UGA Rivals editor says Vandy players in revolt and opting out

in a certain way it s happened a lot under Richt, and **** near every game with Manny. Walkons who have no business playing meaningful snaps- are getting those snaps. It is insane. I hope it stops.
You give me a dumb emoji then you post this retarded **** as the apples to apples comparison. Yeah , that’s some irony. Jesus lol.
They're going through a crap season and their HC just got fired. Seeing that girl, who had no business being on the field is getting all of the attention and the media is fawning over her would **** off most people that are affected.
I’d been ****ed way before and they were too. The kids said there was better options on the team , as anyone with sense or ever played at a decent level knows.
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Dude there’s a ton of guys on that team that’s former kickers or kicked off in hs. Playing other positions now. The kids even said this , **** I said it other day. Not only that there’s a bunch of hs kickers and punters walking around that campus. I’ve seen this play out too many times to count , they get a kid off campus and he kicks fg’s. Not kick the ball fifteen yards on the ground lol.

This was 100 % a stunt. And the kids are calling out the bs.

I think this is being used to counter the firing of Mason.
Vandy gets their *** kicked every week , that’s never been an issue. Being used for pandering *** bs by their program with better options on the bench rubs people wrong. It it should.
I agree. They said they had a tryout for walk ons. If she was the best available to try a pooch kick, I don’t see an issue.
I'm not sexist at all, I'd be equally ****ed if some ****** guy did the following. This is probably what pushed them over the edge:

Fuller was added to the team Monday after the Commodores lost their specialists due to coronavirus testing and needed a kicker. And her experience with the team Saturday went beyond handling the kickoff duties. With Vanderbilt trailing 21-0 at halftime, Fuller decided she wanted to address the team.

"If I'm going to be honest, I was a little ****ed off at how quiet everybody was on the sideline," she said. "We made a first down, and I was the only one cheering and I was like -- what the heck? What's going on? And I tried to get them pumped up."

She said she compared it to Vanderbilt soccer's SEC tournament-winning run, when the team was "cheering the entire time."

"I just went in there and I said exactly what I was thinking. I was like, 'We need to be cheering each other on. This is how you win games. This is how you get better is by calling each other out for stuff, and I'm going to call you guys out. We need to be supporting one another. We need to be lifting each other up. That's what a team's about,'" Fuller said. "I think this team has struggled, and that's been part of it.

"We really just need to build that team camaraderie where they can all lean on one another. It was an adjustment going from that team mentality where -- hey, we're all here supporting one another -- and I just wanted to bring that to this team."
Oh yeah that definitely **** some guys off. She should have just shut up and been happy to be traveling.
Most people can worry about multiple things.

They went from already being a laughing stock to being an even bigger laughing stock in the eyes of most athletes and sports fan as part of a lame duck publicity stunt.

What a dopey porst.

I assure you, there are way more people laughing at Vanderbilt over their pathetic players "opting out" over a female kicker than are laughing at Vanderbilt for having a female kicker.
Thats my point as well. I don't think it was a stunt initially until it was made to be one.
It was a stunt when it popped into the first persons head , it was always that. I posted Saturday they knew what they were doing and it’ll be everywhere like wildfire.

People now are way beyond smart when it comes to pandering. Social media has made everyone excellent attention whores. “ Look at how good I am , I think the transgender boy should be able to hang nuts dunking on my daughter playing basketball, I’m not transphobic, it’s all fair”.
They’re being used for pandering , and it’s bull ****.

This kids went to vandy , not for long term football but for a quality education. These aren’t dumb sec kids , these are smart cats that see through bs that gets the main stream media hard. Fake *** pandering to get clicks , newstime, retweets and some shine/ glory. “ Look how open minded we’re lol, gtfoh.

As I posted other day “ there’s a bunch of guys in that locker room that can kick better than her, there’s a bunch of Forbes high school kickers and punters on that campus better too”. Today the kids are saying that lol, duh. Anyone that’s played knew that , and knew what this was. Fact is they’re cool with losing , anyone that does there knows the deal , they’ll get beat on for four years and leave with a great education. But even they knew this was ridiculous.

But this is the new era we live in. It’s all fake virtue signaling , look at me , look how great I am , fake *** ****.

Btw, any other time it’s “ but they’re just kids , the poor kids”. Hypocrisy at its best.

Come on, man, you're better than this.

There's no way in **** that Vanderbilt has "a bunch" of kickers and punters on their roster.

****, we didn't even recruit Borregales because we had a sophomore Badgley on our roster.

No college team has "a bunch" of kickers and punters on the roster.
Come on, man, you're better than this.

There's no way in **** that Vanderbilt has "a bunch" of kickers and punters on their roster.

****, we didn't even recruit Borregales because we had a sophomore Badgley on our roster.

No college team has "a bunch" of kickers and punters on the roster.
I never said a “bunch of kickers “. I expect better reading comprehension from you. I said “ there’s a bunch of kids in that locker room that can kick better than her”. Which is 100 % true.

Every team has a good amount of guys that kicked and punted in high school because they didn’t have the soccer kid or the dork that only kicked. Most high school don’t.

My high school had at least a dozen guy that could hit extra points and kick the ball to the 15-20 in the air. Just straight line that **** and and big guys can boom it pretty good.

Anyone that’s played would tell you this. I’ve sat and watched UF practices and saw position groups kicking 30-35 yard fg’s messing around lol. She’s a soccer goalie lol, I promise you there wax an unlimited amount of better options on that team and campus.
Come on, man, you're better than this.

There's no way in **** that Vanderbilt has "a bunch" of kickers and punters on their roster.

****, we didn't even recruit Borregales because we had a sophomore Badgley on our roster.

No college team has "a bunch" of kickers and punters on the roster.
Cribby is normally decent, but he is taking Ls in this thread.