Off-Topic UAPs and other high strangeness

A lid on what? Seems that plenty of it is getting out one way or another. But once it gets out it is the purposeful misinformation, denials, obfuscations, confusion, slander of eyewitnesses/whistleblowers etc. that serves to keep all of it muddled and scare people from saying anything. That is classic counter intelligence operation
Of course, leaks are expected and hard to contain. So the next thing you can do is manipulate the info that is leaked to your advantage.
You know too much. I mean, friends of mine would like to meet you for an all expenses paid trip you have won.

Where are you again?

Are you alone right now?
Another concept all together...and that is also very lethal and very possible today, just need the political will.

Rods for God is an orbital weapon. Tungsten/heavy metal spike size of telephone pole +/- with no warhead. Time on target about 7-10 mins from release give or take. The kinetic energy alone of stiking a target at Mach 7+ makes for a very controlled, yet BIG boom.

Sounds attractive as an option right?

Only a matter of time.....
COD.... 👀
definitely there are planets out there with life

However… are there planets out there with intelligent life? Maybe.

And if there are planets with intelligent life… are they more advanced that our civilization? Maybe

And if there are planets with superior intelligence… do they have a way to get to our planet? Maybe

And if there are planets with superior intelligence and superior travel methods… do they know we exist and have attempted to visit? Well… maybe

And if all that is tru and the universe is billions of years old… would they also exist at the same time as us or have the ability to travel through time? Hmm?

U put it all together and to me it makes it seem less likely… but who knows!

Sinple question to ask which woll expand your mind.

1D vs 2D vs 3D vs 4D on up.

I just want one person to explain to me how an advanced race of creatures can travel across the Universe (or from other dimensions) and yet:

1. They crash into the desert north of Las Vegas,
2. They appear to have great interest in people who live in very rural areas of the planet, or
3. They have *** with ugly humans who drink a lot……
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...recounted to him by a supposed crash retrieval program insider, involved a 30ft saucer partially embedded in the earth, with some fantastical properties.
'They tried to hook a bulldozer to it to pull it out. And it pulled out a shape like a pie slice, almost like it was part of the way it was constructed,' Sheehan said.

'When it came loose a couple feet, they stopped immediately. They didn't want to destroy the integrity of the machine. 'They had a guy go into it. He got in there, and it was as big as a football stadium. It was freaking him out and started making him feel nauseous, he was so disoriented because it was so gigantic inside. 'It was the size of a football stadium, while the outside was only about 30 feet in diameter.'

Sheehan said that space was not the only warped dimension around the craft. 'He staggered back out after being in there a couple of minutes, and outside it was four hours later,' he said. 'There was all kinds of time distortion and space distortion.' Physicists have theorized that propulsion of an advanced craft could theoretically involve warping space-time around it to negate the effects of gravity.

Sheehan said Grusch, 36, had given scores of classified documents, and even photographs, to the DoD Inspector General.

'He's given them over 100 classified documents. But he hasn't been able to show all of them to all the staff in the Senate Intelligence Committee because some don't have the adequate clearances,' the lawyer said.

From a Christian perspective I believe this sets up pretty well the "great deception" prophesied by Jesus where people not prepared (including believers) will be deceived "by great signs and wonders" leading to the end times.

I just want one person to explain to me how an advanced race of creatures can travel across the Universe (or from other dimensions) and yet:

1. They crash into the desert north of Las Vegas,
2. They appear to have great interest in people who live in very rural areas of the planet, or
3. They have *** with ugly humans who drink a lot……

Have you seen them? Where else can 4ft humanoids with long spindly arms and legs, big heads, large eyes, and no genitalia get some action?
