Groza conversation?
Guys, calm down.

We’re talking about the greatest two-sport athlete to come along since Bo Jackson and Deion Sanders. (Michael Jordan doesn’t count because he only played minor league baseball). I know all this because ESPN told me that she has achieved two-sport “immortality.”

I know Borregalles has been okay, but what do think her chances are of sneaking into the Groza conversation?

it would be sexist not to give it to her at this point. smashing barriers one scripted squib kick at a time.
Advertisement college scholarship is free...
Now you’re getting it.

you, originally, tried to emphasize a point that crib was making - something along the lines of football players go to Vanderbilt, knowing that they’ll lose, in order to get a top tier education (which I can’t disagree with) - by emphasizing that the top tier education these young men (well, people) receive is “free.”

I was merely pointing out that it isn’t (“free”). It seems like you agree.
Now you’re getting it.

you, originally, tried to emphasize a point that crib was making - something along the lines of football players go to Vanderbilt, knowing that they’ll lose, in order to get a top tier education (which I can’t disagree with) - by emphasizing that the top tier education these young men (well, people) receive is “free.”

I was merely pointing out that it isn’t (“free”). It seems like you agree.
Bull Schit. I always got it and any football player with options doesn't go to Vanderbilt. They go there if they want a top notch education for FREE (aka not shelling out cash).

Cribby's point is valid.
Better options to do what? For the one kickoff they had to do in the 2nd half? They weren't good enough to get close for a FG or KO after a score, so I'm not really sure what they're *****ing about. Maybe they should be in revolt for sucking so hard.
You're right. The entire southeast United States would have been overwhelmed with riots because a female football player got blocked by a male player.

Bedlam. Insanity. Civil war. It would have been horrible.
She's 6'2" and probably about 170 and bigger than plenty of male kickers who seem to live through the 1 in 100 times they try to tackle someone or get blocked.
Some of you guys keep saying Vandy lost to Missouri 49-0.

The truth is that they actually lost 41-0.

That, alone, makes me question the validity of 95 percent of what’s been posted on this thread.
Bull Schit. I always got it and any football player with options doesn't go to Vanderbilt. They go there if they want a top notch education for FREE (aka not shelling out cash).

Cribby's point is valid.
First. Jay Cutler says "Hi"

Second. Late to this awesome party. I spent some time at Vandy and have a ton of respect for their football players. They nut up and play as underdogs constantly. Typically there are more fans for the opposing team then for them AT HOME.

I don't care about a girl kicking the ball. at all.