UGA Rivals editor says Vandy players in revolt and opting out

I think the harm is this girl telling little girls that they can do anything they put their mind to when

1. That’s just simply not true.
2. She didn’t put her mind to become a college football kicker and worked towards that goal. She was a soccer player who was given a spot.

What happens when a girl works to become a decent kicker, but still gets passed up by naturally more gifted males? Or are they supposed to just give her a spot to break the “glass ceiling”?
Cry more. All yall old dudes is cry about being offended. Satchel and Larry were in fact miles better than Jackie and you know it. Youre crying because it isn't the cause you want it to be.

Sickening is literally leading a crusade on cis about how these grown men had so much taken from them that they earned.

Nut up soft *** dudes.
Jackie was still a pro caliber baseball player, was he not?
Cry more. All yall old dudes is cry about being offended. Satchel and Larry were in fact miles better than Jackie and you know it. Youre crying because it isn't the cause you want it to be.

Sickening is literally leading a crusade on cis about how these grown men had so much taken from them that they earned.

Nut up soft *** dudes.
The “get back in the kitchen” crowd will not go silently into their dark night.
I think the Jackie Robinson comparison has pretty much finished this baby up, there’s nowhere else to go. Lol, my god.
It ended when you started crying about sjws because the coach brought in an alpha to get in his grown mens *** who are 0-8.

Is an awesome God?! (For qualified dudes only?)
I think the Jackie Robinson comparison has pretty much finished this baby up, there’s nowhere else to go. Lol, my god.
Jackie Robinson played football for the Honolulu bears in 1941. He left to go back to California two days before Pearl Harbor.
Nobody is crying about Venables playing his 2 star daughter over legit 4 and 5 stars that absolutely EARNED their preferential treatment.
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Because football players are known to have lesser academic standards than the student body.

CFB is 100% a business. Teams have allowed kids with criminal records, rape allegation etc to represent the university but a woman is where you draw line. How about coaches with substance abuse issues? Bet sark gets a fat paycheck this year.

1. Athletes DESERVE lesser academic standards than the average student. If I have to explain why, then you've never played ball.
2. Just cause they have lower academic standards doesn't mean that everybody on the football team excels at that bare minimum. I have football players with 3.8-4.5 GPA's.
3. WTF does substance abuse and rape allegations have to do with using a female soccer player as a publicity/pandering stunt?
And truthfully, I don't even know WTF you're talking about. Most colleges won't touch kids with severe behavioral issues. We're seeing right now with Terrance Lewis and he has nothing near a rape allegation. I've had kids who have been dropped/un-recruited for a lot less than criminal records or rape accusations. Sark having a substance abuse problem doesn't change the fact that he's talented and one of the best people in his profession. People with substance abuse problems need help.
How is allowing him to continue coaching comparable to GIVING a female a position on the football team and coloring her as a hero? (when she didn't earn it)
This is pretty warped. If she's more academically qualified then give here an academic scholarship, admit her into Phi Beta Kappa and enroll her in honors courses.

Make her earn her way onto the football team on the field.
Its in regards to the preferential treatment gripes as if they dont exiat everywhere
Like I said - if it’s the meritocracy thing, you already conceded that no one is trying to “destroy” anything. So, again, what’s the issue? The football players got their feelings hurt because a girl got some shine?

I guess I can agree. Nothing good can come from a harmless publicity stunt. Arguably, though, nothing bad can come from it either.
But I already explained why it's bad.

1. You USED a young lady for a pandering/publicity stunt
2. You GAVE this young lady a spot that she didn't earn
3. You then painted a false narrative of her being a ground-breaking hero

Do I have to explain why those are bad things?
I think the harm is this girl telling little girls that they can do anything they put their mind to when

1. That’s just simply not true.
2. She didn’t put her mind to become a college football kicker and worked towards that goal. She was a soccer player who was given a spot she didn’t earn.

What happens when a girl works to become a decent kicker, but still gets passed up by naturally more gifted males? Or are they supposed to just give her a spot to break the “glass ceiling”?
1) why?

2) okay, she didn’t (you know this, how?). Maybe some other girl will.

I guess hypothetical girl X should just work harder to become a better kicker. But I can see how the goal posts will always be moved. The female Morten Andersen will miss a kick in an afc championship game in swirling winds at Heinz field, and we’ll hear all these arguments again.
The message is that the administration doesn't give a **** about their program or players and are willing to use to the program as a prop.

I wish it had happened at Forfeit State or UiF.

If it happened at Miami, the board would be rightly excoriating the admin, AD, and staff.

This is where we disagree. The "administration doesn't give a fvck" and the "willing to use the program as a prop" are just highly exaggerated.

This might be the case if they replaced a healthy kicker with the female soccer goalie. Or if they replaced the entire wide receiver corps with the women's track team.

But that is not the case. Therefore, it is a GROSS exaggeration (not by you, but by others who are FREAKING THE FVCK OUT over this issue) to act as if an emergency temporary replacement player FOR ONE PLAY is somehow the "death of football", or some similar dire phraseology.

Everyone needs to calm down.

No actual transexual rapist has come into your stinky bathroom stall to molest you.
She was the issue. There wasn't any attempt to improve the team. As someone already said, they probably could of found a former high school kicker in the student body that could of kicked.


Nobody claimed it was an attempt to "improve the team". All the other kickers had Covid, she was an emergency replacement.

And, in order to exhaust every possible "male alternative", the team was supposed to publicize some sort of "He Man Woman Hater's Club" boys-only tryout for everyone in the student body?

You do realize that many schools are doing distance learning, right? So it's not like you can just post some flyers in the dorms, and then you'll get a long line of "guys who love the movie Rudy" outside of the Special Teams Coach's office.

This is insanity. This is not some sort of "our kicker got injured for the season in Game 1" situation.

Vanderbilt needed a short-term emergency kicker, and guys are acting like the football coaches should have shut down all activities in order to travel far and wide to find the perfect guy whose foot fit the glass slipper.