Turmoil in the Locker Room

Thanks, Lavar. Seems like you still have nothing intelligent to say. But I can't hate on you for that. None of us have any control over how we are raised.

I have never claimed nor do I currently claim to have any inside ties to the program. If I did I wouldn't be on here trying to get over this hangover while going back and forth with you.

That is precisely why I come on here though. To see what the more learned Cane Fans have to say. I have not made any decisions about what is a lie and what isn't. But I do have a rule of thumb....if it's on the internet assume its false unless proven otherwise. I guess informing me that BrooklynDee is a former player with relatives on the team gives the statement some slight credibility. I'd still have a million more questions though before deciding whether its true.

The point of my post wasn't to call someone out and say they liars. It was essentially to say it's game 1 one. Calm the **** down.

Come tailgate with me next time. I'll share a blunt with you. Seems like you need it.

Take your ******* L and move the fvck on already.

You thought you were all witty and pretty and guey with your ****-star comment about @johnnytsunami01 's handle not realizing that he was echoing real schit. Because you don't even know what the real schit is.

It's obvious you don't even read these boards or you'd already have known most of this stuff.

Get outta my face kid. Go pee in someone else's pool. Ferman is hiring porsters as we speak.
Take your ******* L and move the fvck on already.

You thought you were all witty and pretty and guey with your ****-star comment about @johnnytsunami01 's handle not realizing that he was echoing real schit. Because you don't even know what the real schit is.

It's obvious you don't even read these boards or you'd already have known most of this stuff.

Get outta my face kid. Go pee in someone else's pool. Ferman is hiring porsters as we speak.

Ok keyboard tough guy. My pornstar comment was a reference to brooklyndee not johhnytsunami.

My offer still stands. Find me at a tailgate...just follow your nose.
No you ******* ***aloon it works like this.

Poster tied in tight with the program. Played at Miami and has relatives on the team right now verified everything in the OP. Same info is then verified by others who are known to have close ties to the program.

Then some moran who doesn't know a ******* thing (that's you) decides it's all lies because he doesn't know a single person affiliated with the program. Then same moran decides to let the whole world know just how ******* ignorant he is.

STFU and stay in your lane.

Took the words out of my mouth. I was gonna say that I am pretty certain a certain someone who has a VERY CLOSE relative on the team posted today that "AR was not in the sidelines because he was injured."

I was sceptical at first but that was all the affirmation I needed.
Ok keyboard tough guy. My pornstar comment was a reference to brooklyndee not johhnytsunami.

My offer still stands. Find me at a tailgate...just follow your nose.

LULZ even better. So one of the guys that is 100% verified to be close with the program is the one you decided to call a liar.

Pro Tip: Read more. Type less.

Jesus wept. Someone please put a stop to these ******* retards.
I say this about Adam Gase when he only signs free agent QBs that "know his playbook" and I guess it applies to Richt now too:

At what point Head Coach and Offensive Genius do you say to yourself:
1) If my playbook is so complex that (gase) I can't sign better free agent QBs because of it or (richt) play a freshman QB who is better, maybe its my playbook that's the problem...
2) If my playbook is NOT the problem, maybe my evaluation of QBs is trash if I keep signing QBs who can't learn a ******* playbook.


Nkosi and Cade know the playbook. Please dont buy that BS narrative. those guys are legit D1 Qbs that can pick up AND EXECUTE the same simple bullshid rosier does. Richt aint playing them because of who they are as men off the field. Richt needs to realize that if the bible belt got sick of the high expectations what the **** he think the unruly fans of his alma mater will tolerate?

i said in the offseason Rosier would not start or continue this season as the starter.
Is there any actual evidence regarding "locker room turmoil," or why Ahmmon was benched? Or are we just supposed to take some random post on a message board by someone whose name you're likely to find in the credits to a **** film as gospel?

How many of you wanted Butch gone after Chafie Fields and Penn State got us in the OB with a young Ed Reed back there in the secondary? Richt may or may not be the answer. Who knows? I sure as **** don't. But calm down. He inherited a dumpster fire, and is slowly making things respectable again. Most of you live in a fantasy world that we are just going to go back to being the 80s, early 90s, and early 2000s juggernaut from one day to the next. We may get there, we may not. I hope we do. But, again who the **** knows. If we do though, it's going to be a process. As fat Al use to say, trust the process.

We just started year 3 of the CMR era. Yeah it was a gut punch. Yeah, I'd rather have watched that from my couch instead of witnessing that beating live, and I live in Dallas. So I feel for everyone that made the trip. At least the tailgating was fun.

But everyone calm the F**k down. We have many more issues than just how bad Malik looked. Although, yeah, saying he looked like dog **** last night and over the last 4 games is probably sugar coating it. We are basically just starting to build the foundation of what will hopefully be a great football team.

We probably need a few more recruiting classes and a little more development out of our players. Guys like Herbert, Gaynor, Hillary, and the freshmen need to stay in the weight room and keep developing their bodies. The Donaldsons of the world are a rarity. Normally linemen need a few years of S&C to get up the level they need to be at.

With respect to Malik, what is more alarming than how bad he looked is that we don't have anyone better than him at this point. I see a lot of calls for Perry. He cant even lock up the QB2 spot though. What makes you think he will be anything half decent as QB1. Maybe I am wrong, but it could be possible that our best option is to bide time with Malik until Williams knows enough of the playbook to turn him loose.

It is just 1 game, and not even a conference game at that. We have three winnable games before FSU to get things straightened out. Our coaches have shown the ability to re-group. Lets hope that happens. So lets go out and let our play on the field do the talking. We have everything left to play for still. We win the coastal and we have a shot at the playoffs. The reality of the situation with our football program is that that is the best its going to get right now....put ourselves in position to play for the ACC championship and let the chips fall how they may.

Eventually, we will get to the point that we can go into that game (ACC Ship and Playoff) expecting to win. That isn't the case yet. Stop *****ing and enjoy football season before it's February again.

Ugh there’s plenty , a players dad and a players uncle both said this. I think they might know.
That made me physically sick ... this ************ bro .. after that Pitt game I should’ve stuck to my gut and I honestly don’t think he deserves to play another down here .. he trotted out like he did with Pitt he doesn’t give af
ive been off him since then only to have loose cannon neg and disagree with every one of my post.

That statement alone made him dead to me. the leader of your team going thru the motions and the fans expect the team will be successful following that bull****? insanity.

anyone with that mindset under those circumstances will never improve.
Ugh there’s plenty , a players dad and a players uncle both said this. I think they might know.

I agree. They probably do know. That’s why I posed the question. I appreciate you answering with some degree of specificity, rather than just saying it’s a relative.

A dad or close uncle is big difference than a 4th cousin. Knowing that it’s a dad or close uncle does give it some credibility.

For future reference. Next time I post, if I want to call someone a liar, I will actually call them a liar. Don’t confuse me asking the equivalent of “how do we know it’s true” with me saying someone is liar.
It’s incredible how our last three QBs have all had zero respect from their peers.

Morris, Kaaya, Rosier.

That's because all three of them never had to tote an ***-whipping from PO'd team mates who had enough!

Sounds to me like Richards was showing some real leadership - and Richt for all his BS words - doesn't like true leadership.

Because he's not providing any true leadership himself.
That's because all three of them never had to tote an ***-whipping from PO'd team mates who had enough!

Sounds to me like Richards was showing some real leadership - and Richt for all his BS words - doesn't like true leadership.

Because he's not providing any true leadership himself.

It's silly that Rick played with all those straight up fvckin animals when he was at the U and now he shies away from that alpha dog mentality. We need a meat eater for a head coach.
ive been off him since then only to have loose cannon neg and disagree with every one of my post.

That statement alone made him dead to me. the leader of your team going thru the motions and the fans expect the team will be successful following that bull****? insanity.

anyone with that mindset under those circumstances will never improve.
All I know is if rosier starts come fiu/acc play it’s going to ge ugly
If Rosier starts next week I'm not going or watching.

He’s gonna start next week but Kosi and Weldon will play. Jarren probably will get a little burn, too.

If anything you SHOULD go to confirm for your own eyes who you think the best is in live game action.
He’s gonna start next week but Kosi and Weldon will play. Jarren probably will get a little burn, too.

If anything you SHOULD go to confirm for your own eyes who you think the best is in live game action.
I'd think that but I don't want richt to ***** me and leave 12 in all game, and he'll say something lame like "well after last week we really wanted to get his work in today..."