UGA Rivals editor says Vandy players in revolt and opting out

Chris Lee is the Rivals editor for Vandy. He stated it in a thread he started titled "Oh Boy. Here we go". It's behind a paywall but feel free to check it out. He also mentioned

- all kickers passed Covid protocol and were available for practice this week
- Kicker from last year was on campus, available, and reached out to coaches last week.
- there were a few players on team that were top kickers in high school and they didn't like the "she's best available" quote from coach.
- there was not an actual tryout
- soccer coach claimed Mason came to him
- Missouri was aware squib kick would happen and agreed to down ball.
- Sarah Fuller was not the starting GK for soccer team (was filling in, starter out with Covid). She recently entered transfer portal to go somewhere where she could be a starter and committed to University of North Texas. People rubbed wrong that someone who entered portal and committed to another school could come in and play.
- There was also a quote from the day before the game from the UNT soccer coach that she was guaranteed she would not tackle

Nobody has ever said "this was handled correctly" or "this was handled poorly", assuming those facts are correct.

A particular set of facts was given to the public, namely that a short-term emergency kicker was needed. If that was NOT true, it is just like ANY OTHER lie told by a coach. Such as Mike Norvell saying "I reached out to every player individually and told them I wanted to talk about current social issues with them". Norvell's statement was false, and was proven so.

As for "opting out" because a woman kicked off one time, again, that is a ridiculous response by whatever football player or players holds that opinion.
I don’t have kids yet, unfortunately.

That only applies if the kids desires to be Santa Claus one day. In which case, I’d tell them it’s not happening.
Man, don’t do it to yourself. Lol.

Nah, it applies to every far fetched idea from the mind of a toddler. You’ll change your tune though. Give it time.
I absolutely hate 2020.
Also, I'm about 87% positive that her "squib kick" was negotiated so that there wouldn't be an actual live kick return, thus keeping her out of harms way and saving her (and Vandy) from further embarrassment.

Can you imagine the backlash if you let a girl kick the ball off and it was taken back for a TD and/or she got blasted during the return. Their whole PC stunt would've backfired.

Makes this whole thing even more pathetic.
which is bull chit. If we’re talking gender equality, then she can equally get smoked on a K.O return. Imo, this was even more patronizing than just giving her a position on the team w/o earning it. Like, society can’t say “let them play” but then say “but don’t touch them.”

This y a lot of Universities have intramural POWDER PUFF LEAGUES for such activities. **** yeah it was strategically done, b/c clearly she can’t kick the ball deep, and had she kicked it off, there would’ve surely been a return and she would’ve gotten blocked.

U know what, my guy....ppl can think what they want. 2020 has opened my eyes to a lot of fckery thinking & actions....and when chit blows up, ppl r wondering “but how?”
Fair enough.

But, is a need-based academic scholarship “worth” the same as a football players athletic scholarship? My academic scholarship did not come commensurate with a training table, tutors, nutritionists, a professional weight training coach, the best dorms on campus, a slide (at Clemson). I did get a stipend for books though. And, get this, I was “allowed” to work a minimum wage job in order to have a couple bucks.

So, who knows?

The "separate dorms" are no longer a thing.

Besides, I don't think Macho cares about whether some scholarships have more bells and whistles. He was just whining about "hand outs" and "free stuff", of which an academic scholarship would qualify.

- Ryley Guay is going through the NCAA clearinghouse and Covid testing to play per coach Fitch. He is the grad student who was the starting kicker the last two seasons for Vandy. He is on campus and said he reached out last week but coaches did not respond

Grad students do not need to go through the Clearinghouse.

And if he was "on campus" and played at Vandy for the past two years, he shouldn't need to go through any special Covid testing.

Makes no sense at all.
The "separate dorms" are no longer a thing.

Besides, I don't think Macho cares about whether some scholarships have more bells and whistles. He was just whining about "hand outs" and "free stuff", of which an academic scholarship would qualify.
I know. Someone has to hold the torch for those poor poor vandy football players, who had their feels hurted by a useless publicity stunt... that is also the downfall of sports - or something.
I’ll say it again, opting out, if that is what the players are doing is not necessarily a good move.

Having said that, as a strong proponent of sports for both genders, this stunt by the school to put a student who did not try out, earn, nor had the talent to do the job, is the worst form of condescension and patriarchy towards a woman, and in my opinion shlts on the hard work and achievements that real women athletes put into their sports.

ESPN then making her special teams player of the week is just more of the nonsense they started years ago, including giving courage awards to trannies on reality shows, just for being trannies.
Grad students do not need to go through the Clearinghouse.

And if he was "on campus" and played at Vandy for the past two years, he shouldn't need to go through any special Covid testing.

Makes no sense at all.
Vandy coaches not making sense seems to be the issue for a lot of people
Try doing that **** without a running start lol
So you’re now comparing breaking the color barrier in baseball to a woman who’s never played football , who’s awful at it and had no place being on the field , being used as a publicity stunt to get likes , retweets , and love from the media?

You just should’ve stuck with calling people racists, sexist /misogynists like the youngsters today who have lost a debate. Rather than make yourself look like an absolute imbecile.

Way to water down a real battle and victory in American history with soft *** 2020 fake virtue signaling. It’s pretty **** sickening. This could’ve possible been the worst comparison in the history of comparisons. I am sorry I even responded to your first dumb statement. I thought you were trolling , now I know it.
It wasn't long ago that teams wouldnt give black quarterbacks or head coaches a chance. **** there are actually rules in place to require interviewing black coaches regardless of their qualification or intent to hire.

You dont have to be this angry that one of the first to break through a barricade isnt the most qualified.

I dont want to catch p word ban here but a recent example is someone with no political experience becoming leader of the free world.
It wasn't long ago that teams wouldnt give black quarterbacks or head coaches a chance. **** there are actually rules in place to require interviewing black coaches regardless of their qualification or intent to hire.

You dont have to be this angry that one of the first to break through a barricade isnt the most qualified.

I dont want to catch p word ban here but a recent example is someone with no political experience becoming leader of the free world.

rooney rule is an equally stupid pander.